How will you cope with Thanksgiving?



  • ummmm...I will eat food and like it.... seriously, thanksgiving didn't make anyone fat, neither did christmas or your birthday.

    enjoy holidays and eat right during the other days.

    Honestly, I agree with that. We all need our mental health just as well as our physical health. Don't get yourself overly worked up about one day. Just tell yourself that though- that it's ONE day- and be sure to pick back up on Friday. It would be a shame to be miserable and sad at a time that is about food, family and fun. Try to eat good but if you don't- it's okay! You'll start counting again on Friday. If you deprive yourself of all joy and the occasional treat, it's like a ticking time bomb that could result in you falling off the wagon all together.

    Again- try to eat well but if not, it's okay! It's just one day and be resolved to start eating well again come Friday! :) By Monday I bet those Turkey Day calories are null and void!
  • darthmolly
    darthmolly Posts: 26 Member
    I dodged this one because I'm not going home and have no one else to celebrate with, so I'm just going to have a 'me' night and eat normally.
    Last year I went to the feast and I just had one plate, ate until I was full, and chose one desert. I'd probably do it that way again.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    (Am relieved that no one has proposed bringing their own box of Lean Cuisine as a solution to this problem...

    ...or any other problem...ever.)
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    . . . by eating everything I can shove in my face and not logging one bit of it.

    I'll probably post pictures of it all on Instagram too just to piss y'all off.

    Bahahahahaha. Funny stuff. I'm logging and just trying to be careful. I really don't want to eff up this week's hard work with some insane 3000 calorie binge. I mean- sure, a little bit of things (ONE roll and ONE slice of pie) rather than 3 rolls and 1 slice of each type of pie...
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    I have lost 43 pounds so far this year. One thing I have learned is that one day does not make or break your weight. I will over eat, probably by a lot, I might even put back just 1 or 2 pounds by the end of the year. After the holidays I will just ratchet back up my food discipline.
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    . . . by eating everything I can shove in my face and not logging one bit of it.

    I'll probably post pictures of it all on Instagram too just to piss y'all off.

    By the way, you just gained some extra cool points with this post :wink:
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I am planning ahead in my mind what I want the most and eating more of that and less of other things but not letting myself feel deprived. I am not logging tomorrow though!
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I make our feast and I am making it the exact same I have every year. I will enjoy the day the same as every other year. I will eat smaller portions and try to track calories. However, that will require taking time tonight to input all of my receipes into the recipe builder so I may not get them all in, since I have to prep the dressings and the casserole tonight. If those don't get in, I will track my other meals and then just be happy with that.

    I view this as a holiday, a special occasion. With these we all must remember to still live and enjoy. YES we are on a road to weightloss and life change, some of us will choose to change dishes to assist in maintaining calorie goals, which is fabulous this is something you choose to do and enjoy your feast the same. For me, I make this meal twice a year. Any other time we have stuffing with a meal it is not MY homemade versions. We eat the green beans but not as a casserole any other time of year. For us, our meal is part of our tradition.

    We also have a meal tradition for The Superbowl. Once a year I make my homemade baked nachos. My entire family will gorge themselves on this day because it is the only day I make them.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    with lots of turkey and gravy and stuffing and mashed potatoes and green beans and squash and sweet potato cupcakes and pumpkin roll and banana fritters. oh and lots of wine and champagne to wash it all down. :)

    (i have a 5k race tomorrow morning).
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    I am altering my diet to adhere to the See Food diet.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    In honor of those who are still being strict for Thanksgiving, I will be eating more than I had originally planned in honor of all of you folks. I'm gonna be sick, but I'm sacrificing myself for all of you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Psychology for rule 10
    No one in their right mind would enjoy themselves with friends and family on a day we’re supposed to be grateful. It’s more important to worry and occupy your mind with very petty and insignificant thoughts. If I feel I ate something that I am not supposed to, I like to feel super depressed and wallow in my own self-pity.

    I know you were just being snarky, but the reality is that the psychological toll of the people who are supposed to care about you most pushing you to eat / drink things you don't want can be very taxing. If you want to overeat, then overeat, because it is holiday and "one day" will only ruin your weight loss goals if you let it turn every day in to "one day" of overeating.

    But that doesn't mean that those that would like to eat sensibly deserve to be berated, or that they are somehow sad or selfish. Whether family, friend or internet stranger, it is those that try to make them feel selfish for making a choice that affects only them that are really sad and selfish.
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    I don't plan on blowing it Thursday we are having thanks giving on Friday but I still don't plan on blowing it this is my plan- I am not depriving myself of anthing but I will eat within my calorie limit and I will eat every single calorie that day even my exercise calories LOL
    First these are helps I already have in place- I have a salter scale and I have 2 bowls I know one to be half cup and one full cup - easier then measuring into awkward shaped measuring cups. I am a member of my fitness pal and you can enter a recipe and it will calculate the calories per serving and save that recipe under your stuff. (their food database is amazing and their calorie tracker is awesome)
    So here are changes I have incorporated for thanks giving meal-
    1. smaller bird quicker to cook so it can fit into our normal meal time easier- this way I can keep my normal eating times and I won't be starving and picking waiting for the big meal to get here.
    2- Stuffing I bought a large box of Stove Top instead of using Texas Toast to make my stuffing- huge amount normally anyways I am cooking it to go into the bird I am adding apples pecans and sage sausage to it- Items I normally use but it will all go into the recipe calculator and I will know exactly how much a 1 cup serving is calorie wise and I won't have a 9x13 pan to eat by weekends end- shoot by friday morning-- (i've done it before)
    3- I am nuke- ing one sweet potato
    4- I am making small batch of mashed potatoes
    5- packaged gravy so I know the calorie count
    6- my green bean casserole is going into the croc pot- fresh green beans fresh mushrooms 2 cans ff mushroom soup- again I'll be able to calorie count for portion size.
    7- I am looking for a small individual pumpkin pie if I can't find one I will make one with an oatmeal/pecan crust.

    I also plan on getting in a long bike ride in the am and lifting weights after every thing is cleaned up.

    This is a new lifeway for me I have to count everything every day I don't deprive but I am never again giving myself free reign or a pass at a holiday- I have to change the thought/belief and action that every celebration is about food- after all Thanks Giving is about gratitude and family those that are here and that are gone
    That is my focus and my plan

    Good luck to all who are giving themselves free reign believe me I wish I could -
    but I've been there done that and it hasn't worked for me in the past-
    (this is for me not applying this to any other mfp poster)
    they say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results well for 28 years of adult life I lived like that in respect to health and healthy eating I didn't but I expected the little effort I put out with all the graces and free days and justifications that that would give me a different result the one I was truly looking for- it never did- now I am living a new life way- doing things different and I know I can count on a different result. for me the insanity stopped 30 days ago.
    dang the ice cream truck is outside tooting it's obnoxious song... grrrr 80 degrees here with windows open
  • I'll work out a bit in the morning, then I'm going to FEAST.
  • I'm glad you both lol-ed at "coping." It was meant to be be tongue-in-cheek. Happy holidays to you! :smile: Whoops! This didn't post where I intended it to, and I don't see a way to delete it.
  • Cope?? I thought Thanksgiving was supposed to be a party not a funeral.
  • repmlrs
    repmlrs Posts: 154
    my approach is that im deployed and we have crap food here so i wont eat anything different than i do everyday
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    my approach is that im deployed and we have crap food here so i wont eat anything different than i do everyday

    Awwww. :cry: Hopefully the knowledge that you are one of the things millions are thankful for will help a little.
  • Cope?? I thought Thanksgiving was supposed to be a party not a funeral.

    Who said anything about a funeral? People cope with many things, both large and small. If you look the word up, you'll see it means to deal with something, usually with a positive outcome. Why take offense where none was intended? I enjoyed my Thanksgiving very much. I hope you did too.
  • eyeliner128
    eyeliner128 Posts: 19 Member
    I didn't eat all day and then ate about 800-900 calories at family dinner.