You'd weigh XXX.X in 5 weeks*



  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Yes! It actually has been spot on for me!
  • Saaaam42
    Saaaam42 Posts: 154 Member
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I actually tracked when I was losing and it was actually a conservative estimate for mine.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
  • zuchy
    zuchy Posts: 40 Member
    Not at all. But I enjoy it, it gives me my little evening chuckle.
  • iamkarent
    iamkarent Posts: 144 Member
    Funny a way it is very motivating...but for me it is typically a thought in my head I can do better than that number!

    But I am in the beginning phase again after a long time out of the gym/off still in the dropping quickly phase...
  • rawmama232
    rawmama232 Posts: 12 Member
    I was wondering the same thing...I liked the idea stated to write it down on the calendar 5 weeks from today, each day, just to see if it's close :)

    I wasn't sure if it meant 5 weeks from the day I started, or 5 weeks from every single day...guess it's from looking forward from every single day.

    Thanks for asking! :) Guess I'll have to exercise more :)