Can "0" calorie fake sugars hinder weight loss?



  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    IMHO the main issue with artificial sweeteners is that they cause you to develop a sweet tooth. Many studies have linked artifical sweeteners with obesity and weight gain. No study is perfect, but why bother drinking something that might be bad for you when it provides zero nutrition? A diet soda here and there is probably fine. But it's probably not a great idea to basically replace water with diet soda which is what a lot of people do b/c they're so addicted to sweet flavors that they can't tolerate drinking plain water.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    IMHO the main issue with artificial sweeteners is that they cause you to develop a sweet tooth. Many studies have linked artifical sweeteners with obesity and weight gain. No study is perfect, but why bother drinking something that might be bad for you when it provides zero nutrition? A diet soda here and there is probably fine. But it's probably not a great idea to basically replace water with diet soda which is what a lot of people do b/c they're so addicted to sweet flavors that they can't tolerate drinking plain water.
    They're linked to weight gain because fat/obese people consume them. Fat/obese people who lose weight also consume them. We could link any food to obesity if consumed, celery for example.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    one (alleged) issue is that people use calorie free sweeteners and then say well, that had no calories, so I can have more of this other thing. Obviously, if we are counting calories that's not going to be an issue, but for people who are just "trying to diet" without really tracking, using artificial sweeteners has been shown to hinder weight loss just because it leads to eating more of other foods. No can't lnk to any studies, it's just something I have seen/heard a few hundred dozen times, so... take it with a grain of salt. or sugar :)
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    IMHO the main issue with artificial sweeteners is that they cause you to develop a sweet tooth.

    this is a really great point. once we cut out a lot of our overly sweet indulgences (sugar or artificial), our tastes truly change and we are happier/more satisfied with more "natural" tasting foods. I can not believe how much more amazing "real" food tastes now that i'm not always cramming sugary salty things into my mouth.