300+ Exercise



  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    My girlfriend and I began working out using the Xbox 360 Kinect with EA Sports Active II, moved to The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout and then started doing Zumba when we were able to get a gym membership. I started at 220 lbs and she started at 310 lbs in April 2011, I'm now 147 lbs and she's 206 lbs. We each lost a significant amount of weight just with the video games and changing our diets slightly, at first. There's also the Zumba games for the Kinect, as well as many other workout games. Even the regular dancing games will make you burn a lot of calories.

    While a gaming console and the games may seem expensive at first, think about how much a gym membership will cost you. If I didn't get a discount through my new employer for a Y membership, I would still be using the Kinect if it was not for that.

    If you happen to decide to go the route of a gaming console, be sure to check out the user reviews of the games you're looking at to see the its success rate. I would also recommend the Xbox 360 Kinect because it's completely controller free and can see all of your movements to make sure you're doing them correctly!

    No matter what route you go, do something you enjoy. If I had continued doing P90X or Insanity, I would have given up because I didn't enjoy it. In stead of giving up, I switched it up and found things I enjoyed doing.

    Good luck on your journey!

    (Edited to include a sentence.)
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    Weight Loss takes Exercise and Food modifications! Don't look at it is as diet, look at it as a life style change! :)

    ^This! :)
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Hi FreeTay (what is your real name?)
    I think walking is a good starter for any program for losing weight. I also would like to remind you that building core muscles helps burn fat. Therefore if you try and build your leg muscles (such as your quads and hamstrings) you'll start to burn fat naturally. You'll need to 1. find exercises to help with this alongside walking that you do or 2. use the machines in the gym that help build these muscles. I also LOVE building ab muscles to help with cardio such as walking faster or jogging.
    Pick up the pace with walking - it burns more of everything! Do you have stairs at work? Do you work on the 2nd or 3rd floor? if so - definitely take the stairs. OH another one - park as far away from the door as possible at work, at the store, while shopping - wherever! that way you are taking more steps each day. Obviously on a rainy/bad weather day this may not be an option but any other day i'd say give it a shot! every step counts.....every step!! when leisurely shopping or at the grocery store, pep up your pace a little. It burns more! not to mention my dad always said a fast walker looks important, like they mean something! not that we care what others think but i think thats a true statement.

    the BIGGEST helper in everything - journal, journal, journal! I have found that even after losing tons of weight, i STILL love journaling bc it holds better accountability when I actually see what i am eating on paper. Sometimes even to this day i am STILL awe struck at how quickly 1200 calories adds up........

    Anyway - good luck. I hope what you have read in everyones comments has helped you some.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    My girlfriend and I began working out using the Xbox 360 Kinect with EA Sports Active II, moved to The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout and then started doing Zumba when we were able to get a gym membership.

    Good luck on your journey!

    Hey Ashlee that Biggest Loser Ultimate work out is a real work out!!! I started it a few years ago when i also started my jogging and i dropped 40 pounds in barely 3 months. It was a great addition to the jogging i did several times a week!
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    Hey Ashlee that Biggest Loser Ultimate work out is a real work out!!! I started it a few years ago when i also started my jogging and i dropped 40 pounds in barely 3 months. It was a great addition to the jogging i did several times a week!

    People really underestimate what the workout games are capable of. They can help you achieve your goals as long as you're serious, but that's with ANY type of workout routine. Plus, the consoles keep on giving if you enjoy things like playing video games, watching movies through Netflix and HBOGO, listening to iHeart Radio, watching DVDs, etc.
  • leslie sansone DVd's are great!! You can do this, just stay focused and remember this a journey not a race!! Oh, and drink your water!
    Thanks! I thought I loved water until I had to constantly drink it. I'm trying my best to get it in though.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I started at 338 pounds, and for about the first 50 pounds or so I did not exercise at all. However, once i started to feel better and have a little more energy, I started walking. I am still walking, a LOT! And I am also riding a stationary recumbent bike. Walking really does work well. I try to fit it in wherever I can. If I get to work a little early in the morning. I walk around the outside of the building. And I try to walk for 30 or 40 minutes of my lunch break every day. It has wonders for me!