It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • hey again guys :)
    so tonight it was a whatever-you-want-for dinner night. everyone just makes whatever they feel like and usually it's unhealthy options, and tonight was no exception! everyone was making those pilsbury mini-pizzas. well,, i stepped up to the plate and ignored the wonderful aroma of the pizza calling me and made some chicken-vegetable fried rice. it was totally delicious, and everbody was actually jealous of me! lol. i would give you guys a recipe but it was an on-the-fly thing. basically chicken, mixed varieties of rice, broccoli, celery, carrot, green onion, some garlic, some sake, and soy sauce. (i love sake). SO GOOD. lol.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Eek, dang that sounds good,lol although in my house asian and indian food are a norm around here, hence why it is so hard for me lol. My hubby loves asian food! Hong Kong was great! We were there for 10 days, there were a few places we wanted to go back to more then once but couldnt find them again! lol But it wasgood. It was hot and muggy there just like Florida (where I came from).
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    My hubby likes asian food as well not so much the Indian cusine. We have several local mom and pop Chineese take out places we frequent on Tuesday night as a treat. Most of them know us by now and make hubby's meal very spicy. We had a customer in Japan for a while, but they kept coming here so we never made it to their business. We do like to travel, but will need to slim down a little.

  • lol, Indian food is my nemesis. I can't stand anything spicy... I struggle to eat things like burritos and kung pao... even though my family tends to cook mildly. I don't know why but I just can't eat it haha. I prefer things on the blander side (which is probably another reason I used to eat so much...)
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    EEK I agree about spicy food. I hardly even put pepper on my food and my hubby puts tabasco sauch in everything.
  • Just a little note :)

    Hows it going everybody? Hope everyone's happily busy doing something or other they enjoy and staying on track!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hello my ladies :flowerforyou: Hope evryone is doing well. missed you guys all very much. Made me tear up (:sad: ) when I saw all you guys thinking about me :heart: What a wonderful group you are!

    My sincere apologies for missing for a very long while. I have had so much going on. I have thought many times I need to check in but was always making excuses. I find myself so depressed that i guess I just dont want to bring anyone down with me. I have had so many terrible things happen to me in the last 2 months that i just thought I wasnt going to make it.

    Im slowly trying to get my life back together and iv gained and lost the same 10-13 pounds over the last 2 months but at my lowest i was 197 and im about 205 now...Not the greatest but i think over all i tried not to turn to food as much as humanly possible..

    Ill be honest I didnt read every single post but read most missed you guys so much :bigsmile: Its going to be so hard to get back to 1200 calories a day. I either find myself eating way too much or starving myself cant seem to find a happy medium.

    So I read that you want to go to greece and Las vegas Myth :) You can come visit me in Las vegas and I am Greek so ill take you there too haha! and I love New York. I work for an airline so i got on a plane flew to new york from vegas spent the day there and flew home. It was awesome. Def a must see city.

    And someone is getting married correct?

    Chipgal how are you doing?
    Eek I like your pic :flowerforyou: very pretty

    Well hope your ladies are all doing well. My goal is to be checking in at least once a week. now that I have my own place I dont have my computer and I can only use the computer at work and we are always so busy. But ill make the best effort possible.

    Talk to everyone soon!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Like the new picture Thilia. Glad you have found yourself a place to settle for a while. :bigsmile:

    It will take a few weeks for you to catch up on all of us we have been posting away. We tried challenging each other again occasionally. Myth has kept us together and posting and keeping our spirits up. Will type more later. Need to get back to work.

  • Great to see you back, Thalia! I'm sorry that the past little bit has been hard for you, but I'm certainly glad you made it back! We missed you :flowerforyou:
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Missed you guys too :flowerforyou: still having trouble getting on track :frown: dont know why just want to eat...even when im passed full :sick:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    THALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxox hun we missed you! :cry:

    Hun u r so not the only one haveing trouble I was doing great on WW then, I have kind of stalled the last 3 going on 4 weeks! I was going strong and then bam! WALL!!!! But it is my wall I threw up and little by little I am trying to tear this bad boy down!
    As for hopping on an airplane and going to new york YOU SUCK,lol. I wish! I will go one day...Ive been to buffalo does that count? ROFL

    Hun dont worry about being depressed or least of all bringin us down... we are here for those times! That is what friends are for!
    I know what would make you happy getting us all together with your tickets! ROFL Just kidding! Hun one day at a time you will make it! Some say there is no ying with out the yang! I believe it..... hence the saying to good to be true.... The trick is to find a balance. You can do this. Just remember to make your self happy first! It wont be easy....EVER!!! But int he end it will be worth it :) xoxox and dont gice up!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Hey where is Jaymie???? ohh Jaymie come out come out where ever you are!!!! lol

    Im hanging int here. Had a bad stumble for couple of weeks... not so healthy thoughts... being scared of food..not so good! lol But doing better and getting back up...

    At the end of Oct we will be going to Disney then 2 days later I am flying to San Diego tohelp my brother drive to this coast. UGH! But I am trying to mentally prepare my self for this 2 week marathon,lol I think there is no hope lol But I will try and that is better then I have done in the past :)

    How many of you think you can lose just 1 pound this week?? That is my goal...1 pound by next wednsday! Care to join me??? ok off to school then gym then home to prepare for girlscouts and boyscouts and dinner and company! AGGHHH!!!!! ok im good lol
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Went to Dr today for quarterly check up. Lost 3 pounds, just right. He wants me to go slow and lose 1 pound a month. I'll try for a pound by next Wed and see how it goes. Glad to see everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • Hey guys :)

    It's thanksgiving weekend... and my eating habits have gone out the window! It's not that I eat more... I just don't eat well... like last night, I had a coke zero and a mix of peanuts, almonds and raisins for dinner... lol. what's up with that? I'm back on track today. I dont think I had even one piece of fruit yesterday :cry:

    i wish i had seen this one-pound thing sooner :( but i'll still try... although it will probably only be water weight, but whatever. i just have to get back on track :smile:

    good for you, chipgal!

    don't give up,, thalia! we're all here for you :)
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Myth you are so funny and sweet. I was actually thinking where does everyone live. If we all live near a city my airline flies, round trip on standby is only 55 dollars. We should have like a weekend and all get together that would be sooo cool :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is doing well.. Lost 3.8 pounds. Hope to keep it up. Feeling extra down lately.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Thalia, yo can not be down with haveing lost 3.8!!! WTG mama! ohh yeah Ill be in Texas airport for a layover anone there?? hehe

    Eek tis the holiday season woman, just dont beat your self up to much and yes GET BACK ON!

    CHIP THAT IS AWSOME!!!! I like your dr by the way smart man! :) WTG!

    I weigh in today Ill update later. I actually have done some what better this week... tried different foods, different exercises had to switch it a bit. Hopefully it worked! :)
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member

    Texas is a big state. When is your layover and where? Could try to see you. :bigsmile:

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    CHip.. for real that would be so cool!!!! hold on im checking where and how long lay over is! ....listen to Jepordy music while I look lol ...ok first I hate flying to san diego.. all this time change crap kills me lol

    ok my flight leaves charlotte at 6 am (insert coffee IV in to shannons arm) I arrive in Houston at 8am. IS that my time or houston time???? I dont know.
    I leave houston george w airport at 925am. So how long is my freakin lay over I dont know!!!!!!! CHip if you figure it out let me know lol IF I can see you taht would be freakin awsome!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    ok well I had my weigh in and guess what!!! I LOST I LOST I LOST after 3 weeks of not good lol I lost 1.6 pounds!!!! yahoooo!!!! I have changed up my exercise classes and my eating tried lots of new recipes and just chillin and stressin again lol.
    We are gettin down to the wire with disney and san diego and ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any way.... Ohh yeah I will have to try to post the pic of a pie in my face last night at boy scouts last night cause 2 of our boys sold $600 worth so far! OMG! SO Ill try to get a pic and post it... by the way fyi...whip cream and sprinkles not good for the hair or skin ROFL!!!!

    How are you ladies doin???
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Hey ladys after all this chatter.. I am on facebook look me up....... no I dont really talk about my weight there to many damn people lol but I owuld love to add yall to my friends list!
    Shannon Duprea Smith FIND ME!!! lol
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