Must READ! from experienced fitness pal...Hunger PANGS



  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    It is a form of extreme suffering for me that I cannot eat what I want whenever I want. The fact that I cannot eat taco bell, cakes, cookies, and spaghetti and meatballs in whatever amount I desire causes me daily misery. The fact that I cannot eat until I am sick whenever I want is very stressful and has deprived me of a coping mechanism for which there will never be an adequate substitute. It's simply a reality that I will always have to live with if I want to be healthy and for right now, I am ok with that.

    He the question being healthy/fit/sexy or what ever your goal is worth it???
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    I don't feel "hungry" what I feel is desire for the food I love in the quantities I love whenever I want them. That can't happen anymore---I choose that---but I do think about cake and pie and still read cookbooks constantly. I just love food. I know though that I can't eat it like I used to, that's all. I'm trying to not focus so much on it and think about the many other fun things i like too instead.

    this paller undrstands the denial of food that i speak of
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    im hearing from some of you that hunger is not what caused you to over eat until you got fat, ok i get it were all a little different...however, no matter what caused you to eat what you wanted to and over eat till weight gain, you will still have to deny/defy that which caused the over loing denial of food when you want it....boyfriend broke up with you and you wanna eat? nope, cant eat due to emotional stress from failed must deny your self the foods irreguardless of what triggered you to eat it, hunger in my case and so many other triggers for all of will still be denying your self the food you really want in the quantities you really want it, proof of this is that you got fat in the first place and are now here trying to correct the problem...
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Okay I just wanted to say that if you have any history/experience with binge eating or bulimia, DO NOT FOLLOW THE ORIGINAL POSTER'S ADVICE!!!!! It will create a horrible restriction/binge cycle in your life. Eat regular planned meals and snacks and do not restrict particular foods. Just because someone has been on MFP for a long time does not mean that they are a medical professional or that they have the same medical background as you. If you enjoy dieting, losing weight, regaining, and/or being controlled by thoughts of food, absolutely follow that advice.

    Sources: Fairburn, C. G. (1995) Overcoming Binge Eating. New York: The Guilford Press.

    Hansen, K. (2011). Brain Over Binge. Phoenix, AZ: Camellia Press.

    Coker-Ross, C. (2009) The Binge Eating & Compulsive Overeating Workbook. Oakland, CA: Harbinger Publications.

    Tribole, E. & Resch, E. (2012). Intuitive Eating, 3rd Edition. New York: St. Martin's Press.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    for the fourth time, nothing i said was advice, at no point do i advise or instruct anyone to do anything......This post was a warning. You might be happier being fat....i have not decided yet, ill let you know on my death bed if i choose a life of denial of the foods i really wanted in order to be fit, or if i decided being fat and happier and care free really was better.....its a lifestyle....for life! what will you chooose?
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    BrownEyedGrrl Posts: 144 Member
    I diasagree...hunger is the discomfort that caused you to over eat and gain weight in the first place....the denial of food must continue or else the natural you will over eat and you will gain the weight back....this is true because you are here and you use this website to control and monitor your denial of food...

    I think you have hunger confused with wanting to eat. I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH THE OP. You don't have to be suffering all the time and hungry a lot to lose weight. At least that's never been the case for me. My problem is emotional eating, that is eating when I'm not hungry but just to make myself feel better. I think A LOT of people confuse that with being hungry. Also lots of people don't eat enough fiber and veggies and so they feel hungry all the time.
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member
    . Wooohooo!!!
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member

    I inspect the cakes at the bakery isle every time i go to the grocery store
    good to know i'm not the only one! lol
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Honestly, the OP sounds like someone with an eating disorder...the discussion and emphasis of talking about 'discipline', 'denial', ect...these are all ED buzzwords. There is a difference between bored hungry, sad hungry, and real, physical hunger. My first few days eating at a deficit I was more hungry than normal, but it went away quickly. If you eat the right foods, there is no reason to be hungry all the time!!
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    I diasagree...hunger is the discomfort that caused you to over eat and gain weight in the first place....the denial of food must continue or else the natural you will over eat and you will gain the weight back....this is true because you are here and you use this website to control and monitor your denial of food...

    I think you have hunger confused with wanting to eat. I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH THE OP. You don't have to be suffering all the time and hungry a lot to lose weight. At least that's never been the case for me. My problem is emotional eating, that is eating when I'm not hungry but just to make myself feel better. I think A LOT of people confuse that with being hungry. Also lots of people don't eat enough fiber and veggies and so they feel hungry all the time.

    no matter what caused her to eat, the above poster will be denying herself a life time of emotional eating if this is to become a lifestyle change for entire life without emotionally comforting food!...What will she decide is better? is the fitness worth the sacrifice? we all gave up something to get where we are...we all sacrificed something to lose the pounds we lost (does not apply to mfpallers that are trying to gain weight)
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Honestly, the OP sounds like someone with an eating disorder...the discussion and emphasis of talking about 'discipline', 'denial', ect...these are all ED buzzwords. There is a difference between bored hungry, sad hungry, and real, physical hunger. My first few days eating at a deficit I was more hungry than normal, but it went away quickly. If you eat the right foods, there is no reason to be hungry all the time!!

    For the forth time, i never said hungry all the time, i said hungry, "about HALF the time"
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Honestly, the OP sounds like someone with an eating disorder...the discussion and emphasis of talking about 'discipline', 'denial', ect...these are all ED buzzwords. There is a difference between bored hungry, sad hungry, and real, physical hunger. My first few days eating at a deficit I was more hungry than normal, but it went away quickly. If you eat the right foods, there is no reason to be hungry all the time!!

    For the forth time, i never said hungry all the time, i said hungry, "about HALF the time"

    I sort of feel like you must be trolling.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    no matter what caused each of us to get matter what caused each of us to "want to eat", we, in order to maintain our goals once achived, will have to continue to deny that, "want", irreguardless of what caused the will have to continue denying your self the satisfaction of satisfying that "want"...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    no matter what caused each of us to get matter what caused each of us to "want to eat", we, in order to maintain our goals once achived, will have to continue to deny that, "want", irreguardless of what caused the will have to continue denying your self the satisfaction of satisfying that "want"...

    Just give up preaching already will you.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    I think it's somewhere in the middle I wouldn't go with extremists thoughts either way.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member

    The pallers that claim to not feel hunger concern me....are you guys so outta touch with your bodies that you ligitamitly dont feel hunger? i would suggest that if your running a deficit and you dont feel hunger or the subtle, more soft versions of hunger pangs then i would say your feedback system is broken and you might have a medical condition....if not for hunger or the feelings of hunger then how would you know when its time to eat? looking at the clock?

    I don't usually feel hunger pangs as described in the OP. I'm more likely to feel light-headed and strange if I haven't eaten much at all. I do tend to go by the clock to eat as that fits best with my lifestyle, and oddly enough, seems to help to stop me "overeating".
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    you will still have to deny/defy that which caused the over loing denial of food when you want it....boyfriend broke up with you and you wanna eat? nope, cant eat due to emotional stress from failed must deny your self the foods irreguardless of what triggered you to eat it, hunger in my case and so many other triggers for all of will still be denying your self the food you really want in the quantities you really want it, proof of this is that you got fat in the first place and are now here trying to correct the problem...
    Of course life isn't always about getting what we want all the time.

    But part of this 'journey' and making those 'lifestyle changes' to maintain weight (which I appreciate you indicate you may think isn't really possible) is to find other ways to control your life.
    So, maybe you make a point of having a good friend on stand by to listen, rather than turning to soulless food when you feel bad?
    Or maybe you just MTFU and find the positives in life and work around the problem.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I cannot believe you responded to my response with a paragraph about how bulimics need to be careful reading your post with a comment that perhaps we prefer being fat. Nice. I didn't say no one should respond to your post positively; I said bulimics and binge eating disorder sufferers. I think you have a problem and need professional help. And what caused a lot of people with the issues I've mentioned to get fat was dieting/restriction and compensating binges.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    no matter what caused each of us to get matter what caused each of us to "want to eat", we, in order to maintain our goals once achived, will have to continue to deny that, "want", irreguardless of what caused the will have to continue denying your self the satisfaction of satisfying that "want"...

    Uh No.

    I wanted Red Mango last night... so I got Red Mango and ate it. I wanted 5 guys the other day, so I got 5 guys and ate that.

    I've been maintaining this way for almost a year now... with not a pound gained back unless it's that time of the month.

    I highly suggest you go eat some food... because you must be starving to post non-sense like this and want to make others suffer with you.

    ETA- You must not be that experienced if you think hunger pains and denying yourself food is the way to go about losing weight and maintaining.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    no matter what caused each of us to get matter what caused each of us to "want to eat", we, in order to maintain our goals once achived, will have to continue to deny that, "want", irreguardless of what caused the will have to continue denying your self the satisfaction of satisfying that "want"...

    dude...I think you need to reboot.

    you have gotten yourself stuck.

    if you want to punish yourself and suffer, you will.

    but we do not need to join you.