Weight lost trick: Myth or...



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It's possible she was told that. It's not possible that it's true.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    She is quoted as saying, "A trick I've learned is to eat just a little bit of something that has no carbs and no sugar in it before you go to sleep because it keeps your metabolism going."

    Really? No sugar or carbs in apples? Hmmm, interesting.
    My theory: she is on the Hollywood crack diet.
    Sadly for her, the is no diet that will shrink your big @ss head.

  • MoChroi8609
    MoChroi8609 Posts: 18 Member
    (<---Natural Blonde) No need to bash blondes, thank you. There are plenty of stupid people in this world of all hair colors! lol