How would you respond?



  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I agree with really sitting down with her and showing her BMI charts. Your 'healthy weight' range. Where you are now, and tell her what you're doing to achieve your goals. As a mom, I can agree with the previous poster, a lot of how I judge how healthy and happy one of my children are is just simply by looking at them. And if I saw one of my children melting away, even if they were overweight, I wouldn't be able to help but worry.

    This is a good idea. And I agree that she's doing it out of love (I'm a mommy too, and I have been patient up until now, it's just finally gotten a bit ridiculous!)

    Also, I would go over all the facts about calorie levels. How many your body needs to maintain current weight, how many one should be eating to lose weight in a healthy manner (including a brief explanation of BMR), etc... That way you can tell her, "Yes, I'm eating less so that I can get to a healthy weight, but I'm eating enough. I'm not starving."
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    say - yeah totally now I get to do the part where I add muscle! and flex...
  • strickland313
    strickland313 Posts: 63 Member
    Or you could tell her that her constant comments about your weight are hurtful, and that while you know it comes from a place of love, you'd appreciate it if she'd stop.

    Exactly. Controlling mothers need to be told that you are an adult, and it's time for her to realize that repeating a comment continuously isn't making it stick in your mind better.

  • Michelle4588
    Michelle4588 Posts: 271 Member
    I went through the same situation, not just my Mum but other family members as well. I'm 43 and 5"11" when I started this a few years back (this is my 3rd go around) my SW was 216 and I was in a size 16, I got extremely sick in Dec of 2013 and in order to get better I was told to research the GERD diet (though I don't have GERD) so I went from 216 to 177. I felt awesome all though my wallet didn't care to the punch it took buying new clothes. But, even though I felt awesome the remarks I got from the family like "you look sick, you are too skinny, you DON'T need to loose anymore" blah blah blah My response was "I'm healthy, my doctor say's I'm fine so if you can not support me please keep you comments to yourself" Once I said that they didn't say anything anymore, at least not to me. I have put on a few pounds and they do tell me how nice I look now, but I feel terrible. So here I am again, back on tract and I'm sure the comments will start up again and I will have to remind them to keep them to their selves. Only thing is, if you do not voice your opinion, as they are doing theirs, then they will continue to say things which will upset you and holding it in causes tension.
    Good luck and keep up the fight.