Self Control



  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I've just read a GREAT book on this - eating less - say goodbye to overeating. by Gillian Riley. I REALLY recommend it. You can get a kindle version from Amazon so you could start reading it today.

    Good luck.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    "It's not what you're eating, it's what's eating you".

    Find out the reason you feel like you have no self control around food, and start from there. There are support groups out there too, maybe check them out?
  • yowla
    yowla Posts: 127 Member
    I eat on a small salad plate with a small fork. I drink a lot of water before I eat and I always eat my veggies 1st. If I go out to eat, I eat a full salad instead of an appetizer and I always box 1/2 of my food up. Now there are times that I love to go and just eat, like at mexican restaurants. I love chips and salsa/cheese queso and beer. Before I allow myself that, I figure out how many calories I would eat and how many calories I need to burn and then try and do a nice workout before. But then the next day I tend to try and eat very healthy.
    I would try to drink a glass of ice cold water before every meal. If you feel that you hungry thoughout the day drink an 8 to 10 oz ice cold water and wait 15 mins. If you are still hungry have a piece of fruit. It is okay to eat when you are hungry but try and make healthy food choices. Fruits and veggies actually fill you up with less calories. I could eat less calories eating carrots (and eating a boat load) then having a small french fry at McDonalds. Plus I would stay full longer.
    Good luck. Make sure your diary is open so people can help and make suggestions for you.
  • I wanted to let you know about Compulsive Eaters Annonymous. It is different that OA because it gives you a stricter eating plan. My mom used it to lose close to 100lbs after being overweight her whole life. She has tried all the diets, but this was the first that addressed the addictive qualities of some food for some people. It is a very life changing, 12 step program. If you are interested I can give you more info.