Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome to weigh in day! My weight is 202.2. I was 207.8 That is a 5 lb lose this week I am so happy! This blog is such a good support for me I get on several times a day just to read and learn and stay motivated. Thank you to each of you for your help! My goal for March 31st will be 198. It has been 3 years since I can remember being under 200 I will be pushing it hard this week! MISSYANN WHERRE ARE YOU I NEED YOU!
  • Sounds like almost everyone had a rough week! I did, too. I thought I was pregnant and up'd my calories from 1,200 to 2,000 to ensure a healthy baby, but turns out I am not. Here's hoping I can reach my goal still. It really would be better for us if I could have a couple of months maintaining my ideal weight before we get pregnant again anyway...

    Goal Weight for today: 182
    Current weight: 185
    Mini Goal 4/7/10: 182
    End Goal 8/1/10: 155
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i wasn't able to weight myself last week, but this morning i ws 145.0. whoo! moving down! next week's goal is 144.
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    Hey all!! I'm weighing in ive gained this week much to my dismay.. but i'm going to keep plugging away. Back up to 151lbs this is the high end of my fluctuation pounds. My husband is getting ready to leave me for work 300 miles away working 6/12's so i think the stress is somewhat getting to me plus ive been making cookies and good homecooked meals for him the last two weeks since he will be somewhat deprived away from home. This has been an off week (I seem to have alot of those :( ) Anyways my goal is 147lbs for next week which i was 2 weeks ago. Take care and i hope Missy is ok!!!!!!!

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Oh no! I totally posted wrong!

    CW: 190!!!!!! :laugh:

    Everything else was right.

    sspalding... Great job!
    NaturalMom... Best of luck with trying for future pregnancy!
    snowflowr... Here's to a better week! :flowerforyou:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Weighing in!

    Heaviest Weight (April 2009): 209.9

    02/08 Starting weight: 188.0
    02/10 1st weight in: 186.6 (-1.4 lbs)
    02/17 185.6 (-1.0) (<-- TOM)
    02/24 183.8 (-1.8)
    03/03 182.4 (-1.4)
    03/10 182.0 (-0.4)
    03/17 180.8 (-1.2) (<-- TOM)
    03/24 179.4 (-1.4)
    03/31 (Mini goal: 178 – vacation with hubby in San Diego 3/26-3/30)
    05/05 (Mini goal: 174 – hubby graduates law school 5/7)
    05/19 (Mini goal: 172 -- my 30th birthday!!!)
    07/07 (Mini goal: 165 – hubby’s birthday on 07/06)
    07/28 (Mini goal: 162 -- hubby takes the bar exam!!!)
    09/11 (End Goal: 155)

    (Ultimate goal: 125-135)

    I haven't been 179 since... well, once briefly in 2001... but really, I haven't been this light since I was 14 years old!! Woohoo!!

    Also, I've officially lost 30 lbs since last April!! YEAH!!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Hope Missyann comes back, but we should still post how we are doing! I had a good week, still plugging along, little by little. They say slow and steady is the best way! Well I am definitely slow and steady! :wink:
    MFP starting weight 218
    2/8 210
    2/26 207
    3/3 208
    3/10 206.5! Yeah, lost back that stuff from last week! woo hoo!
    3/17 205 goal!
    3/17 205.5 down another one, that's ok I'll get half a pound by the weekend.!
    3/24 204 goal
    3/24 204.4 Well I almost made it! -1.1 from last week!
    3/31 203.4 Goal
    :flowerforyou: Have a great week all!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Weighing in!

    Heaviest Weight (April 2009): 209.9

    02/08 Starting weight: 188.0
    02/10 1st weight in: 186.6 (-1.4 lbs)
    02/17 185.6 (-1.0) (<-- TOM)
    02/24 183.8 (-1.8)
    03/03 182.4 (-1.4)
    03/10 182.0 (-0.4)
    03/17 180.8 (-1.2) (<-- TOM)
    03/24 179.4 (-1.4)
    03/31 (Mini goal: 178 – vacation with hubby in San Diego 3/26-3/30)
    05/05 (Mini goal: 174 – hubby graduates law school 5/7)
    05/19 (Mini goal: 172 -- my 30th birthday!!!)
    07/07 (Mini goal: 165 – hubby’s birthday on 07/06)
    07/28 (Mini goal: 162 -- hubby takes the bar exam!!!)
    09/11 (End Goal: 155)

    (Ultimate goal: 125-135)

    I haven't been 179 since... well, once briefly in 2001... but really, I haven't been this light since I was 14 years old!! Woohoo!!

    Also, I've officially lost 30 lbs since last April!! YEAH!!
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    Hi peeps. Here's mine.....

    Heaviest Weight 207
    02/24 start weight 194.4
    03/03 194.0 -0.4
    03/10 (mini Goal: 190) 192.4
    03/17 193.4
    03/24 191.4
    04/07 (mini goal: 184)

    I'm behind on my goal, and I know that's because I haven't been getting enough exercise. I have a hard time fitting it into my schedule plus when I get home and have dinner all made and cleaned up, I 'm absolutely exhausted. Are there any real-early risers out there that might have any tips on how to squeeze in a burn? I am soooo not a morning person. (I leave home at 6am every day and it is 1 1/4 hours to and 1 1/4 hours from work. This includes a 30 minute drive to the train, 25 minutes on the train and a 15-minute walk to the ofice each way.) Any tips are greatly appreciated. I LURVE this group!:love:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member

    I haven't been 179 since... well, once briefly in 2001... but really, I haven't been this light since I was 14 years old!! Woohoo!!

    Also, I've officially lost 30 lbs since last April!! YEAH!!

    Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    Congrats on your progress, as well! Slow and steady is the way to go -- not only are we losing, but we're gonna KEEP IT OFF! :happy:

    Edited: grammar
  • GenBB
    GenBB Posts: 23 Member
    I suck !!!! I didn't lose anything - i gained .4 - hopefully it's cuz of TOM !!! Great job everyone - u all are inspiring me to keep going even though i'm not seeing much success on the scale :( I hope missyann is ok !!!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I suck !!!! I didn't lose anything - i gained .4 - hopefully it's cuz of TOM !!! Great job everyone - u all are inspiring me to keep going even though i'm not seeing much success on the scale :( I hope missyann is ok !!!

    You don't suck, hon! Weight fluctuates -- ESPECIALLY during TOM. Don't even sweat it! Stay persistent -- you'll see results. :smile:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    :sad: I AM FRUSTRATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have logged into this site for more then 50 days straight and not lost a single pound this time....
    i amped up my workouts so thought i was retaining water from healing muscles, but after 2-3 weeks still nothing in fact i had gained.

    I am set to 1400 cals a day plus some - all of excercise cals, usually some to half.
    mostly non processed foods, even my "junk" foods are home made oaty fruity chocolate maybe type things like home made granola bars etc...and i count every bite.

    then i down spiraled for 2 weeks, one cuz work hours didn't permit my classes and then last week cuz i was REALLY SICK.

    so eating was mostly good those 2 weeks except the weekends and a couple of eating out moments. but no exercise other then walking my dog.

    this week i am back on track, health wise, eating wise, and work out wise, and still no budge and still up.
    I don't mean 2-3 lbs of daily flux up. I mean the scale was 214 this morning (and the last few weeks) and not 209 where i had been steady since over xmas.....

    what is up???

    I am getting discouraged. i just want to be back at my 209 at the very least not going up!?
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    :sad: I AM FRUSTRATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have logged into this site for more then 50 days straight and not lost a single pound this time....
    i amped up my workouts so thought i was retaining water from healing muscles, but after 2-3 weeks still nothing in fact i had gained.

    I am set to 1400 cals a day plus some - all of excercise cals, usually some to half.
    mostly non processed foods, even my "junk" foods are home made oaty fruity chocolate maybe type things like home made granola bars etc...and i count every bite.

    then i down spiraled for 2 weeks, one cuz work hours didn't permit my classes and then last week cuz i was REALLY SICK.

    so eating was mostly good those 2 weeks except the weekends and a couple of eating out moments. but no exercise other then walking my dog.

    this week i am back on track, health wise, eating wise, and work out wise, and still no budge and still up.
    I don't mean 2-3 lbs of daily flux up. I mean the scale was 214 this morning (and the last few weeks) and not 209 where i had been steady since over xmas.....

    what is up???

    I am getting discouraged. i just want to be back at my 209 at the very least not going up!?

    Maybe it's time to see a doctor. The only thing I can think is that you may have a thyroid or other hormonal issue that's keeping you from losing weight.

    I'm so sorry for your frustration, hon. <offers hugs> :frown:
  • Starting Weight: 184.8
    Weight today 167.0
    Mini Goal by 3/31- 166.0
    Goal weight: 145!

    Wow I am exactly on with my goal weight for today! it was 167 and i weighed 167.0 this morning haha! Amazing how this happened.
    I ordered new Asics and they were delivered today so i'm excited to get home from work and go run my 3.5miles in new ones!!

    Happy weigh-in to everyone!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi everyone, here are my results so far...

    Starting weight with MFP and my highest weight on 1/12/10......164.5 pounds

    2/10/10......156 ......2 week mini goal 153
    2/24/10......153.......2 week mini goal 150
    3/10/10......150.5....2 week mini goal 147.5
    3/24/10......147........2 week mini goal 144

    Good Luck to you all !!!! and I also hope that Missey is ok and things get better for her soon.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Hi peeps. Here's mine.....

    Heaviest Weight 207
    02/24 start weight 194.4
    03/03 194.0 -0.4
    03/10 (mini Goal: 190) 192.4
    03/17 193.4
    03/24 191.4
    04/07 (mini goal: 184)

    I'm behind on my goal, and I know that's because I haven't been getting enough exercise. I have a hard time fitting it into my schedule plus when I get home and have dinner all made and cleaned up, I 'm absolutely exhausted. Are there any real-early risers out there that might have any tips on how to squeeze in a burn? I am soooo not a morning person. (I leave home at 6am every day and it is 1 1/4 hours to and 1 1/4 hours from work. This includes a 30 minute drive to the train, 25 minutes on the train and a 15-minute walk to the ofice each way.) Any tips are greatly appreciated. I LURVE this group!:love:
    Great work Anthrochix!!!
  • Hello group mates! Congrats to everyone on continuing to make healthy choices, whether you met your goal or not. I have been eating some of my exercise calories and have been losing more consistently so anyone who is on the fence about that, it is working for me for now. I have definitely been enjoying eating a little bit more. Stay strong and good luck for your next weigh in!

    SW 175 (12-26-10)
    Last weight 164 (3-18-10)
    Current weight 162.5 (3-24-10)
    Weekly Goal 162 by 3-24-10 (didn't quite make it, 0.5 lbs over...i ate some cupcakes lol)
    Weekly Goal 160.5 by 3-31-10
    Goal weight 135 by 9/11/10
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    :sad: I AM FRUSTRATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have logged into this site for more then 50 days straight and not lost a single pound this time....
    i amped up my workouts so thought i was retaining water from healing muscles, but after 2-3 weeks still nothing in fact i had gained.

    I am set to 1400 cals a day plus some - all of excercise cals, usually some to half.
    mostly non processed foods, even my "junk" foods are home made oaty fruity chocolate maybe type things like home made granola bars etc...and i count every bite.

    then i down spiraled for 2 weeks, one cuz work hours didn't permit my classes and then last week cuz i was REALLY SICK.

    so eating was mostly good those 2 weeks except the weekends and a couple of eating out moments. but no exercise other then walking my dog.

    this week i am back on track, health wise, eating wise, and work out wise, and still no budge and still up.
    I don't mean 2-3 lbs of daily flux up. I mean the scale was 214 this morning (and the last few weeks) and not 209 where i had been steady since over xmas.....

    what is up???

    I am getting discouraged. i just want to be back at my 209 at the very least not going up!?

    Maybe it's time to see a doctor. The only thing I can think is that you may have a thyroid or other hormonal issue that's keeping you from losing weight.

    I'm so sorry for your frustration, hon. <offers hugs> :frown:

    i agree. go see a doctor! it could be diabetes, insulin resistance, estrogen imbalance, a thyroid issue or food intolerance. hugs!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Well post wedding I am up to 196.5 this week. But to be honest I didn't workout or eat right since Friday. So only 3.5 up is not bad, I feel like a slug. Time to get back on track starting today. (The cake is gone and the cookies have been taken to work.)
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