Society's view on food



  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member

    Not to hi-jack the thread (necessarily), but I think this is very relevant...while we are debating on "I'm right, you're wrong, you're rude, I'm not...I just read this thread and THIS is so, ummmm....sobering shall we say. PLEASE take a second and read this, and you'll see what I mean--it REALLY puts things/matters like this into one's proper perspective (at least it does for me)
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    I am frustrated at coworkers that constantly attempt to induce me to eat things because they're eating them too. I'm even more irritated by the morbidly obese one who constantly says how I "can afford it". I get *kitten* about serving sizes even though I'm on a 2500+ calorie diet.

    So yeah, it's irritating when obese people give me *kitten* about what I eat. It's irritating to see dangerously unhealthy people indulging in self destructive behavior. It's irritating to hear them relishing their destruction, and it's irritating seeing them try to induce other people to develop bad habits.

    I do not make fun of people for making poor diet choices, so it does get to me when people are consistently poking at me to have just a bit, or one "won't hurt". I think it has become the 'norm' to indulge in unhealthy food in social situations, and when someone is not partaking- they stand out. They are then pressured to try and succumb to their level as to not make them feel guilty for the treats being indulged in. It's the same as being the sober guy at the party a lot of the times, in my opinion. Anyways, not to say I won't indulge from time to time. It's just a rare occasion, and if I was to have "just a bit" every single time I was offered a treat... Heck, I'd be having cookies and cake nearly every single day.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Oh jeez, if I were to tell them I was on a diet, I would be laughed at... lol

    I can only imagine...

    Exactly! "Because you're so skinny". :mad:

    Not to hi-jack the thread (necessarily), but I think this is very relevant...while we are debating on "I'm right, you're wrong, you're rude, I'm not...I just read this thread and THIS is so, ummmm....sobering shall we say. PLEASE take a second and read this, and you'll see what I mean--it REALLY puts things/matters like this into one's proper perspective (at least it does for me)

    Yep, an old man died. Incidentally, I have an 11 year old nephew dying from leukemia but that's not what we're talking about here though.
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    You all must be better than me, because there are times that I'm judgemental. I'm not proud of it, but that's just the way it is. I understand where you're coming from OP. I work with an obese woman who puts about half a cup or more of peanut butter on her sandwich. If you try and explain to them how many calories they're consuming you come across as judgemental, if you keep it to yourself and feel proud that you don't do that you're judgemental. Just because you don't voice it to someone else like the OP did doesn't mean that you're not judging someone else. The OP didn't say anything to the woman, THAT would be mean. Coming on here and voicing what she was thinking doesn't make her a mean person. It may not be a popular view, but not all of them are.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    lol @ the people who were offended by this. Seriously, lighten up. What the OP said wasn't rude or mean at all. You guys are reading WAY too much into it. It's not rude or mean to notice that someone is fat and to think to yourself that you're happy you made a lifestyle change and that you aren't obese like that woman anymore. Did she make the woman feel weird or bad about eating those things? NO. She thought it IN HER HEAD. Unless that woman is psychic, she has no clue what the OP was thinking.

    Seriously, I think a lot of you missed her point COMPLETELY. All she was saying was that it sucks when you're trying to change your eating habits and people make you feel weird for doing so. When I was overweight no one had anything to say about the junk I ate but now that I try to eat healthily people are constantly poking fun at me for my choices and trying to make me feel guilty for not partaking. That's all she was trying to say and I have no clue how you guys got some weird "She thinks she's better than fat people" message out of the post lol. On top of that, the majority of the people that criticized her are hypocrites!! Do you not realize that you are being rude and judgmental by calling her names? To the people that criticized her profile...WTF? What's wrong with her liking her inner thigh gap? lol I like the fact that I can see my hipbones now. SO WHAT? Am I anorexic? No. Do I think I'm better than people who can't see their hipbones? NO. You guys need to calm the *kitten* down lol.

    lol sorry for ranting....
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    My eating may be a tiny bit "disorded" in that I log every thing, even a packet of artificial sweetener or a stick of gum etc. but I totally get your point about pressure from obese friends/ relatives/ co-workers putting the pressure on to eat junk foods just like they do. My mom loves to accuse me of being anorexic, while I almost never eat less than 1700 calories a day.

    People will passively or actively try their darnedest to drag you down to their level. Stay strong, smile and just tell yourself that you are making healthy choices for YOU and people who love you. :flowerforyou:

    Why not correct the disordered behaviors?

    Because the behavior is currently beneficial. My discomfort at being judged for obsessively logging is trumped by my progress toward a better and healthier me. Everyone has their neuroses, logging what I eat is mine.

    I have a co worker who has an oral hygiene habit bordering on OCD. He's got really nice, healthy teeth, so no harm, no foul.

    You called it disordered, not me. I can tell you that NEVER have I logged a piece of gum or packet of splenda and I don't feel the need to.

    Well, no one is perfect. I wish you much luck on your journey. :smile:
  • Sure, plaingirly.

    It may sound cliche, but the five to six small meals a day has really helped me. When I was in WL mode, I was eating about 1400 calories a day, and exercising 4 to 5x a week for an hour to Jillian Michaels. I don't eat back what I've burned.

    I have tried to use exercise only for years to get the weight off, with little or no results. I think it's a bonus for staying healthy, but not for weight loss.

    I follow Weight Watchers, and the big thing that also helped me is getting in what they call the "Good Health Guidelines." Getting in 4 to 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day, 2 dairy servings, 8 glasses of water, 2 to 3 servings of protein, and of course, exercise. These items will keep you fuller, longer on fewer calories and will ensure you get enough nutrients while you are losing weight.

    I hit maintenance almost a year ago, and now can get away with 2000 calories a day, plus a bit extra on the weekend. I still exercise 4 to 5x a week just because it feels good. I believe it also helped keeping the stretch marks to a minimum, and I have no excess skin (which may be genetic - my mom doesn't exercise and also has no excess skin).

    Also, don't let one bad day derail you. I had a huge tuna fish sandwich and fries today, but again, it's the weekend, so I allow myself some treats every now and then. Don't be afraid to allow yourself some treats - just don't go overboard.

    Thank you! :smile:

    I was confused as to whether I should eat back my exercise calories - seems like a lot to eat. But I never counted calories when I was eating lots of junk and rubbish.

    Just watched an advertisement on television for Jillian Michaels Body Revolution which looks fab but I think it would be too tough for me. Plus it is £99!!

    I know that people say that they exercise so that they can eat what they want but I would have to exercise all day every day to balance out what I was eating!

    Those food guidelines sound good - I am new to calorie counting and am trying to eat consciously and not emotionally. I never realised how badly I was eating - it just seemed normal. Everyone was having a big sandwich, crisps and fizzy pop for lunch every day.

    I am working on not seeing one bad meal as a reason for a full bad and that one bad day doesn't mean giving up on the whole week. Tough though! I always want instant results!