Any Texans out there?



  • loner_nell
    loner_nell Posts: 17 Member
    I live in Texas, the San Antonio area, but not San Antonio itself.
    Keeping motivated is hard, but I have decided I want to try harder, they took blood work in Spring and I never ever wanted to see the results, worried about Diabetes, it's very much(I can't think of the better word) in the family. My dad is in denial about it.
    Anyway, so I eventually found out results, blood sugar is normal. So I figured if I want it to stay that way, I need to at least exercise, also eat less.
    Motivation for me is difficult.
    No success story, sorry, just started. After years of yo-yoing.
  • Hi all! I live in Houston TX, and I'm hoping that by joining this site it will give me that lil extra push that I need to stick with my weight loss goals. Seeing everyone's progress, just gives me that extra motivation that I need. :D
  • marthadztx
    marthadztx Posts: 337 Member
    Hell Rio! (Del Rio) lol
    Just keep on going ...“In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time.” ~Anthony D’Angelo
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Dallas/Garland area here. I've been on here for 1yr. 7 mo. and at one point have managed to lose 60lbs but have been yo-yo'ing about 10 lbs over the past couple of months.

    In my journey I have learned that I :heart: to run/jog and I can't wait to try my first 5k. Hopefully the Turkey Trot in Dallas on Thanksgiving Day. Lately my drive has left me but usually I am motivated by the great people on MFP and seeing their success stories is admirable because I know it can be achieve. :smile: MFP peeps are pretty amazing...
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member

    What keeps me motivated? Last night I ordered (and ate) the Clucker Dog. A hot dog covered in Hash browns, bacon, and a fried egg. Washed the Clucker down with St. Arnolds.

    Getting to enjoy all of the inventive restaurants here keeps me motivated.

    Cheers Y'all!
  • kmcummings2012
    kmcummings2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Kathleen from San Antonio
    New to this website and finding it to be very helpful. Look forward to losing the weight I need and doing it in a healthy manner.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    Dallas, Tx here. Over the last 2.5 or so years, I've lost 45lbs and began running. I'm now training for a 50k race (in 7 wks!!)

    Ooo are you doing the Isle du Bois? My wife is doing the 50K.

    Yes! I'm very excited. :)
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    Dallas/Garland area here. I've been on here for 1yr. 7 mo. and at one point have managed to lose 60lbs but have been yo-yo'ing about 10 lbs over the past couple of months.

    In my journey I have learned that I :heart: to run/jog and I can't wait to try my first 5k. Hopefully the Turkey Trot in Dallas on Thanksgiving Day. Lately my drive has left me but usually I am motivated by the great people on MFP and seeing their success stories is admirable because I know it can be achieve. :smile: MFP peeps are pretty amazing...

    That's such a fun race!! You'll do great. :)
  • Hello, My name Tommy. I started here when I found out I had diabetes.
  • Cindib13
    Cindib13 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm a transplant living in San Antonio.
  • From the Rio Grande Valley. I get really motivated when stuff starts to either fit better of fit period haha. I had tons of clothes I stopped fitting into.
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    Amarillo, tx
  • Born in Corpus Christi a very long time ago...may be settling in San Antonio within 5 years. The scale motivates me. When I get on a roll and see the weight loss and hear folks say those magic words..."Looks like you've lost weight!!!", my motivation goes through the roof. Can't wait to run tomorrow!!!
  • From the Pacific Northwest. Being able to bend over and tie my shoes is a good motivator. My 8 yr. old is another. I want to see him grow up.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Right now, my motivation is to just try to eat as healthy as I can for this pregnancy. Sure, I have bad days, but if nothing else, I have successfully logged daily for the last month and a half. That's an accomplishment for me.

    After the baby, well, I will be losing the weight, one way or another. This is my last, so I have no excuses not to. Also, exercise does make me feel better. And since my hormones have been so out of whack for so long, I need that. I'm hoping that by journaling and exercising, I can start regulating my moods better. Today is day 2 of journaling.

    I'm from Weatherford, btw.