hurricane sandy



  • Northeast PA here, right outside NYC. We lost power for 14 hours (it was FREEZING) but we're on a mountain so no flooding like it did in the city! A lot of my friends down there got it alot worse. I'm seeing videos of people jet skiing through NJ streets!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Are there any shelters open for people who need heat? I know in Buffalo there were a few ice storms that caused some people to be without heat for a week or more and they opened shelters.

    Of course, assuming everyone who needs them can get to them.

    I'm thinking that when they start exploring the areas told to evacuate, where people didn't because this was not going to be a big deal, the death toll is going to go up quickly. I wish people would listen. They don't evacuate for no reason. :-(
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member

    Op Op Op..
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Am in UK and wishing all the people affected by Sandy lots of hugs and hope you all get back to normal soon. I know it will take time and you will lose lots of personal belongings, photos, treasured items, but as long as you all stay safe that is the main thing...keep safe x
  • I hope every one is well =)
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    Update from North jersey:

    We drove to our condo earlier this evening...and it seems to be in 1 piece! No Water damage from what I can tell. No electricity of course so it was hard to see everything, but it seems okay. Feeling so LUCKY right now (I was really scared to go back). We live in a rather low lying area at the bottom of a number of hills, so I thought everything would be completely destroyed. I think we're gonna stay at my mother in laws house another night. Then tomorrow we can try to buy an extension cord and tap into a shared generator that I think our neighbors mentioned to us the other day.

    It's crazy here. The devastation is so intense. People are fighting in the streets for the littlest things (parking spaces for example). Some areas feel like a ghost town, so dark and desolate. There are trees down everywhere...including on top of cars. But the relief that I feel that our biggest problem seems to be loss of electricity made me feel emotional.. I just wish i could get in touch with my parents. They're back home in New york, and the last time I heard from them was at midnight yesterday. At that time they still had electricity, but now all the phones go to voicemail. :( I also heard that the town my aunt lives in is flooded with 6-10 feet of water. Very frightened for them all.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Update from North jersey:

    We drove to our condo earlier this evening...and it seems to be in 1 piece! No Water damage from what I can tell. No electricity of course so it was hard to see everything, but it seems okay. Feeling so LUCKY right now (I was really scared to go back). We live in a rather low lying area at the bottom of a number of hills, so I thought everything would be completely destroyed. I think we're gonna stay at my mother in laws house another night. Then tomorrow we can try to buy an extension cord and tap into a shared generator that I think our neighbors mentioned to us the other day.

    It's crazy here. The devastation is so intense. People are fighting in the streets for the littlest things (parking spaces for example). Some areas feel like a ghost town, so dark and desolate. There are trees down everywhere...including on top of cars. But the relief that I feel that our biggest problem seems to be loss of electricity made me feel emotional.. I just wish i could get in touch with my parents. They're back home in New york, and the last time I heard from them was at midnight yesterday. At that time they still had electricity, but now all the phones go to voicemail. :( I also heard that the town my aunt lives in is flooded with 6-10 feet of water. Very frightened for them all.

    I'm glad to hear your home is intact, and you are safe.

    I heard several phone towers are down near NYC, so I hope you can get ahold of your family soon. My thoughts will be with you tonight.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Wow! Heartbreaking, almost unbelievable the damage in that slide show..
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.
    4fvgdaq_th.gif You just don't get it do you?! :noway: :frown: smh ...and loving the ignore feature back up and working again!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    feels kind of weird that so many people near me either lost power, internet, phone, are flooded or their houses were destroyed, yet those things were completely unaffected for me.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Still without power in Southern New Hampshire, but we were lucky to escape with very little damage. My heart goes out to those who were great affected! I have friends in Va Beach, Ocean City, Atlantic City, and New York City and have seen their pictures first hand, the devastation is absolutely heartbreaking.
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    Wow! Heartbreaking, almost unbelievable the damage in that slide show..
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.
    4fvgdaq_th.gif You just don't get it do you?! :noway: :frown: smh ...and loving the ignore feature back up and working again!

    Jesus Christ some people can't stop rehashing old s#it.

    It was worse than I had originally anticipated. Due to previous storm encounters just applying previous knowledge. No power here still.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Our power came back on yesterday afternoon. Halloween in our town is postponed till the 7th because we still have a lot of downed trees and power outages. They don't want the kids walking in pitch black darkness with all the debris still on the roads and side walks. Just too dangerous for the kids. Driving around looking for a working gas station takes a good part of the day. Any open grocery stores don't have any meat or fresh foods because everything went bad when the power went out. So while i can find a grocery store to shop, until they get new shipments in, the pickins are slim.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Our power came back on yesterday afternoon. Halloween in our town is postponed till the 7th because we still have a lot of downed trees and power outages. They don't want the kids walking in pitch black darkness with all the debris still on the roads and side walks. Just too dangerous for the kids. Driving around looking for a working gas station takes a good part of the day. Any open grocery stores don't have any meat or fresh foods because everything went bad when the power went out. So while i can find a grocery store to shop, until they get new shipments in, the pickins are slim.

    Glad to hear your family is safe.

    Good idea on postponing Halloween also. Hopefully, some shipments of food can start getting to you guys shortly.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    My twin sister was doing terribly. She was in Zone A and did not prepare as much as she should have. She was supposed to take a ride with some family members to Queens since they have power. But she went back home to get her cat and when she returned they left. She had a huge fight with another relative. She was able to get a ride to Queens from a maintenance worker the next day. My cousin who was stranded on the 14th floor had to take public transit which took over 4 hours. Lower Manhattan is like a battle ground. They were even looting. Thankfully my sister and her cat are safe at a cousin's house and with power she can communicate with me.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    Wow! Heartbreaking, almost unbelievable the damage in that slide show..
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.
    4fvgdaq_th.gif You just don't get it do you?! :noway: :frown: smh ...and loving the ignore feature back up and working again!

    Jesus Christ some people can't stop rehashing old s#it.

    It was worse than I had originally anticipated. Due to previous storm encounters just applying previous knowledge. No power here still.

    Stop being bitter because people are calling you out and you can't handle it. You were very smug and as it turns out, VERY wrong. Get over it. In the spirit of mankind though, we should all just accept your very humble apology. There are more important things to concern ourselves with now, you are at the very bottom of that list.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Wow! Heartbreaking, almost unbelievable the damage in that slide show..
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.
    4fvgdaq_th.gif You just don't get it do you?! :noway: :frown: smh ...and loving the ignore feature back up and working again!

    Jesus Christ some people can't stop rehashing old s#it.

    It was worse than I had originally anticipated. Due to previous storm encounters just applying previous knowledge. No power here still.

    Stop being bitter because people are calling you out and you can't handle it. You were very smug and as it turns out, VERY wrong. Get over it. In the spirit of mankind though, we should all just accept your very humble apology.

    aaaaand lets stop this. is it really worth *****ing about who was right and who was wrong? who cares. it could have just as easily turned out like last year with Irene and rachel would have been right. let's focus on the people in need and the amazing recovery effort already underway and stop pointing fingers. deal?
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    Wow! Heartbreaking, almost unbelievable the damage in that slide show..
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.
    4fvgdaq_th.gif You just don't get it do you?! :noway: :frown: smh ...and loving the ignore feature back up and working again!

    Jesus Christ some people can't stop rehashing old s#it.

    It was worse than I had originally anticipated. Due to previous storm encounters just applying previous knowledge. No power here still.

    Stop being bitter because people are calling you out and you can't handle it. You were very smug and as it turns out, VERY wrong. Get over it. In the spirit of mankind though, we should all just accept your very humble apology.

    aaaaand lets stop this. is it really worth *****ing about who was right and who was wrong? who cares. it could have just as easily turned out like last year with Irene and rachel would have been right. let's focus on the people in need and the amazing recovery effort already underway and stop pointing fingers. deal?

    I am one of those "people in need" and I was very turned off by what she said, so please get your facts straight.

    There is no amazing recovery effort. If you were here you would know that. We are all running out of food and water and there is no gas to go replenish supplies or even to get to a shelter. There is no heat to keep anyone warm, so once you run out of food and supplies and the cold sets in the will to live diminishes. It is a very depressing situation. People are waiting in line for 3 hours for gas and running out of gas while trying to find a gas station that is open and actually has gas. There are fights in the street over the most ridiculous things. People are stabbing each other at gas stations, and looting from stores.

    Homes have been destroyed and people are still stuck staying in their destroyed home because they don't have a way to get to a shelter. People are looting from storm ravaged homes. My husband might lose his job because he can't get to work via public transportation OR work from home since there is no electricity. We can not rely on some fema money to help us survive, and they haven't even declared our county a disaster area yet because they haven't visited it.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    To those of you without power and food, have you seen any organizations that are helping with the food and heating situation that those of us who are not nearby can maybe donate to or volunteer with?
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    Wow! Heartbreaking, almost unbelievable the damage in that slide show..
    I lived in FL my whole life, experience tropical storms, hurricanes, and whatnot yearly. I have some food in the fridge, food in the freezer, and gas in my car. It's a category one.. Some flooding, loss of electric, and down trees. I'm more pissed that my flight got cancelled because I've driven through worse. Not worried honestly.
    4fvgdaq_th.gif You just don't get it do you?! :noway: :frown: smh ...and loving the ignore feature back up and working again!

    Jesus Christ some people can't stop rehashing old s#it.

    It was worse than I had originally anticipated. Due to previous storm encounters just applying previous knowledge. No power here still.

    Stop being bitter because people are calling you out and you can't handle it. You were very smug and as it turns out, VERY wrong. Get over it. In the spirit of mankind though, we should all just accept your very humble apology.

    aaaaand lets stop this. is it really worth *****ing about who was right and who was wrong? who cares. it could have just as easily turned out like last year with Irene and rachel would have been right. let's focus on the people in need and the amazing recovery effort already underway and stop pointing fingers. deal?

    She acts like she's the only one without power in freezing temperatures. Quit the holier than thou attitude, I had anticipated another "Irene" and was wrong. I also am low on food and have no heat. I'm suffering just as much as you are, we had 3 houses destroyed just by trees in our development, and trees blocking every roadway with downed powerlines. I made a bad call and I owned up to the fact it was worse than I thought, and not only have I apologized but I keep dealing with you dragging it through the mud over and over. Many were wrong about this storm, and you taking all your frustrations and bad attitude about your current predicament out on me doesn't make you better off than I am. We are all struggling together.

    And trust me, your foul attitude taken out towards me continuously over a weight loss internet forum has no effect on how I sleep at night. I've been through a lot in my life, and dealing with someone who continues to belittle someone to nothing to make themselves feel better even when said person owns up and not only admits that they are wrong, but apologizes, shows what type of person you are. I've been through a lot in my life and there isn't anything I can't handle. Now you can stop egging on an argument to put your say so in and I'll use your own words. "Get over it."
  • MimiCro
    MimiCro Posts: 96 Member
    i didnt know it was that bad, where i live there were just some trees that fell down, and no power..
    I hope for the best to all of them that got hit bad