Major sugar addiction and I can't stop!



  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I love chocolate, and pre-MFP I ate way more than my fair share. I did not eat any sweets at all, for the first 3 months here. In June I was reading a topic here, where they were discussing denying yourself things you love. The gist of the conversation was moderation, and it was very good advice for me for everything that I eat. Now, I have a Dove Dark Chocolate Caramel with Sea Salt Promise as the very last thing I eat every day. Knowing I can have this at the end of the day helps me make it through. It is working for me, and I am losing weight every week.
    Good luck!
  • trobbin88
    trobbin88 Posts: 38 Member
    I agree and was going to say the same thing...two or three squares of dark chocolate can help with those cravings.
  • jodiebarrette
    jodiebarrette Posts: 41 Member
    I have the same problem - especially Mocha's. I am ADDICTED to them and I've been drinking them a lot! Almost every day. As a result I have gained a little weight back instead of losing the last 5-7 pounds! I took a look at the Stumptous article reference above and I think Im going to give that a try! Thanks for posting this topic - I've been thinking about doing the same for days now! Good luck to you!
  • I'm a big sugar addict as well. I've been doing low carbs for almost 2 weeks and doing okay without it, I do kind of want ice cream. I've been eating ready to eat cheesecake filling. It doesn't have a lot of carbs and satisfies my sweet tooth. I also sometimes have a tablespoon of honey because I noticed my allergies were worst after I stopped eating it. Today I'm going to brown up some italian sausage, I'm getting tired of eating the same foods and it is kind of sweet. So those are my only sweets. I'm a bit worried about what is going to happen when I start to reintroduce carbs again, I'm going to try really hard to stick with low carbs and just add some.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    me too!
    I can quite easily eat 3-4 chocolate bars without stopping for breath. entire 'sharing' packs of sweets disappear around me
    I managed to cut back previously then i creeps up again...
    so as I have a performance in 2 weeks I am going to try and cut out processed sugar and make everything myself.
    wish me luck!
  • IUGB
    IUGB Posts: 15 Member
    I also have a horrible sweet tooth. I gave up sweets (processed sugars) for a month. I was miserable. I'm struggling with a way to allow myself something sweet without destroying my diet.

    I eat about 400 calories/day of chocolate (usually snacks). I want to get it down to about 200 calories/day when I work out (or 0 when I have a rest day). Right now, I'm working on keeping my calories overall down.

    Keep us updated! :)
  • ibach08
    ibach08 Posts: 61 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. For a long time I ate probably about 50-100 grams of milk chocolate a day. It took me some time where I figured out what I really wanted in life. I wanted that great body, I wanted tight skin, I wanted a gap between my thighs (that is never going to happen!). Honestly I hate 80 % chocolate and I decided that substituting with other things is not really a solution.
    So I guess my advice is to figure out what you really want. Are you happy with your body? Are you feeling healthy?
    I've been on the paleo diet for about 6 weeks now and sure it was a bit hard in the beginning. But cutting out sugar have really improved my energy level and feelings of selfworth. I don't trust my self around chocolate so it is better not to have any at all:)