Eating goal weight maintenance calories to lose weight.



  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I started with this method back in January and it worked really well for a long while (I've lost about 50 pounds so far in 11 months). With my starting weight, it was never a crazy deficit. Now that I am down to <20 to lose, it is getting sooooo slow (if I do not create more of a deficit it may take years to lose the last few pounds).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It is a very valid method if you have very little to just a few cosmetic Lbs or something...not so much if you have a lot of weight to lose.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Works for me. I started eating my goal weight maintenance calories over a year ago.
  • ashlwar84
    ashlwar84 Posts: 4 Member
    Personally, I tried eating 1200 calories for the past 7 months. I've lost 142 pounds. But...I was hungry. I'm no longer willing to be hungry. So, I upped my calories to 1350. Now, I've upped again to 1,500 based on what my trainer told me to eat. So, I'm happy at 1500, but I usually eat somewhere between 1300-1500.
  • JohnDowding
    JohnDowding Posts: 46 Member
    Maybe change something up in your exercise? Switching to a different exercise, or time of day. A while back, I found that just adding 15 minutes of strecthing before I start made a big difference.
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    Bump as I want to refer back to this
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Hmm interesting. I just did the math (well used a google search to find my goal weight maintenance).

    For my height, gender and age my goal weight maintenance calories (I would like to be 70kg or about 154lb) would be say 1668 calories (or 6979kj).

    MFP currently has me on 1390 (5816kj) - I didn't specifically set up anything to lose a particular amount each week - I'm fairly new to this site and didn't know how to do that anyway. And I do have about 100llb to lose - I'm not 20 something and I don't have a special event for which I have to lose x amount by a certain date or time - I'd just like to see steady progress in a downward direction - slow is good as I am absolutely paranoid about loose skin which I think is more likely the faster you lose.

    Using another google search I found out that my current BMR is about 1804 and I got a TDEE of 2165.

    So either way I would be consuming less than my current BMR. And I have been feeling a bit tired and lethargic in the last couple of weeks so maybe the lack of calories explains this.

    Methinks I'm going back to play with my goals/settings etc and put in my maintenance calories - as I'll still be eating at a deficit I should still continue to lose at a slow steady pace.

    Many thanks to the OP.

    Just did this and the projected weight loss at 1.5 llb a week rather than 2llb.
  • 100poundproject
    100poundproject Posts: 13 Member
    To the lady who started the thread:

    You are not eating enough. I went to health and it says you need to eat at least 1872 calories to maintain a weight of 140 if you are eating at the maintenance weight of your goal, then this is what it is.

    No wonder you are hungry. You could also eat back some of your exercise calories. This number above is for a sedentary person. If you exercise an hour a day, you could eat at the maintenance level of: 2088.
  • 100poundproject
    100poundproject Posts: 13 Member
    I think MFP calculator maybe shooting too low.