Going to the gym tomorrow...



  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    how was your trip to the gym
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    So! I am going to the gym tomorrow for the first time in long time, my husband will be joining me. However, I am really nervous about it because I feel weird being so overweight and going to the gym. I really want to be able to use the lap pool, I used to be an avid swimmer on a swim team for years when I was a teenager but the thought of being around all the good looking in swim suits is starting to feel like a deterrent the night before I am supposed to go. I also am afraid to look straight silly trying to use the machine when I am so big, or even taking a run with all the jiggling and what not!

    My husband, who is more of a workout buff then me and knows a lot more will have no problem showing me HOW to use the equipment, which is nice, so that's not really the problem. I am more concerned about the looks from other people and feeling self conscience. Now, I know the general rule is, who gives a crap what others think, but the fact is I do. I shouldn't, but I do.

    My question to all you gym users: do you ever see someone who is obviously overweight at the gym and wonder why the heck are they there or bothering to be there? Is it generally true the gym tends to be for the in shape people and not so much over weight? For anyone overweight and going to the gym now, do you ever feel this way, and if so, how the heck did you get past it?

    I am going to go, regardless of feeling insanely self conscience because my health depends on it at this point but I hate the fact that I feel so weird walking in there.

    Also, totally new to using the message boards so hope I did it in the right place, and if not, my apologies!

    10 months ago I was in your shoes. I am only 5'2" tall, and I was 95 pounds overweight. I spent 2 weeks doing nothing but treadmill, and after 30 minutes I was dripping with sweat. After 2 weeks I asked the trainer to show me how to use a few of the machines...every few weeks I would try another machine. I now use 90% of the machines, including the assisted pull up/triceps dip.

    A few weeks ago a lady who looked to weigh 300+ pounds was watching me, and she made the comment that she had not tried the pull ups yet...so I helped her do a few! One day last week *I* asked a lady I have seen around how to use one of the leg presses in the weights area--today I pressed 188lbs--just 10lbs less than I weigh!!

    I'm still fat, but I have lost my "back boobs"...my thighs are lean enough that hubby cannot pinch them...and I have definition in my biceps and delts. Not bad for a girl who still has 40 pounds to lose before she crosses the line from obese to overweight! I never would have achieved this if I let what people *think* keep me from doing what needs to be done at the gym.

    the trainer recognizes me now, and is comfortable enough to crack jokes. Today he smiled at me when I walked in wearing my penguin and snowflake PJ pants ( over my workout shorts). Several of the other members recognize me and we chat occasionally...
  • justtodayjen333
    justtodayjen333 Posts: 142 Member
    You know, just starting out at the gym is hard. Everything is new. You're not sure how to use the equipment. You're not sure where things are. But it gets easier! It really does! And it starts feeling comfortable! And you start wanting to do more! When I first started going to the gym, I just walked on the treadmill and maybe did a little elliptical. The best thing I did was attend the orientation class that my gym offered--gave me great ideas for how to even use the equipment--but honestly it took me over a year to do this. Go at your own pace! When I'm there, I have my headphones on and am focused on what I'm doing. The only time I might notice you is if you jump on the treadmill next to me and you stink--I just hate that!--I'm thinking of two guys--don't know if it's just guys. I'm rambling! Go to the gym. It will get easier! And wear the swim suit. Do what you love! Ok -- I'm out!:)
  • So sorry I've forgot to reply! I went to the gym and its been great! Everyone there is so nice and honestly I feel comfortable when I go in. Love 24 hour fitness! I've gone almost everyday now for the last 3 weeks (on Monday that is) and I'm 5 pounds down!

    Thanks for all the encouragement, it was really helpful!
  • imaginaryplaces
    imaginaryplaces Posts: 123 Member
    That's great to hear! And congratulations on losing 5 lbs!
  • losindood
    losindood Posts: 36 Member
    Try to let go of worrying about what others may or may not be thinking about you. Celebrate the fact that you made the decision to make a positive action in your life. Anybody who thinks anything else isn't worth your energy.

    Good job for going! I know it's not easy initially.
  • wixy15
    wixy15 Posts: 19
    I felt pretty much the same as you when I started, but don’t let pride get in your way.

    Now I’m a hardened gym goes and fairly fit, when I see overweight people at the gym I cheer them on in my own head. Sometimes I feel their pain but want to tell them to keep going as it does get easier and become more enjoyable.
  • Just got home from the gym...

    There was a very over weight woman new to our class today and all I could think was "Wow, good for you!" I know she didn't know it but I felt really proud of her to take that step. It was very difficult for me and I was half her size when I started (still a chubby bubby though :D)

    Try and think how proud you're gonna be in 2, 8, 10, 50 weeks from now when all those people see your progress, you could be an inspiration to them and yourself