New here from Texas



  • Holla! DFW Area here! And since you're new, Thursday's on here are either Thong Thursday or Throw Back Thursday hence me respresentin' Olan Mills.....Welcome!
  • GBOGH_5
    GBOGH_5 Posts: 174 Member
    Corpus Christi, here!
  • Hi there Patricia,

    Houston, TX girl here and im honestly jello of you. You got one part down already the toning and thats what i want SOOOO BAD!!! but not worries we are all friendly here from what i can tell and i've already made a couple new buddies and they are very sweet and me if you'd like and i know that we will all be able to accomplish our goals. :D

    same for anyone else feel free to add me im here mostly during work so i will definetly keep you motivated because i know how it is when you get no support

  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    Welcome Patricia! and Hey Everybody!!! I'm in the DFW area. Feel free to add me. I love having MFP's a great community.