Guys, be honest,....



  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    Personality can only get you so far.

    That is correct.
    I have what I consider a GREAT personality. But as an obese man, you know what thatgets me? A ticket straight into the friend zone. I have NO DOUBT it will be different after I lose this extra 100+ lbs.

    my husband is about your size :) there are women who like big guys!!!
  • *lol*

    I don't think that is what most of the women meant by "confidence", but I agree.

    That said, arrogant men are repulsive to me. Far far more than funny, intelligent, down-to-earth, obese ones.

    There is a big difference between confidence and arrogance.

    Arrogance is often there to cover LOW self-esteem, not a good overall healthy self-esteem.
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    Life isn't always fair. But in general men prefer a thinner woman over an overweight or obese one, and they are entitled to their preferences no matter how much it pisses people off.
    I feel bad for your overweight friends who are passed over for the twig with no personality, but it'd probably be easier for them to lose the weight than for the girl to grow a personality.

    but my point is men seem to be more and more shallow with looks. My husband put it a good way. He said do you really want a !@#$buddy who looks good but thats it>??? Or a woman with personality who you can make love to and actually feel good about being with. Good point

    Just because men/women are attracted to someone who looks good vs someone who doesn't, does not make them shallow.

    But "what looks good" is a matter of opinion


    I don't get why you are faulting men who are attracted to women who are healthy vs. obese.

    Personality can only get you so far. I could have the best personality in the world and be over weight and there would be no way my husband would be with me, let alone want to touch me or see me naked.

    And why is it always the thin women who are shallow and what makes a thin woman shallow? You don't think that an over weight woman who "exudes confidence" can be shallow?

    ive never met a large woman who was shallow. Ever
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member

    I don't think that is what most of the women meant by "confidence", but I agree.

    That said, arrogant men are repulsive to me. Far far more than funny, intelligent, down-to-earth, obese ones.

    There is a big difference between confidence and arrogance.

    Arrogance is often there to cover LOW self-esteem, not a good overall healthy self-esteem.

    110% AGREED!
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    I'm 5'9.5 196 lbs and my husband tells me he thinks I'm sexy and how attracted he is to me. He's 6'1, 200 lbs. He doesn't prefer thin women, he's actually very attracted to muscular figures which I was working towards for myself, but now that I'm pregnant I was told to not lift as heavy, boo. It varies. I was 260 lbs at my heaviest, did he find me as attractive, no he didn't, we've talked about it, but I don't blame him.

    Some men are attracted to obese, some are attracted to overweight, some are attracted to muscular, and some are attracted to thin.

    As for the female aspect. I like muscular bodies, my husband was muscular when we started dating 8 years ago, that being said he's not anywhere near as muscular now as he was due to us moving, getting married 2 months ago, getting pregnant and everything else, BUT I find him just as sexy as I did when he had his 6 pack abs.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    ive never met a large woman who was shallow. Ever

    You need to get out more. I know many.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    ive never met a large woman who was shallow. Ever

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    It's not like they can see it. It's like pheromones. I have definitely noticed a difference over the years in how many men approach me based on how I feel about myself at the time. I've never been especially large and I have basically a pinup girl figure, so even at a size 12, I look pretty good. But I don't like how I look, so I tend to shrink into the background more.

    Confidence is not a myth. It IS attractive. Not everyone is very perceptive as to what attracts them to the opposite gener (or same gender if you swimg that way).
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member

    It's not like they can see it. It's like pheromones. I have definitely noticed a difference over the years in how many men approach me based on how I feel about myself at the time. I've never been especially large and I have basically a pinup girl figure, so even at a size 12, I look pretty good. But I don't like how I look, so I tend to shrink into the background more.

    Confidence is not a myth. It IS attractive. Not everyone is very perceptive as to what attracts them to the opposite gener (or same gender if you swimg that way).

    Keep being delusional.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member

    It's not like they can see it. It's like pheromones. I have definitely noticed a difference over the years in how many men approach me based on how I feel about myself at the time. I've never been especially large and I have basically a pinup girl figure, so even at a size 12, I look pretty good. But I don't like how I look, so I tend to shrink into the background more.

    Confidence is not a myth. It IS attractive. Not everyone is very perceptive as to what attracts them to the opposite gener (or same gender if you swimg that way).

    While confidence would definitely make someone more approachable I don't think it would make someone who was over weight more attractive to me. I am attracted to looks, physique and everything else that everyone on the earth is attracted to. You could have all the confidence in the world but if you're over weight I am just not going to be attracted to you. I can be friends with you and no, it wouldn't grow into something more over time because I am not physically attracted to you.
  • 1ocean1girl
    1ocean1girl Posts: 197 Member
    ive always found that people become more attractive once you get to know them and know their personality

    Thats exactly how I feel. Good call
  • bubbanene
    bubbanene Posts: 101 Member
    love big girls
  • No fat chicks plase. Also, my wife is getting fat, how often should I tell her this?
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    ive always found that people become more attractive once you get to know them and know their personality

    Or enough beer.
  • bubbanene
    bubbanene Posts: 101 Member
    without a doubt
  • I've never met a guy who prefers larger women (I mean obese, over 30BMI) I can't say...maybe they didn't tell me this...
    What I can tell you, and I said it ages ago on this thread, is that having been 215lbs (obese) and 144 (healthy BMI), I got almost zero attention form men at 215lbs, some might say 'oh you have such a pretty face/nice eyes/nice hair' etc..., but had I been single, I'd have gone home alone in a bar/pick up scenario.
    At 144lbs I was fighting them off...I think it's because I felt better, was happier in myself and definitely took more time and care with getting ready, wore more stylish clothes etc...

    I think what the people who are currently overweight and have NEVER been a healthy weight as an adult think on this matter will change if (and hopefully WHEN) they get to a healthy BMI.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I actually have... I have several friends of mine that would be considered "overweight", and they are hot as hell!!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    It's not like they can see it. It's like pheromones. I have definitely noticed a difference over the years in how many men approach me based on how I feel about myself at the time. I've never been especially large and I have basically a pinup girl figure, so even at a size 12, I look pretty good. But I don't like how I look, so I tend to shrink into the background more.

    Confidence is not a myth. It IS attractive. Not everyone is very perceptive as to what attracts them to the opposite gener (or same gender if you swimg that way).

    Keep being delusional.

    I guess I must be better-looking than I think I am, then.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,530 Member
    Is this question an extension of the perennial trap question that women use to baffle men? You know the question...

    "Does this dress make me look fat?"

  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    It is interesting how some of the people in this thread are portraying their subjective opinions as though they were objectives facts.
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