Describe how that m"O"ment feels as best you can.



  • It's like climbing, climbing, climbing, until suddenly you're free falling and time stands still, and then you have to laugh a little, and say Oh my God because you didn't think it could be so intense, but it was.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Like eating that perfect cut of steak cooked to perfection, the world could end and it wouldn't matter because at that moment you are too distracted by savoring that perfect bite that just melts in your mouth.
  • It is like every sense is heightened. I can feel the blood rushing from my head into one specific area, I can hear the rhythm of my deep breathing, I can taste the saltiness of the sweat, I can see an amazing glow flowing out of my body. I can smell the aroma of the pheromones pouring out of my skin. It feels like a rush of emotions coming over me in waves. Every bit of my conscience escaping me for a brief moment to transform me into a passionate, expressive, vocal, and ecstatic woman. It feels like my pulse has doubled and my breathing has become more intense. It feels like a rush of involuntary movements and actions that I can't control, nor do I want to. It is pure joy and the most amazing feeling of ecstasy that I have every felt.
  • MOMP=Monday morning bump.

    Thank you SOOO much for this topic. LOVE IT! :)