Introductions :)



  • ArolinaCay
    ArolinaCay Posts: 18 Member
    Hello All! I am like most of you planning to start (actually restart) the Shred on 1/1/13. I am going to be doing the Shred every other day with other cardio mixed in on the days between, mostly running. I am doing this because I am going to be in college and still want to continue running, but know I will be unlikely to be able to both every day. Therefore, this will be a 60 rather than 30 day journey for me, but that is okay. I'm up for the challenge! Please feel free to add me, I could definitely use the support! (:
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome M!
    Its great that your incorporating running into this. I plan to start running in the spring. I figure a first time runner shouldn't start when there is snow on the ground. I'm already inexperienced. Don't want to add in the terrible white stuff. Plus it gives me the winter to get into shape and feel a little bit better first. Happy to have you join the challenge.
  • princess0jessica
    princess0jessica Posts: 35 Member
    i would love to go running, but i dont have the endurance for that and my knees are bad.. i envy people that can go running/jogging
  • gracec523
    gracec523 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself.... I'm 24 and have 8 month old twin girls! Needless to say, I need to get into shape after having my girls but I don't really have time to get to a gym right now so this seems like a good option. I actually started today, but I had to modify some of the moves so I figure I will work up to being able to do all of level one.

    I've never done the 30 day shred, but after doing it today I see why it is popular. I like the intervals to help keep the video moving. Prior to having my girls, I had just ran my first 5k and was running regularly so I also hope to start running again in the Spring! Once the snow is melted! :)
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    Jess, I also have bad knees, but I'm hoping with exercising more regularly they will begin to loosen and become my friends. I wear a knee brace whenever I workout and it helps out A LOT!
    Welcome Grace. Wishing you the best of luck getting back to your prebaby days. One of the reasons I am decided to become fit is so that when, down the road, I do start a family, I can stay active during pregnancy and (hopefully) be able to bounce right back after giving birth and healing.
    I just finished Day 4 Level 1. Its starting to get easier, but I still have to modify a few moves. Eventually my endurance will withstand it.
  • cupcakegirl81
    cupcakegirl81 Posts: 2,033 Member
    I'll be starting on January 2nd. I'm meeting up with a friend that day to borrow her DVD. I'm 31 years old, and I've had success losing some weight by cutting calories, but I'd like to tone my body, and lose some inches, too.
    I'm really excited to start. Thanks for this group!
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    How's it going Cupcake?
    How's it going everyone?
    I've made it to level two. And boy, does my body feel it!!