gaining weight after exercising more & eating less



  • I do struggle with protein intake. I know I need more. Thank you for your advice.
  • super high deficit = stress = water retention masking weight loss. Also, in the long term you'll cause hormonal changes that will make your body fight against fat loss by reducing your energy expenditure. Not good.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Many people gain as much as 10 pounds when they stat working out. The muscles retain water for healing. It will level off in about 2-3 weeks.

    So the too many carbs have been addressed. Time for beans & nuts!
  • ltkasmala
    ltkasmala Posts: 109 Member
    I agree with those who said your body is now in starvation mode. I just read an email from WebMD within the last week or two on this very topic and as crazy as it sounds, your body is holding on to whatever energy source it can because it "thinks" you are starving by eating less and burning up calories. Oddly, my daughter was here over Thanksgiving break and while I didn't eat absolutely horrible, I certainly did not eat my usual way either. I think my body needed the shock, as I have already lost two pounds from where I was prior to her visit, so eating a little more and throw in a couple pieces of candy or something along the way. I, too, am a vegetarian and those nachos and ice cream didn't hurt me a bit! :)
  • ashleysuperfly
    ashleysuperfly Posts: 44 Member
    Definitely need to eat more. You are actually supposed to eat MORE on workout days and LESS on off days. Your body could be going into starvation mode due to a deficit, and therefore holding on to calories. Also, that deficit can cause a loss in lean muscle mass which is a metabolism booster, so it's possible your metabolism is slowing down as a result. I'm not a doctor but my brother is a personal endurance trainer, and this is what he told me when I encountered something similar. Good luck!!
  • lar4290
    lar4290 Posts: 55 Member
    I think the poster meant that she netted 1200 on workout days and more on non-workout days after subtracting out the workout calories. This makes sense if you try to eat a constant amount every day.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    If you workout at a high intensity but restrain your food intake, it's possible that body may latch on to as much fat as possible as your body may think the host is starving....fight for survival basically if not, maybe water intake maybe too high but for 5 lbs that is a bit strange.... If you meet the requirements of your intake it may also mean a good thing eg. Muscle gains.... Muscle do weigh a bit as well .