Fat Kid turned Trainer, looking to help!



  • TammyW18
    TammyW18 Posts: 244 Member
    I started running on a fairly consistent basis around th beginning of September ... Since doing so I seemed to have plateaued but I have lost inches. My question is, is this common when running that at first maybe muscle is being built and the scale does not move?

  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Hi Kent,

    I am a 28 yr old mommy to 7 children. I am 5' 4". I have about 7 more pounds to lose till I am at my wedding weight and would like to lose 10 more after that. My twins are 8 months old and I have recently started to really push toward my weight loss goals. I was doing interval running and 30 day shred. However, I am having lots of pain on the top of my foot. I think maybe a tendon is sore from all the running? It seems to feel temporarily better if I wrap it up and ice it, but hurts when I move again. My question is how can I minimize the pain so I can continue and how can I prevent further injury. If you need more info let me know. Thanks for being willing to help!

    Hey am impressed by U lady Bravo!!!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Kent U r doing a gr8 job by advising us and spreading the right knowledge

    thanks alot
  • nyla23608
    nyla23608 Posts: 66 Member
    Don't have any questions yet, but thanks for the opportunity.
  • kentmac
    kentmac Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Kent -

    What is your opinion on:

    1. lifting light weights at the same time you do cardio? Any benefits other than raising the heart rate?

    2. lifting light weights but doing so for lots & lots of reps? Just another way of getting in a cardio session or does it also tone?

    Much thanks!

    1. theoretically could burn more calories than just walking or jogging, but people look ridiculous doing it. If you want a full body cardio workout, go for a swim or hop on a rowing machine.

    2. Muscles are either getting stronger or they're not. If they're not getting stronger, they're not getting any bigger or denser, so they're not toning. Point being - no, lots of reps isn't going to tone. Lift in the 5-12 rep range + lift weights that are manageable but challenging. As you get stronger, you will get toned.
  • kentmac
    kentmac Posts: 101 Member
    I started running on a fairly consistent basis around th beginning of September ... Since doing so I seemed to have plateaued but I have lost inches. My question is, is this common when running that at first maybe muscle is being built and the scale does not move?


    Absolutely. The scale is a terrible measure of progress (particularly for people close to their goals, as you appear to be.) As long as the inches are coming off, don't even worry about the scale! You're still losing fat.
  • kentmac
    kentmac Posts: 101 Member
    Kent U r doing a gr8 job by advising us and spreading the right knowledge

    thanks alot

    My pleasure!
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    Hey Kent!

    Can you take a look at my diary and help me! It seems I have stopped loosing weight... (I have lost 2 lbs in Oct when I was previously loosing 2 lbs a week) I don't know if I am eating too much/not enough or what?

    Also, I have been told that I am "snacking" too much...What i try to do is have small balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner then a healthy snack between. Thoughts?

    Thanks in advance!
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    Hey Kent!

    Can you take a look at my diary and help me! It seems I have stopped loosing weight... (I have lost 2 lbs in Oct when I was previously loosing 2 lbs a week) I don't know if I am eating too much/not enough or what?

    Also, I have been told that I am "snacking" too much...What i try to do is have small balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner then a healthy snack between. Thoughts?

    Thanks in advance!

    I should add that today was a typical day...the past three days were not as I had a sinus infection and felt like crap.
  • kentmac
    kentmac Posts: 101 Member
    Hey Kent!

    Can you take a look at my diary and help me! It seems I have stopped loosing weight... (I have lost 2 lbs in Oct when I was previously loosing 2 lbs a week) I don't know if I am eating too much/not enough or what?

    Also, I have been told that I am "snacking" too much...What i try to do is have small balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner then a healthy snack between. Thoughts?

    Thanks in advance!

    It's hard to say just by looking at your diary (so many other factors can be involved,) but my main reaction is that your protein is way too low and your carbs are too high. Try to up your protein to 120g a day at least, leaving out some of those carbs to make room.

    Spreading your food out throughout the day shouldn't be a huge factor, but keeping your carbs to after your workouts is best for them. Other than that, don't sweat it.

    Also, what is your training like?

  • TammyW18
    TammyW18 Posts: 244 Member
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    Hey Kent!

    Can you take a look at my diary and help me! It seems I have stopped loosing weight... (I have lost 2 lbs in Oct when I was previously loosing 2 lbs a week) I don't know if I am eating too much/not enough or what?

    Also, I have been told that I am "snacking" too much...What i try to do is have small balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner then a healthy snack between. Thoughts?

    Thanks in advance!

    It's hard to say just by looking at your diary (so many other factors can be involved,) but my main reaction is that your protein is way too low and your carbs are too high. Try to up your protein to 120g a day at least, leaving out some of those carbs to make room.

    Spreading your food out throughout the day shouldn't be a huge factor, but keeping your carbs to after your workouts is best for them. Other than that, don't sweat it.

    Also, what is your training like?


    ok, i just go by the presets here for carbs and protein... i will look.at adjusting them.
    i am typically doing 40 min of moderate intensity cardio on my elliptical
    as well as 10-15 reps on all the stations on my welder gym...both gym and elliptical are 4 days a week.
  • kentmac
    kentmac Posts: 101 Member
    Hey Kent!

    Can you take a look at my diary and help me! It seems I have stopped loosing weight... (I have lost 2 lbs in Oct when I was previously loosing 2 lbs a week) I don't know if I am eating too much/not enough or what?

    Also, I have been told that I am "snacking" too much...What i try to do is have small balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner then a healthy snack between. Thoughts?

    Thanks in advance!

    It's hard to say just by looking at your diary (so many other factors can be involved,) but my main reaction is that your protein is way too low and your carbs are too high. Try to up your protein to 120g a day at least, leaving out some of those carbs to make room.

    Spreading your food out throughout the day shouldn't be a huge factor, but keeping your carbs to after your workouts is best for them. Other than that, don't sweat it.

    Also, what is your training like?


    ok, i just go by the presets here for carbs and protein... i will look.at adjusting them.
    i am typically doing 40 min of moderate intensity cardio on my elliptical
    as well as 10-15 reps on all the stations on my welder gym...both gym and elliptical are 4 days a week.

    I'd try mixing up your exercise a bit. Some high intensity interval training or free weight work could help shock your body into dropping weight more rapidly again. Otherwise, just stay the course! Remember the scale isn't always the best indicator of progress - try taking measurements to see if you're losing girth without necessarily losing pounds, it happens a lot.

    Hope that helps!
  • kentmac
    kentmac Posts: 101 Member
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member

    I am hoping you are still doing this.

    My question is, How do you know when you are starting to build muscle?

    My reason is that I have gained, only a little, weight in October when I have behaved in my eating (mostly) and have exercised more.
    CW. 135, current loss 13lb, height 5'4.5. ideal weight around 126lb. I am noticing inch loss, be it slowly.

    Thank you
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I love this website because of posts like this!!!

    I will save this in case I have questions!

    Enjoy your successes-it's great!
  • Whimzeee
    Whimzeee Posts: 152 Member
    Kent -

    I just came across this comment on an exercise forum - is this true?

    When using low weights, hi reps, you increase muscle capillarization - meaning oxygen & nutrients get delivered deeper into the muscle. So when you go back to heavier lifting, your muscles will respond better & repair faster.
  • Hi, My name is Apryll I I am now 40yrs old I started in April my weight loss journey I was 387lbs I now weigh 343, never knew I could do that, I found this app and it really works I now eat better, but I am trying to incorporate exercise, because I am at a stand still now, I can't afford a gym I am a wife and mother of two, its really hard to find time for myself, what can I do at home to lose weight, my lower body is what I really need to lose, the 45lbls that I did lose is all in my upper part of my body. oh and I am 5 " 3 1/2
  • Thanks! I'm going to bump ;-)