has anyone out there tried soymilk?



  • I hate cows milk and always have so I grew up with soy milk, it's good in cereal and coffee but I wouldn't drink it otherwise. Then I found almond milk and a coconut almond milk blend. So insanely good and the full sugar varieties have the same calories as a same size glass of skim milk. Those are like milk shakes I like mixing vanilla whey powder with the almond coconut blend, then I use vanilla almond with cereal, oat meal and to just drink for a quick snack. The no sugar/low sugar options are just as good btw but not with protein powder.

    I could go on and on about how much I love almond milk.
  • am12341
    am12341 Posts: 23
    There's a tonnnnn of discussion about people eating way too much soy, and all of the adverse health effects that come with it. A quick google search on the negative effects of soy will probably have you afraid of eating anything. But I do think there is some validity to it. There's a lot of food propaganda out there though, so really it boils down to what you believe and what makes you feel good or bad when you eat it. I would try rice milk, unsweetened original almond milk and coconut milk. They are relatively cheap at Wal Mart and go on sale frequently.

    Some of the debate is on the genetically motified soy and whether it is causing the issues and not the organic soy.

    Agreed. I think its one of those things you have to do research on, or stay away from. Knowledge is power!
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I drink Silk Vanilla Light & I love it. I avoid going anywhere near cows milk after finding out how disgusting & unhealthy it actually is.
    What's wrong with cow milk?

    Some cultures think it is gross/weird to drink milk. Milk is for babies...
    More specifically COW babies. We are the only species that drinks another species' milk, and past childhood? Theres a reason why so many people are lactose intolerant. Our bodies weren't made to digest such.

    Also, most store bought milk contains hormones, traces of fecal matter, & theres a required somatic cell count (as in each bottle isn't allowed to contain over a certain amount of pus & white blood cells). After doing research (& NOT just from biased sources like PETA) I'm just really grossed out by the thought of drinking cow's milk. I'll still have some cheese every now & then though.
  • I put it in smoothies and that's about it. Can't drink it straight doesn't taste very good kinda nutty but not creamy enough for me. Never had almond so can't compare it to that.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Try coconut milk...it has the thin consistency and out of all that I've tried (soy, almond, coconut - lactose intolerant), this has the closest flavor and consistency to cow's milk. I love coconut, but this one isn't for me, because I hate cow's milk. I opt for Almond milk.