Is counting calories and exercising enough?



  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I'm with you - totally cutting out things that I really enjoy causes me to co crazy with it at some point. For me it's been all about serving size, and now counting calories and exercise.

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  • Alot of people follow IIFYM which is (If It Fits Your Macros) and have great results. You can eat whatever you want but not AS MUCH as you want. This allows you to have cookies or bread or something you really enjoy eating but you have to remember you need to work the rest of your day around that meal. You can essentially have these "Cheat Meals" but that may mean later in the day you wont be able to eat as large of a meal as you normally would. You may have to cut back a little bit to hit your Macros. As long as you hit your macros for the day Carbs Fats and Proteins and are in a Caloric Deficit then you will not have to worry about gaining weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't deprive myself per sei, but I do eat a lot healthier in RE to general nutrition than I used to. Cookies and cakes and sodas...those kind of things used to be routine parts of my daily diet and are now reserved for special occasions or when I'm really wanting something like that. Mostly has to do with my desire to eat more nutritious foods, but also found it more difficult to control my calories when I was still eating a lot of "junk food" even though I was counting them. I also find it easier to manage my macronutrients with more nutrient dense foods. Other than that, if you have a caloric deficit, you will lose weight regardless.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I have to eat everything in moderation to even attempt to stick to a weight loss plan. The minute I start saying "I can't eat this, this and this" all it does it make me angry and unable to stick to something.