Why do SUV drivers feel so entitled to...



  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    DRIVE SO FAST! And ride your bumper (aka redass) you if you have the audacity to *gasp* drive the speed limit? I have to drive the SL b/c I"ve already received 2 tickets ($300 each), soooo I really cannot afford to speed up. What gives these people the right to be the "bullies" of the road? There are 3 other LANES for them to proceed recklessly in. Must they stay in the right lane and harass everyone? I can't wait until one of them hits me, I'm so going to get a new car at their expense!

    you're not from D/FW are you?

    She may not be but I am. It's not just the SUV's here, though. Everyone goes over the speed limit. And if you go the speed limit, they ride your @$$ the entire way. And I know not everyone does it, but enough do to make it problematic.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    My Lambo is in the garage
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I can't wait until one of them hits me, I'm so going to get a new car at their expense!

    Yeah, you'll show them when they hit you and total your car with you in it (and hopefully no children).

    Hey, it works if the person has good insurance.

    Congrats....You have given the WORST. ADVICE. EVER
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Why do small car drivers feel so entitled to judge SUV drivers? I remember my family got so much flack for buying an SUV from the whole Prius crowd. Sorry, but we like to go fishing and camping and need the 4 wheel drive!
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    I can't wait until one of them hits me, I'm so going to get a new car at their expense!

    Yeah, you'll show them when they hit you and total your car with you in it (and hopefully no children).

    Hey, it works if the person has good insurance.

    Congrats....You have given the WORST. ADVICE. EVER

    And... I don't know how your insurance works but mine - if I drive a car worth 1000.00 and it gets in a accident, I get 1000.00, not 30'000... Sooo, maybe thats just me and pretty much everone else .
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    I drive an SUV close enough to the speed limit so that I've never had a ticket... I still maintain that it was my innocent face not the girls that kept me from getting a ticket the one time I was pulled over. :wink:

    We drive in the right lane here and pass on the left... if you go the same speed as everyone else on the road you're good to go.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    You should see them when it snows around here. Wanna guess what I see wrecked, spun out, out of control etc the most? Yup. SUVs because there's this "Oh, it's AWD I can drive like normal in the snow" attitude.

  • DRIVE SO FAST! And ride your bumper (aka redass) you if you have the audacity to *gasp* drive the speed limit? I have to drive the SL b/c I"ve already received 2 tickets ($300 each), soooo I really cannot afford to speed up. What gives these people the right to be the "bullies" of the road? There are 3 other LANES for them to proceed recklessly in. Must they stay in the right lane and harass everyone? I can't wait until one of them hits me, I'm so going to get a new car at their expense!
    Says the person with two tickets already lol

    Oh, but i never follow too close. I was a weaver.
  • I can't wait until one of them hits me, I'm so going to get a new car at their expense!

    Yeah, you'll show them when they hit you and total your car with you in it (and hopefully no children).

    Well, it would be their fault, not mine. I always drive the SL now, and I don't have kids, so noone to worry about but myself.
  • I drive a lifted truck and jeep and don't tailgate people like the OP because they always panic brake because they just spilled their frappuccino on their iphone.

    I'M OFFENDED!! How DARE you imply that I drink frappies and own an iPhone just because I drive a small car?? :happy: I happen to drink coffee straight up and I have a Samsung..(.in my purse on the floorboard of course)

  • People have this false sense of security and safety in SUV's, so they speed and drive them like idiots. Especially the sportier models - in their mind their driving some high end european sports sedan. Not realizing that their top heavy, 5000lb TANK of a vehicle cant brake, turn or perform ANY emergency maneuver save its life (or yours). In terms of handling, its true. Your massive gas guzzling SUV does few things well. Unless you're hauling 5 or more passengers daily, going offroad or towing something - which doesn't apply to 90% of people who own them.

    Just remember when you're hauling *kitten* down the freeway riding *kitten* that your truck (and yes, it is a truck) carries twice the energy of a normal car at any speed and requires a small runway to stop. So please slow it down before you kill somebody.

  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I drive an SUV and I don't "ride people's @ss" I pass on the left and go with the flow in the left lane typically because I hate getting stuck in the right hand lane of overly cautious drivers who panic. However, most of my problems aren't with SUVs, but rather sedans and semis.

    If I'm going 9 over the limit safely with the rest of the traffic doing the same in front of me.. and there is a mile worth of cars behind you in the left lane, I"m not getting over to the right so you can be 1 car length ahead of me while I get stuck doing maybe the speed limit. not happening.

    I find it funny the people who weave in and out of the slow lane to *maybe* find a spot ahead of me (when there isn't a safe one) only to get stuck in the slow lane and end up further back. so fun.