Do weight loss pills and drinks actually work?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I took Hydroxycut and felt like I was on crack. I had difficult time sleeping because I was so wound up. I did not have any appetite on them though. I did cut it down to 1 1/2 pills total daily unstead of 6. My appetite came back enough but I still felt wound up. To me it was like drinking a ton of energy drinks. I stopped taking them and just went back to counting calories. I feel way better just losing weight with calorie counting.

    That must have been in the "good ol' days." :wink:

    I used to *love* hydroxycut and metabolife. I still miss them. In addition to appetite suppression, the other major effect they had was a super-libido. I am still puzzled that they banned ma huang instead of of marketing it as "Viaga for women!" :laugh:

    (I think that just proves that the idiots at the FDA honestly don't want women to get horny unless it produces mega-profits for Big Pharma. You can't patent an herb.)
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I started taking one when I was 21 or so. Just after having my son. It started with an A and that's all I remember. I was jittery, hyped to hell, got a lot of cleaning up done because I couldn't sit still.. and I lost 6lbs in 3 days. BUT I only took them for 3 days. On day 2 I ended up with the worst migraine of my life. It didn't stop until 2 days after I stopped the pills. Gained the 6 pounds back, and then some. Why? I learned squat about what and how much I should eat!

    Here, I'm learning more and more. I had some extra cals last night, so at supper time, I upped my serving of spaghetti from 1/2 a cup to 3/4 a cup. I couldn't finish it and my belly hurt. I used to eat a WHOOLLLE plate of pasta. My food choices are far from "clean", but I'm living the way I normally live, eating the way I (almost) always did, just cutting my portion sizes and counting everything. I'm down 24lbs in 9 weeks. That's better than any diet pill/drink can do!

    Stick with eating, and following MFP. If you're serious about weight loss, it WILL happen!
  • Look. Everything that works is illegal and everything that's legal doesn't work.

    The only exceptions can think of are creatine and caffeine. That's it. Maybe try hard work and determination.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I learned my lesson a long time ago to stay away from diet pills-- after the top of my head went numb and tingly. Never again. (Plus if I recall correctly, at least some of them mess with your blood pressure & I have since found out that I high blood pressure. Not a good recipe.)
    I'm thankful for not buying into any of these 'quick weight loss' schemes any more. Proper diet & exercise are the way to go. Lose it naturally and at a moderate pace.
  • wmagoo27
    wmagoo27 Posts: 201 Member
    Hell ya they work! I used to work at GNC and you wouldn't believe the amount of people that would come back week after week after week faithfully buying them! Then when that brand stopped working they would switch to another one and another and another......oh, you mean to lose weight? :noway:
    They're a waste of money

    Best post of the day!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I have a bridge for sale ..... complete with a bungee jump on it ....
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Look. Everything that works is illegal and everything that's legal doesn't work.

    The only exceptions can think of are creatine and caffeine. That's it. Maybe try hard work and determination.

    But amphetamines are legal if you have a prescription. It's just difficult to obtain a prescription if you are an an obese adult rather than a hyper-active 6 year old. :laugh:
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I have had a bad experience with weight loss supplements.
    I had a weight loss drink and within minutes after I had finished it I was throwing up.
    Now was this due to me drinking it quickly?? because it really tasted like crap!!
    has this happened to anyone else?
    And does anyone have any recommendations for pills or drinks that do work for weight loss, I am from Canada so I cant get anything that doesnt exist here :)

    They are all a waste of money .... just eat right and work out!
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    WHERE CAN I GET IT??!?!?!

    Think it's been banned by the FDA and probably other countries as well ;3. I think my professor said that it was used by doctors in the late 1960's or so, but patient mortality due to miscalculated dosage led to it being recalled from the market I think o.O.
    Did it used to be used in Coca Cola (hence the name) lol
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I like the GNC leanshake 25's, they have lots of fiber and protein, I don't drink them twice a day with only one food meal as suggested though, just for breakfast before I workout. It keeps me full till lunch and gives me the protein I need for a max work out. But it's not a miracle drink, I still have to work hard and turn down a lot of my favorite guilty pleasures!