Any Joggers Start Out Overweight & Out of Shape Joggers?



  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I'm also doing a C25K type of program (though I'm just timing it myself on the treadmill and moving up as I feel more comfortable). I've had issues with knees and shins in the past and running on anything other than concrete/cement/hot top has helped me tremendously. Make sure you're taking enough rest days (especially in the beginning) and not starting too fast and you should be running like a champ in no time!
  • ah_adriana
    ah_adriana Posts: 28 Member
    just like a lot of others have said - c25k. i tried at 280 pounds and made it up to week 4 or 5. now, at 230 pounds, i can now run over 30 minutes straight (it's VERY slow, mind you), but my endurance is up way higher than i ever thought possible :)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'm interested in the C25K program. Is this app only available for Iphone/Ipad users? This is actually my first time hearing about the program, but this is also my first time taking an interest in getting physically into shape and actually doing something about it! Thanks everyone!

    No need to download anything. When I did C25K I bookmarked the link above, memorized the intervals before each workout, and did them with a stop watch to start and halfway through the program I bought an HRM. I started at 312 pounds and got down to 277 during the course of the 9 weeks.

    I worried about my knees being so heavy when I started, but as I got to running longer my knees started feeling better. I'm now focused more on body composition than running and weight loss and I'm back up to 300. But, I still run 5K three times a week without any problems. From past experience I don't run into much trouble until I get near the 10 mile range...which has only been once or twice.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I started the Couch to 5k program at 263 pounds. That's how I lost my first 30 pounds!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm interested in the C25K program. Is this app only available for Iphone/Ipad users? This is actually my first time hearing about the program, but this is also my first time taking an interest in getting physically into shape and actually doing something about it! Thanks everyone!

    You don't have to have any smart phone at all. I just printed it off and used a second hand!

    I used this one:
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    Thanks everyone so far for all the replies! Very insightful and inspiring to see that there are a lot of people that started out big like myself! Gives me hope and makes me realize I can push through it!

    Also, another question, Is it normal to gain weight within the first few weeks. I eat a little more calories just because I am exercising more now but it's not enough to where I should be gaining weight. I am thinking it could be muscle but I'd like to know if anyone else experienced weight gain when starting jogging.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    Back 15 years ago, I was a 6', 138 lb high schooler who ran consistent 18:00 5k's. I graduated college at 138, but didn't spend much time running. Didn't start running again till I was 29 or so and 220lbs. Started doing a 1.5 mile loop around my block at 9:30-10:00 miles. Now, 5 years later, @150 (and minus an appendix, and some time out for a broken shoulder bike accident and moving across the country), I'm doing about 20 mpw @ 7:15-7:45 miles. Haven't really gotten much faster in the last 2 years though, but that's my fault for keeping my mpw too low.