New Year's 2013 Challenge Thread - Closed Group



  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    I would love your prayers - driving tonight and all day tomorrow from southern california to northern oregon, over snowy and icy mountains. Praying for no accidents or car trouble and no need to spend an extra night on the road! Thanks!

    Great work everyone!

    I pray you have safe travels to Oregon take your time and update us when u arrive!!!
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Here safely posting from oregon! Didn't get to exercise today because of the drive :( good night everyone!
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Starting weight: 144lbs
    Goal weight: 130lbs

    11/19...140lbs...36-30-(36)-39 *cut cardio/began weightlifting
    12/17...137lbs...36-29.5-(35.5)-38 *stronglifts/upped cals by 700
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Oh my todays weight is 184 I think Christmas dinner and desserts are not yet digested LOL I went over board back in the saddle tomorrow have a great day everyone!!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i didnt post the chart last week to the thread because i was missing a few wts and i'm not doing one today because WELL we all know we ate yesterday and the day before and more than likely we are ALL up even if it's just a little SOOOOO our last weigh in will be next wednesday Jan your best from now until then to lose what you can.....for me, i just want to end the challenge less than i started....soooo, i'm shooting for 180.0 (started at 180.2 LOL)
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    This is definitely water retention because I can feel it.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Challenge start weight: 167
    Challenge goal weight: 157
    Next goal: 150 pounds by mid-March (my birthday!)

    10/24: 167
    10/31: 167
    11/7: 164
    11/14: 163
    11/21: 162
    11/28: 158
    12/5: 158
    12/12: 157
    12/19: 157
    12/26: 156
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    I wasn't able to weigh in yesterday as we were staying with family but weighed in this morning instead

    Challenge Start Weight: 224.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 212

    10/24: 224.2
    10/31: 222.0 (2.2lbs lost)
    11/7: 224.0 (2.0lbs gain, overall loss 0.2lbs)
    11/14: 223.2 (0.8lb loss, overall loss 1.0lb)
    11/21: 223.2 (maintained, overall loss 1.0lb)
    11/28: 219.2 (4.0lbs lost, overall loss 5.0lb)
    12/5: 217.8 (1.4lbs lost, overall loss 6.4lbs)
    12/12: 221.2 (3.4lb gain, overall loss 3.4lbs)
    12/19: 223.4 (2.2lb gain, overall loss 1.2lbs)
    12/26: 223.4 (maintained, overall loss 1.2lbs)
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Not much movement in the measurements the last 3 weeks. The scale started going in the opposite direction but since my measurements remained the same, I'm think maybe I put on muscle weight from beginning Strong Lifts. I'm a bit bummed that I didn't get my waist to 28" (That was the only measurement I really cared about). But 29.5" is still better than 31"!

    Starting weight: 144lbs, 37-31-39
    Goal weight: 130lb, 36-28-39
    End weight: 140lbs, 37-29.5-38

  • shiningsea
    shiningsea Posts: 67 Member
    10/24: 177
    10/31: 173
    11/7: 172.5
    11/14: 176.0
    11/21: 174.5
    11/28: 174.5
    12/5: 175.5
    12/12: 175.5
    12/19: 175
    1/1: 177

    Well, not much to say other than I am thankful I didn't gain? Maintenance through the holidays is much, MUCH better than last year. 2013, here we come!
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Happy New Year to each of you lovely ladies :flowerforyou:

    Challenge Start Weight: 224.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 212

    10/24: 224.2
    10/31: 222.0 (2.2lbs lost)
    11/7: 224.0 (2.0lbs gain, overall loss 0.2lbs)
    11/14: 223.2 (0.8lb loss, overall loss 1.0lb)
    11/21: 223.2 (maintained, overall loss 1.0lb)
    11/28: 219.2 (4.0lbs lost, overall loss 5.0lb)
    12/5: 217.8 (1.4lbs lost, overall loss 6.4lbs)
    12/12: 221.2 (3.4lb gain, overall loss 3.4lbs)
    12/19: 223.4 (2.2lb gain, overall loss 1.2lbs)
    12/26: 223.4 (maintained, overall loss 1.2lbs)
    1/2: 219.8 (3.6lbs lost, overall loss 4.8lbs)

    I'm pretty pleased with this result :)
  • ndetlefsen
    ndetlefsen Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone. I am out of town and not near a scale. the last few weeks have not been good for me. I've kinda not cared and that's never a good thing. I'm starting to get back - and feel confident by Monday I'll be ready to be back on track.

    thanks for the support!

    have a great 2013!!!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    I did not accomplish the goal I set out for myself thanks Denise for doing the challenge you were awesome. My weight sucks though I actually weigh for more than when I started :-( today was 186 still looking forward to rocking 2013
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm not going to "finish" our chart....not many are still hanging on and overall only a few were "successful" in losing weight while others did well maintaining even though they were striving for losses...i'm done with challenges for a of luck to you all in 2013 reaching your goals whatever they may be....luckily everyone on the thread is on my friends list already so i'll be able to keep up with all your amazing successes this year.....hugs, denise
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Challenge start weight: 167
    Challenge goal weight: 157
    Next goal: 150 pounds by mid-March (my birthday!)

    10/24: 167
    10/31: 167
    11/7: 164
    11/14: 163
    11/21: 162
    11/28: 158
    12/5: 158
    12/12: 157
    12/19: 157
    12/26: 156
    1/2: 156
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Nice to meet you all and thanks for your support and leadership Denise!