It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Myth,

    Glad you checked in sounds like your life is busy busy. The specialist is a Dr for my diaibeties. The Dr is trying to get me off of insulin and control blood sugar with diet, exercise, and pills. So far so good. She like the reports from MFP to see what I'm eating and tracking exercise. Will start imputing food and exercising this month again. I took April off as I have not felt well. I'm better now and walking 30 minutes 3 times a week.

    Hope everyone enjoys Summer vacation.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    glad to see you back, Myth! Sounds like you had a good holiday :)

    Europe was so amazing! For the most part the people were nice, I mean as always there were a couple ...interesting encounters but it was fun nonetheless! The food was SO good. I ate way too much gelato, but it was kind of worth it. Plus we were spending the entire day on our feet, I figured I'd probably burnt enough calories to have one, anyways. haha. I didn't eat very healthy, but I didn't gain any weight so... no worries, I guess. :ohwell:

    What I'm up to right now is going on runs at least four times a week, with a workout after, and focusing on not eating tons of food in the afternoon (that's when I used to always overeat). I've been at it for three and a half weeks, and it's going pretty well. I run in the mornings and it's actually not as bad as i thought it would be. I weigh 138 pounds now, and 130 is my goal! So close....

    I gotta say, I find it a lot easier to stick with an exercise plan rather than a diet plan. I mean, I know I have to do both to lose weight, but... Do you guys feel the same way, or the other way around?
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Thats awsome! Alot of my family is diabetic which was another reason years ago the dr said you need to watch your weight your getting to the weight with your heaight (short! lol) and it running in your family wewill start testing you! I HATE NEEDLES!
    All that walking is awsome and yes keep tracking I know it helps me I just have to do it lol.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    That is a good question. If I just do diet then I do lose, just slower then if I watch what I eat and exercise. I could not do it with just exercise, I dont exercise that much lol.
    The question for me though is can I just do my classes which are weight lifting free hand and some cardio in them or do I need to do running also on the side?? Im working on that now this month seeing what I can do. Since it has been so long since I have done any weight OMG! I am so sore! I thin I am taking today off maybe some cardio but I am tired.. not sleeping weel cause hubby is out of town.
    Ok ladys one more day till friday :)

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    How was everybody's weekend? Mine... sucked. But not because of food/exercise, just stupid school. Oh well.

    Myth- I think it's a good idea to experiment with workouts and find what you're capable of and what pushes you harder. I've always had strong muscles that i got from my parents, but my endurance is bad. I'm finding the running really pushes me and honestly I enjoy it a little. Haha.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    My weekend was good... I enjoyed mothers day, hubby came home that day and we went to Linner...late lunch early dinner at PF changs. Hubby came back from work in Miami for a week talking about P90 not P90x and said he wants to try it! I told him if he was serious about it I will do it with him. Well today was our first day doing it. And I am tracking my food again here. So wish us luck and maybe Ill post before and after pics if we finish :)

  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Would like to see thinner pics of you Myth. Glad you have a partner that helps you get in shape. My husband brings home Burger King and wonders why I'm not losing weight. Go figure?

    Eek is not school just about finished for the semester? Graduation weekend was this past 16th and I have been busy with all the properties getting ready for full houses.

    Glad both of you left messages, I've been traking a week now and it helps. Now back to the treadmill.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Chip u r crazy lol I will see what pics I can come up with that I like lol

    This past weekend we went to Great wolf lodge and indoor water park for my little mans bday. :) He turned 8! I behaved better then I would have in th past just not as good as I should have lol. Saturday I did a p90 video btu sunday I couldnt to tired and to much crap but today I did 3 videos to make up for skippng yesterday :) Hopefully this week will go good!

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Chip- yep, school is pretty much over, but i always obsess over things until the last minute... haha.

    Man, I almost lost it today. I made peanut-butter chocolate chip cookies. don't know why i keep baking because it just gets me into trouble! but luckily i reigned myself in and had a small, small dinner in the hopes of off-setting the couple cookies i had eaten... just logged everything (and I mean everything!) and I'm juuuust under. whew. today was a close one!

    my family's been really supportive lately. they don't question my eating habits and don't make me finish everything on my plate like they used to. thank goodness!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Eek, I started using a 6" plate and not filling it full and I have noticed great improvement. I have made it 10 days recording everything that goes in my mouth and I am amazed I'm under calories.

    Also started weighing food before I eat and using lots of cup measures. It is surprising how much a full cup is, I barely get through with the meal and have leftovers for work the next day. Still using treadmill 3 times a week, getting better and going further.

    Glad Summer break is here for you.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Hey everybody, hope you guys had a good weekend! It was a long weekend here and I ate a bit more chocolate than I should have (but nothing outrageous, I promise!). Tomorrow morning I'm running a 5K. I bet I'm gonna regret that chocolate then! Haha. But I'll push through it, anyways.

    I made a goal for the month of June. I want to run 10K the last week, on one of the days. Wish me luck!
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Sooo I did it! I ran 5K, in around 30 minutes. yay!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    EEKis4Keltinator, Congratulations :flowerforyou: I barely make it 1K in 20 minutes I would never last 5K. I am getting better but I'll stick to my treadmill for now. Have a great weekend.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Thanks Chip :)

    I was talking to a fitness teacher, and he said that he doesn't really care how people exercise, he cares IF they exercise. So even if you're just doing little bits on the treadmill you know you're doing the right thing :)

    Working up to my goal of running 10K, I planned to run 6K this morning, but then I got lost, and had to improvise my way home... ended up doing almost 7K! But man, I was beat after that! Haha.

    Happy Hump Day! :flowerforyou:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    At least on a treadmill I never get lost.:laugh:

    I did 1.5k in 20 minutes last night, so it will be around 2013 when I'm up to 5k. I try to do 20 minutes 3 times a week. It is getting easier and I go further. Good luck on the 10K

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Thanks :)

    Well the weather in Vancouver is beautiful this weekend. I've got some wicked tan lines... :blushing:

    I've been eating well all week, under my calories everyday. Seems like it's just you, Chip, and me at the moment... hopefully all is well for everybody else.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Glad you got tan lines.:bigsmile:
  • drjei
    drjei Posts: 34
    Hi everyone! The sole (?) male in this group has been AWOL for most of 2011. However, I am now back and determined. I HAVE been losing weight, albeit slowly. Myth, glad to see you guys went to Great Wolf Lodge...we went to the one in the Poconos a few years back when our son was 7 and he LOVED it! Daughter was only 3, so doesn't remember. Must budget to take them again before they're too old (currently 7 and 11).
    I'm working hard to get in better shape, as I'm thinking very seriously about joining the Army Veterinary Corps, and need to be able to run 2 miles in 17 minutes... I can run 2 miles, but it takes me more like 22 minutes! SOoooo...I've decided to do the C25K program (interval training) and see if that will help me....ANy input anyone?
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    hi again drjei! Good to see you back, and I'm glad to hear you've still been losing weight, even if it's just a little bit!

    I've really been hitting my stride this past little bit in August. I've been doing a lot more running than I used to. I've never done a program like C25K, but I have heard interval training is good for boosting speed, and weight loss. I think the biggest thing to remember is that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone and push your body to get benefits. Good luck!
  • drjei
    drjei Posts: 34
    Hey EEK- good to "see" you again. Thanks for the input. I can definitely see how C25K could help my speed. AM currently dealing with inexplicable calf issues when running more than a couple of minutes in a row, so am seeing an orthopedist next week (enjoy being young!'s sometimes hell to get older :-)) but am definitely seeing the benefits of getting back on the horse, so to speak.
    Am starting to track my calories again, which will probably be an eye-opener.
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