bad drivers- list your pet peeves!



  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    *people that park crooked (or take up 2 spots ) in parking lots
    Don't even get me started on parking!

    Okay, just one:

    My son has a disability and he has gotten speech therapy, occupational therapy (is still getting) and physical therapy. The place that he goes to works almost entirely with children with disabilities, so in addition to their handicapped spot, they also have two spots that are reserved for patrons with disabilities (I felt too guilty to park there for a long time because my legs work just fine, but after I told the speech language pathologist that, she laughed at me and said it was perfectly fine for me to park there because my son is a patron who has a disability). Last winter, this woman used to always park her big jacked up SUV (not even a nice, new SUV either; it was a POS) in the reserved spots even though there were other spots available, and when the owner went out and asked her if she had child in therapy there, she said no, her kids were just upstairs in piano lessons. And she was just sitting out there reading a magazine! Why, why, WHY does she have to park in a spot that is specifically reserved for other people just because it's closer (or closest on one side) to the door when she's not even getting out of the car? I had to park two lots over in the library lot and carry my son through the snow because she wanted to sit close to the door. She was told several times not to park there. And on the one time that I beat her and took the second reserved spot, she parked in the handicapped spot! WTH?

    She is a jerk, and prefers to park there.
  • When people slow down to pass semi's, I just want to get past them and will continue going the same speed

    When people pass you and than slow down in front of you

    When people ride your tail when you are already going 5 over..
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    People who talk on the phone or text while driving.. if I had a machine gun... well, never mind.

    And the ones who sit at an intersection at a red light with the right turn signal on when it's obvious they intend to turn left, because if they turn right they'll drive right into the Scioto River.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    ive found that anyone who claims they are always running into "bad drivers" are in fact themselves a bad driver.
    If you're running into anybody with your car, you're probably a bad driver. I think that's the number one thing on the bad driver check list.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    i live in Vermont. Damn leaf peepers in the fall. " Oh hiney , lets come to a dead stop in the road to take a picture of that tree". Friggan idiots!!!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    and not to forget the ones who change lanes without using brake lights, leaving you four car lengths behind a completely stopped car!
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 802 Member
    I hate slow drivers but I hate people with road rage more !
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    *people that park crooked (or take up 2 spots ) in parking lots
    Don't even get me started on parking!

    Okay, just one:

    My son has a disability and he has gotten speech therapy, occupational therapy (is still getting) and physical therapy. The place that he goes to works almost entirely with children with disabilities, so in addition to their handicapped spot, they also have two spots that are reserved for patrons with disabilities (I felt too guilty to park there for a long time because my legs work just fine, but after I told the speech language pathologist that, she laughed at me and said it was perfectly fine for me to park there because my son is a patron who has a disability). Last winter, this woman used to always park her big jacked up SUV (not even a nice, new SUV either; it was a POS) in the reserved spots even though there were other spots available, and when the owner went out and asked her if she had child in therapy there, she said no, her kids were just upstairs in piano lessons. And she was just sitting out there reading a magazine! Why, why, WHY does she have to park in a spot that is specifically reserved for other people just because it's closer (or closest on one side) to the door when she's not even getting out of the car? I had to park two lots over in the library lot and carry my son through the snow because she wanted to sit close to the door. She was told several times not to park there. And on the one time that I beat her and took the second reserved spot, she parked in the handicapped spot! WTH?

    I am in a wheelchair so I deal with this almost on a daily basis. I drive a Nissan Titan that has a wheelchair lift on it. I obviously need a spot with hash marks and a fairly big spot. I don't mind people dropping people off if they have a disability, but if you are just dropping someone off or just picking them up park in a regular spot. Someone who needs to transfer safely or get a lift out may NEED that spot way more then you do. Or in your case -- you are carrying someone. I don't know why the owners just didn't have her towed away!! Or better yet - a ticket for parking in the handicap spot.

    My other pet peeve about parking is people who are too damn lazy to put their shopping carts away and a) stick them in the handicap parking, b) in the hash marks, or c) right next to my truck while I am shopping. Cart cartells are located all over and if you are putting it in a handicap spot the door isn't that far away either. I have a nice big scratch on my bumper from a shopping cart -- I don't want anymore. How lazy can you be? PUT IT AWAY!!
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    My brother is every driving pet peeve I hate!

    - He's on the phone when driving (pisses me off to no end)
    - When he's on the phone whilst driving, he says he's not You're driving at 70mph on the motorway and you're telling your friends you're not busy??
    - He plays music stupidly loud (and not music like Deftones or Soulfly - thank God for headphones!)
    - He has taken pictures on his phone whilst driving on a motorway in France...clearly my life was not valuable at that moment :|
    - He doesn't give way to any vehicle (we have a Mini, but that doesn't mean the car will be lost amongst the crowds)
    - He'll drive on the wrong side of the road
    - Calls me a bad driver because I'm not going at 50mph on a residents street with speed bumps, oh voy

    I'll admit I'm the worst parker in the world! I hate parking with a passion, and will spend 10 years parking in a big spot. Yep! That's me lol
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    People who don't know how the right of way in an uncontrolled intersection works!
  • For me, My ire isn't so much at the drivers, but those stupid idiot lights they put on the ramps to "help" traffic. This doesn't help. It creates a HUGE problem because a lot of vehicles can't get up to speed to merge safely in the remainder of the ramp onto the freeway. I HATE those lights.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    a car going 55 mph in a 65 mph zone in the fast lane... My Challenger don't like that at all.

    prius' trying to stay eco on the freeway

    people who slow down in a merge then speed up right when it's your turn to merge in.

    people who break for no reason, and cars are like 4 miles ahead of them.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    *people that park crooked (or take up 2 spots ) in parking lots
    Don't even get me started on parking!

    Okay, just one:

    My son has a disability and he has gotten speech therapy, occupational therapy (is still getting) and physical therapy. The place that he goes to works almost entirely with children with disabilities, so in addition to their handicapped spot, they also have two spots that are reserved for patrons with disabilities (I felt too guilty to park there for a long time because my legs work just fine, but after I told the speech language pathologist that, she laughed at me and said it was perfectly fine for me to park there because my son is a patron who has a disability). Last winter, this woman used to always park her big jacked up SUV (not even a nice, new SUV either; it was a POS) in the reserved spots even though there were other spots available, and when the owner went out and asked her if she had child in therapy there, she said no, her kids were just upstairs in piano lessons. And she was just sitting out there reading a magazine! Why, why, WHY does she have to park in a spot that is specifically reserved for other people just because it's closer (or closest on one side) to the door when she's not even getting out of the car? I had to park two lots over in the library lot and carry my son through the snow because she wanted to sit close to the door. She was told several times not to park there. And on the one time that I beat her and took the second reserved spot, she parked in the handicapped spot! WTH?

    I am in a wheelchair so I deal with this almost on a daily basis. I drive a Nissan Titan that has a wheelchair lift on it. I obviously need a spot with hash marks and a fairly big spot. I don't mind people dropping people off if they have a disability, but if you are just dropping someone off or just picking them up park in a regular spot. Someone who needs to transfer safely or get a lift out may NEED that spot way more then you do. Or in your case -- you are carrying someone. I don't know why the owners just didn't have her towed away!! Or better yet - a ticket for parking in the handicap spot.

    My other pet peeve about parking is people who are too damn lazy to put their shopping carts away and a) stick them in the handicap parking, b) in the hash marks, or c) right next to my truck while I am shopping. Cart cartells are located all over and if you are putting it in a handicap spot the door isn't that far away either. I have a nice big scratch on my bumper from a shopping cart -- I don't want anymore. How lazy can you be? PUT IT AWAY!!
    I hate when people don't put their carts away too. Half the time when the person leaves their cart in the spot (like they push it in front of their car right before they leave) it's within three spots of the cart corral. Or they park it RIGHT NEXT TO but not inside the corral. Seriously? I worked at K-Mart for a summer when I was desperate at work and all the other cashiers were either old and "had bad backs" or were young and magically disappeared any time we were low on carts, so I was the only one ever going out to get carts. So when I put my cart away, I always nicely arrange all carts in and around the corral.
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    - not signaling in the turn lanes
    - weaving in and out of traffic
    - passing me in a frickin no passing zone while im at a stop sign and you're behind me and you don't like the fact that im trying to make it a complete stop so I don't get a ticket!
    - tailgating the crap out of me
    - people who block lanes because they changed their minds at the last minute so their car takes up 2 lanes
    - people who honk at u while ur yielding to oncoming traffic
    - people who don't know how to look behind them while backing out of a space so that I don't know, you don't hit anyone walking or watch out for a car that you could potentially hit.
    - people who are on my *kitten* when im doing 30 in a 20 near a parking lot
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    People who can't control themselves and resort to road rage.