What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • AnaVerasGettingFit
    AnaVerasGettingFit Posts: 109 Member
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    don't drip that hot wax on me, that's it untie me.

    I was having so much fun :cry:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    "Holy *kitten* what happened to you!? You used to be hot."
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    When someone asks that, I always remember my boyfriend from my early twenties yelling in my face, "I will never marry you!"

    But now I know it was the nicest thing he ever said to me. I feel sorry for whoever he did marry and I'm glad I'm not her. Thanks, guy, you did me a HUGE favor!
  • My wife told me once that her worst fear in life was that our son was going to grow up and be just like me.


    That's horrible
    IUSE2BAHEAVYHITTER Posts: 105 Member
    tooo funny
    "Would it be easier if I was on top?"

    -Classic Burn

    CANT QUIT LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nataliefamily3
    nataliefamily3 Posts: 189 Member
    The day I returned to work from maternity leave (5 wks pp.) A regular customer asked me when I was going to have the baby......I was really thin before getting pregnant....I was so close to crying and I seriously almost wanted to find a new job where no one knew I was thin before...I still see that guy and always ignore him.
  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    Someone got nasty with me a few weeks ago at Giant Eagle as I was on my phone and talking to a friend in russian. He was a skinny redneck that said that I was in America and needed to speak english. I told him in american to bite me
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    My ex said many mean things to me such as: 'your belly (gesturing exaggerated belly) makes me want to puke' 'you look like a whale' 'i'm ashamed walking around with you' Mind you, I was between my normal weight and 20 pounds over.

    This Halloween, at a costume store, the girl working there suggested that they had a plus size section...The costume I wore was a large and fit me perfectly...
  • My sisters *kitten* ex-bootie call commented on her Facebook, I commented he pretty much told me to shut up , and that he could feel my fatness over the internet..... Our mutual friends saw it.. Very very embarrassing ... It was true i was big...i cried...
    hadn't seen him in a while yes I was big......see me now sucker from size 18 to a 4!
  • Apart from recieving a load of the usual fat guy jokes, I also had:
    ' Are you wearing your dads shirt ? ' (those school uniform shirts)
    ' My parents weigh less than you '
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    You're very sweet, but...!
  • Nebrie
    Nebrie Posts: 56 Member
    "You'll never know what true love is until you have children." Or "your own children."

    My husband and I are infertile. At this point, even if we could have children we wouldn't. So, I guess I will never know what love is.
  • jabberjaws77
    jabberjaws77 Posts: 72 Member
    When I was a teenager my dad, of ALL people actually said to me, "Ya know, you'd be really pretty if you'd lose some weight"
  • toofatandy
    toofatandy Posts: 74 Member
    Can't remember the meanest things someone said to me.
    If we rely on what people say to us in order to achieve happiness its
    going to be one hell of a sad life.
    Dr Wayne Dyer quote : "I don't care what other people think it's none of my business"

    If this fails then try to add humor. Couple of years back I was in a fast food eatery
    with my girlfriend who was 15 year younger than me. ( 42 and 27)
    An elderly woman while laughing said that CHILDREN normally like this meal.
    So I replied well what about OLD people like you what do they like. hehehe
  • From weirdo family friend, my first semester in college: "Hey, how's the food at LSU?"
    Me: "Ok, I guess..."
    Weirdo family friend: "Cause you look like you're gaining weight."


    Isn't it sad how the mean comments (which are usually few and far between) can stay with us forever, but we so easily forget the compliments?
  • RixxyRikaa
    RixxyRikaa Posts: 71 Member
    my parents used to tell me "Erika, if you don't lose weight, boys aren't gonna like you."
  • danielleeliz_xo
    danielleeliz_xo Posts: 44 Member
    I was on an online chat way back and someone came in and said "get the harpoon, there's a whale". It was so embarrassing. Unfortunately for them they will always be rude and unlikable.But as for me ive lost 40lbs! so ha!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    As a Hungarian I'd like to apologize for the Hungarian lady. But I can't say I'm surprised lol we are very direct and to the point but it's not meant to be insulting. It's just the way ppl in Europe are. It's practically the first thing ppl comment on after not seeing you for a while. Usually a nice thing like oh you've lost weight but the older generation will comment on weight gain too. My Husband's Turkish great aunt told me at dinner after knowing me for a day that at my age she was only 50kg and decided to help me out by telling me not to eat too much bread lol thanks! Oh and someone had to translate for us so that was awkward. And I wasn't even big I was 5'9" and 145.
  • lkeverett1
    lkeverett1 Posts: 34 Member
    I took a shirt back to a clothing store to exchange for a smaller size. Without looking at the size or asking if I needed a bigger or smaller size the sales clerk pointed to the the other side of the store and said, "We have the bigger sizes on this side." Needless to say instead of exchanging for something else, I got my money back and didn't make another purchase.