Foods that you find DISGUSTING



  • senami632
    senami632 Posts: 134 Member
  • KerrieJane86
    KerrieJane86 Posts: 75 Member
    Peas :S gross after taste
  • I refuse to eat greek yogurt
  • OP your list of DISGUSTING :noway: is my list of "omg I just came, over and over" list. I LOVE :love: everything on ur list!!!
    Jesus..What do you eat?!
  • eggs, cottage cheese, mushrooms, beets, tuna, mayo, olives
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    Okra - just plain nasty!

    exactly! BLECH!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    snails and oysters
  • Celery yuck haha
  • Nutella, cheese, pasta, meat ( i'm a vegetarian ), milk chocolate, cow's milk, soup, tacos, sauces, pizza, fries, chips, pie, ice cream, rice, soda, marshmallow's..

    I could go on and on but really what are some foods you find disgusting that other people like?

    LOL, if we would all hate these foods, you just listed, we would probably only eat veggies and never get fat in the first place.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Blue cheese,red meat and grapefruit.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Pizza, chips, crisps, sweets, pasta, rice dishes, buttery toast, tomatoes, my list could go on and on
  • LadySylvanas
    LadySylvanas Posts: 133 Member
    Tofu :frown:
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    #1-Waterchestnuts...that is NOT food.

    Then, in no particular order. Pizza, chinese food (though I like it if it's homemade), any sweets with nuts in it...tollhouse cookies, brownies with nuts, peanut M&M's, rocky road ice cream. (exception-snickers bars, yum!), I despise frozen dinners and mango ice cream.
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    Meat (just the smell makes me nauseated). Blue cheese. Melon. Seaweed. Yogurts and drinks made from soy.
  • lol, all this is really quite amusing. Reminds me of that talk show where the girl has the unnatural fear of pickles.
  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    Any fast food right now

    Raw fish as I like sushi but it's not all raw, beets, pumpkin pie, cottage cheese, red meat, milk,
  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    #1-Waterchestnuts...that is NOT food.

    Then, in no particular order. Pizza, chinese food (though I like it if it's homemade), any sweets with nuts in it...tollhouse cookies, brownies with nuts, peanut M&M's, rocky road ice cream. (exception-snickers bars, yum!), I despise frozen dinners and mango ice cream.

    Yes I dislike water chestnuts as well
  • I will try most things once, but hate BRUSSEL SPROUTS!!!!!!!
  • Pickles, tomatoes, pepperoni, onions, peppers, cauliflower.
  • Mickeyriv
    Mickeyriv Posts: 30 Member
    Dairy products. Any and all.
    The only veggie I don't like is eggplant... I'm trying...