Jiggle it and it will come off?



  • Tetonia
    Tetonia Posts: 79 Member
    water aerobics and swimming is a lot easier on your joints and might be more helpful than a treadmill for now.
  • Brilliant!!!
  • nickgarner6
    nickgarner6 Posts: 106 Member
    Anyone else remember that old timey exercise machine you see in movies? It's like a white towel that goes around your bum and it giggles the hell out of you.

    Yeah, and they're back. I saw a recent infomercial with this thing that was eerily similar to those old things. Not quite the same, but similar.


    They had one of these at the Vitamin Shoppe here locally. The rep was there trying to sell me one, it took all I had to not laugh in his face and embarrass him in front of the whole store.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yep, it is true to a degree,,,, they sell machines here like that, cannot think of the name of them tho.,
  • elorawood
    elorawood Posts: 68 Member
    For your bad knees - I would recommend Treadmill at an incline, elliptical machine / cross trainer, swimming and water aerobics.
    Lots of walking (not running or jogging!) - maybe do something like ¨Winsor Pilates¨ (or anything else that is similar) to strengthen your core (also there are some nice exercises that will help shape the legs, arms etc without any pressure on your knees).
    If you are interested in strengthening your knees, just look for videos etc online, there are some very nice ones that show you how to warm them up, make them stronger and work out without hurting yourself.

    Good Luck! (and I don´t think that jiggling will work, seen the machines too, but a change of lifestyle like eating healthy and moving around a lot is in my opinion a much better solution.)