
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning from freezing Pennsylvania! The good news is I managed to stay warm enough to sleep straight through for seven hours and bounce out of bed, go work out, and have a springy start to my day. I had a nutritionally sound day yesterday but felt a little guilty because the oksa noodles I was making called for buckwheat noodles, which I would happily have used had I had them . . . but sadly all I had on hand were plain spaghetti noodles in white flour :sad:. Ah, well, they were delicious nevertheless. I even talked the kids into eating the rest of the cake, so no more temptations in the house.

    Julie, I’m so sorry the weight loss is slow to start, but please remember that if you’ve been working at this for a month and have lost three pounds, that’s not horrible. You’re losing at a modest rate but you are losing. You may have to add in calories to ensure your body isn’t in starvation mode, yes, keep those carbs lowish, and exercise as much as possible. It’s a lifestyle change, so if you’re not eating at a rate you would want to maintain for the rest of your life I strongly urge you to reconsider formulating your diet to something you can live with.

    Sunshine, how did you come to be in Norway? Your exercise plan sounds great, and yes, it takes a while to adapt to Zumba (I still haven’t). If you like kickboxing, I highly recommend the Les Mills Combat DVDs too – I’m doing them right now, don’t really need any equipment, and so much fun! Again, like Zumba, it takes a bit before you get the hang of the moves but big workout. Enjoy cleaning out those closets – it’s such a great feeling to start shedding clothes that are too big.

    Robin, I’m sorry you’re having a rough day. Hopefully today will be better.

    Welcome, Mary! You’ll find lots of support here. It sounds like you’re doing great as far as exercise goes.

    Katla, I use a fan no matter how cool or hot it is in my gym/basement. I’m glad you’re finding yoga to be beneficial – that’s a great thing! Enjoy your visit with your friends. I hope they notice the “new” you. I love the story about your knee leading to your “aha” moment :laugh:. I think pulses refer to beans in British speak.

    DeeDee, thanks, dinner was delish. I’m not a huge fan of the texture of tofu, but I’ve found if I spray a pan with a little olive oil and then cook the tofu into crispy little cubes I can toss it with almost anything and it will take on the flavor of whatever with a not-too-noticeable smooshy texture. That’s how we’ve been eating it lately – tossed in salads like croutons or mixed into almost any dish to give it an extra protein push. We especially like it with spicy stir-fried green beans. I hope the men find the leak and get if fixed. I know you prefer to be outside but honestly right now I’m glad to be bundled up inside.

    Sara, yes, slow and steady, not too many unsustainable changes but instead a gradual acceptance of your new “normal” is exactly the way to go!

    SueBDew, I find tahini in the organic or health-food section of the store; alternatively if your store has an international food section it may be mixed in with the Indian food items. As it turned out, I had used the last of my tahini last time and for some reason hadn’t replaced it – instead I had THREE jars of almond butter. Guess what I used in my dish? On another note, we currently have the three jars of almond butter (two Costco ones) plus FOUR jars of peanut butter (two Costco ones). Someone is seriously afraid we’re going to run out. Hard to do when you use it a tablespoon at a time . . .

    Barbie, glad to hear Jake is feeling better. It’s good if he’s getting outside and starting to feel more his normal self, right? Have fun with your full day!

    Michele, sometimes I’m pleasantly surprised at the cost of food at the health food store or coop versus grocery – you just have to know the cost of things, I guess.

    Ohiomom, I would say that yes, you will eventually find yourself wanting more food if you’re having a hard time getting to 1200. It happens – at the start of a diet, when you’re making changes your stomach shrinks and you find yourself not very hungry. Don’t worry – it won’t last! Just be careful when you start putting more calories into your diet that they continue to be nutritionally rich – they’ll keep you full longer and make your diet sustainable (guess what my word of the day is? :laugh:).

    Amanda, we’ve been hearing how much snow England has been getting – it’s quite a difference this year, isn’t it? Glad it’s tapering off, but I bet it was pretty.

    LizM, I hope you got enough sleep – that seems like not enough.

    Tammy, I’m glad you’re enjoying the brisk but refreshing cold. I’m looking forward to when it’s that warm here again :laugh::laugh:.

    Laura, I can relate to that treadmill – I actually had to take a dinner break yesterday before more calls, and I’m having to schedule bathroom breaks – in my own house! :laugh:. Congratulations on the loss – that’s terrific.

    Mary in WA, I keep a word doc or a text doc opened next to the page and just type responses as I go. Sometimes I lose track and type for hours before noticing no one’s going to have time to read :laugh:. Bump just saves your place so you can find it again. I can imagine you might have a little of the SAD effect – you know all those sayings about Seattle and the weather are true :smile:. I have a hard time being motivated when all I want to do is cuddle and read. The heating pad at your feet – brilliant!

    LoriH, thanks for the tip on the wrap. How wonderful that you’re teaching a cooking class that busy people can use. Good for you. Have fun with the massage – I love them and have one coming (My MIL bought me one for my birthday).

    OK, off and running now.


  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hello my lovely ladies,

    Warning, this is one long, depressing rant of little consequence….

    I have been afflicted with monkey- brain, that non-stop chatter in my head which brings about all types of scenarios of ill and doom as the aches increase with the winter chill. Give me some sunlight please, it will do me good. It always elevates my spirits. I can understand and accept three months of winter but after four and with at least a minimum of another three ahead of us, it is at this time of year that I rebel and require flowers as an affirmation of spring (much ahead of schedule). Even after twenty years in this land I cannot get used to it entirely, Currier and Ives have lost their appeal for me and I wander the garden shops looking for pots of colourful primroses to line my kitchen windowsill.

    We have had a thaw earlier this week where temperatures mounted to an unusual +8c from the norm of -20c. It was quite lovely for a few days but it melted a considerable layer of the white stuff only to have it form a thick layer of ice over every surface under the cover of darkness, topped with a dusting of snow to disguise its presence, and it lay in wait for we bipeds to slip-up so to speak. I dislocated a few ribs and some vertebrae when I skated over its surface and came crashing to earth; the one saving grace was the thick coat I was wearing padded my down-fall.

    Blue Monday, ha, blue January is more like it. This is the time of year when I begin to resent the winter months of confinement, cabin fever as they say. Yes, I work and most times I take the bus but many places I wish to go are not near the bus lines nor are there sidewalks in many places, making getting about quite dangerous if I am forced to traverse the grater-made berms at the edge of the road. I am not nor have I ever been a mountain goat… but I am eating like one, a goat I mean, some days it is embarrassing. It is emotional eating; no doubt about it and I need to stop. I will only have February and March to undo what I have done if I am to reach my goal of another 10 pounds before Ireland in April.

    It is not helped by an adorable little dog we are babysitting again as we do every winter while DH’s brother and wife go to Mexico. Keesha is an old Pomeranian and no matter how many times I let her out to pee while I am home, I usually step in pee at least once a day and I often find a gift of turds on my kitchen mat every other day. She needs her medicine every night and she follows me around like a shadow causing havoc with our resident kitty, The Royal Miss Cinnamon Buns (who will make me pay for this intrusion). I sit here at my desk, the dog on one side, the cat on the other; Keesha wants to be friends and CB wants to nothing to do with her and they both want my attention.

    All is not helped by the chaos of the fallout from the flood and the still the construction goes on. It’s going on two years. I so want to open the house, remove everything to out on the lawn so it can be sorted, organized, boxed, sold, given away or burned …. I don’t care … I want out of this chaos!!!

    I didn’t mention work, did I? Right on cue, it’s going down the toilet again, the full time gal has given her notice and we are back down to three with a serious health watch over our new boss. Until she goes for her MRI in February we are trying to take the load off her. This job was supposed to be a bit of fluff to keep me occupied and out of trouble and it has been a giant rollercoaster of drama!

    Okay, I think that does it…. pity party and rant is over …. I think…. I should get one of those special lights to get me through the winter months but really, I am holding out for a return to the seaside; flowers year round and the ability to walk everywhere any day of the year. Is that too much to ask??? HMMM?

    Wear your rainbow cloaks my friends, choose happiness,
    And keep your fingers out of the chocolate chips!
    Hugs, Kate

    Its flipping snowing again with a storm warning for heavy snowfall on its way...... sigh.......
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    cough, cough, sniff, sniff bump
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member

    Amanda x: What is a pulse? I feel like I should know that term, but I can't think of anything other than a heartbeat or burst of energy. A person doesn't eat either of those. I'd look it up in the dictionary, but I have hopes that you'll tell something about your favorites and how they're prepared.:wink:

    I'll try to dig out some recipes when I get time x
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I took notes just to find out after page 1 there was 3 more. So forget the individual post and go from here. LOL.

    Kate I hear you on emotional eating I think i'm eating because of this extreme cold weather got up to -44 with wind chill -51.

    Went out to coffee anyhow. Because I wanted to make sure the work I had did at Legion yesterday wasn't all for nothing. Put the three cakes I baked in the freezer for later use. No soup and sand. The water in the kitchen is froze.

    Well I think I should go to bed before I have another peanut butter and jam sand. weight watcher bread so two would be like one regular one. Maybe I will have another lol.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda C -44 this morning.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I'm getting back into the groove of work and getting over the disappointment of not having a winter vacation this year.:grumble: Oh well, we are going to the Outer Banks in NC in August, so I have something to look forward to in the summer.:glasses: We have out of town guests who will be staying with us for a few days for Frank's dad's funeral. Last night I was busy unpacking all of our suitcases which were covering one of the guest rooms. It's always wonderful to see family, and sad to have to wait for something like this for everyone to get together.:cry: My MIL asked me to do a reading, and I am honored to do so.:heart:

    :grumble: Meg - I feel your pain.....too much to do and not enough hours in the day. Priorities, right?

    :glasses: sunshine61250 - Don't worry about those calories while on vacation. Life is short....enjoy & you'll get back on track when you return.

    :mad: Katla - I can appreciate your dilemma as it is so cold here in the mornings when I walk on the treadmill that I've had to put on the fireplace for the first time in order to exercise. Halfway through, I am totally overheated and wanting to turn it off, but to do that I'd have to get off the treadmill, so I have to embrace the sweat!!!

    :happy: Glenda - Today is a new day!

    :drinker: DeeDee - Great advice to check calories for restaurants ahead of time. If they're there, it will save the shock of discovering how many calories you ate!

    :cry: Cheryl - So sorry for the loss of those two young lives. It is a tragedy that is all too familiar today. Please accept my condolences and know that the whole community is in my thoughts and prayers today.

    :smile: Mary - I have a microwaveable "thingy" that I use at night so I don't have to get into a cold bed. Works great!!!

    :explode: Kate - Your rant makes me realize that I am not the only one who lets the small stuff build. Best to get to all out and let it go!!!

    Have a wonderful afternoon,

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Hello ladies - Lovin' my doses of Vitamin F. Long distance hugs for everyone going through loss, sickness, depression, and other difficulties..........:heart::heart: :heart:

    It's been a few days laden with phone calls. You know I never thought so many different things would require attention and/or intervention. My mom use to say a little black cloud followed me around. I sure don't want that as a legacy!! I miss my Mom but you know I never found that to be very amusing. :grumble:

    I'm out here, still walking. Trying to do 6 or 7 mles each day. I find it odd though that when I try more intense exercise that while I am burning more calories, my weight loss totally stops. Apparently I'm kicking up water retention or something. So I've decided to stay lower intensity and LONGER times. My next weigh-in is Friday and I think I'll hit 100 lbs. lost---really 100, not the MFP rounded up number (the ticker 99 is a rounded up number by the way)......fingers crossed. :laugh: :laugh:

    Back to the phone. (No, I don't work, this is all family stuff......)

    To all of you....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Well, I am waaaaay late to this series of threads, but I'll make my opening post here (having never posted before). I'm 51 years old from the freezing East Coast. About two years ago, I lost 72 pounds, but then took a break, putting a few pounds back on. Over the past few months, I started running again, and I'm now only 6 pounds from my 72 pound loss, lol. I've decided this is the year I'll lose that additional 30 pounds I want gone. My goal is to run the Broad Street Run first Sunday in May, which is a down-hill 10-miler. I do a 5k most days, so it's within reach.

    January's resolutions (which are kind of longer term, but I did start them in January):
    1. Hire a personal trainer (to help me get into shape for the BSR). Check.
    2. Begin learning to speak Russian (just because). Check.
    3. Drink at least a quart a day of Green Smoothies. Check (so far).
    4. Maintain my high percentage raw-food diet. (I've always believed our digestive systems were set up for a particular diet, pre-agricultural age, actually, and I try to stick with it for the most part). Check.

    Pleased to meet all of you here. I honestly love being in my 50's! It's the best decade yet.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Lin, you may find this article interesting. It's funny - I'm a huge advocate of exercising more and more, but there's a limit to what we can do timewise and energy-expending-wise.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Lin, you may find this article interesting. It's funny - I'm a huge advocate of exercising more and more, but there's a limit to what we can do timewise and energy-expending-wise.




    Thanks for the info......I appreciate the help. I only walk and had added some faster walk/jog intervals which only *upped* my Fitbit adjustment about 200 calories a day. So it wasn't extreme. But I'm dropping back to what was working---I'll work it until it doesn't work!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a healthy and happy day. :heart: :drinker: :heart:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • buddysmom35
    buddysmom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Linda C,
    you make me stop complaining about our wind chill at 6 degrees. How can you stand it?? sending warm thoughts....
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!We are warming up,double digits.
    Violet got sick,so grandma went home.Mom said home from work,guess grandma doesn`t know how to take care of a sick kid.
    Doing baking for the church.Made 70+mini cupcakes.
    Enjoy your day!!
    hugs jane
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Jane, I'm, sure it's not that grandma doesn't know how to care for a sick kid, but that Momma wanted an excuse to come home and have cuddle time with her little one:flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Junekaatz: It sounds like you might have SAD-seasonal affective disorder. I hear it affects lots of people who live in high latitudes. I don’t know if your latitude is high, but the symptoms are very familiar. It is an old companion of mine and I’ve made great strides against it in recent years. The improvement started when I began taking supplements with Calcium and D3 at my doctor’s direction. (This was for bone density concerns.) The combination unexpectedly helped my SAD symptoms to ease away. D3 is one of the newer medical “discoveries.” Since his MS diagnosis, my husband takes even more than I do. In addition to the vitamins, in recent years we’ve been replacing our household light bulbs with daylight temperature lights. They also provide a nice mood boost. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Amanda X: Thanks for the pulse definition. Someone else also mentioned that pulse was “brit speak” for legumes like peas and beans.:smile:

    LinC: I can’t even imagine experiencing weather that cold. Stay warm and take care of yourself.

    Lin in Central Iowa: Nearly 100 pounds? You rock!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    mwheatcraft54: Thanks for the exercise links. I found them very interesting. They make sense to me.:smile:

    Jane: I agree with Laura. I’m sure your daughter just needed to be with her sick little one, herself. I felt that way when I was a working mom with a sick child. The guilt caused by working outside the home ratchets right up. I doubt she had concerns about your competence.:wink:

    I’m having a half sick feeling today and ended up taking a long nap. It helped. DH said he felt this way yesterday. So far I’ve skipped exercising, but I’m eating reasonable amounts and drinking my water. His lasted only a day. I hope I’m as lucky.:tongue:

    Thanks for all the Vitamin F! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hi There. I'm Barb and have been away from MFP for several months. Back again and this time making my goals of 10 lb increments of success until I reach the main goal loss of 50 lbs. I have moved the treadmill to a very visible area where I have to practically step on it to get around it. This should help with the exercise portion of my weight loss plan. :laugh:

    If you have ideas for good work lunches I'd love to read them. Please friend me if you like and indicate the women 50+ group.

    Everyone have a good week. This cold I have is keeping me down for a couple of days but hope to spring back soon. :bigsmile:

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Tigress, I'm right there with you this week. Hope you start to feel better soon. It seems like I'm sneezing 80-90 times a day, runny nose, cough, etc. Yuck. Haven't gone to the gym to share the germs and I'm trying keep the food nutrient dense, plus drink lots of water and rest.

    Regarding push ups - I don't do regular push ups or push ups on my knees. I use the rail in the handicapped stall in the ladies room at work, then step my feet back about 4 - 4 1/2 feet and do them that way. Someone else on this thread talked about it one day, so I started doing them. Only did 35 today though. (I aim for 20 per trip!)

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello all. Have learned so much reading this thread. Will try the vege hummus wraps and the push ups on the bar :wink:
    I'm leaving for a 5 day business trip tomorrow to NYC and Alabama. Always a challenge to keep to a clean food regime. Wish me luck! :glasses:

    Rori in the Colorado foothills
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. This probably will be shorter than normal. Today was a clinical day…first day for the new students. We are at an assisted living facility that is wonderful and loads of fun. I have 5 other faculty I supervise who have groups of 8 students each. Clinical for this class is only 7-12, so not bad at all.
    got half way to clinical and my “get gas now” light came on. I realized I did not have my wallet, any money, or any credit cards with me at all, so I had to call DH who came to my rescue and brought me my wallet.

    Sunshine: enjoy your cross country skiing!

    Robin hope your neck feels better soon

    Mary: welcome!

    Katla: and we are grateful for you!

    DeeDee: I had a fight with my wii. Today and yesterday both it told me my weight AND BMI were up…I told it to shut up or I woulnd’t get back on! Maybe I should just ignore the body tests, it always says I’m 78 or something like that each time! LOL

    Wessecg: OMG that is just awful. Hugs to you

    Sara; that weight loss is impressive!

    Sue: that is one funny mental image….people shaking trees and ducking from the falling walnuts.

    M: great…thanks for the link to the recipe and your suggestions!

    Barbie: so glad Jake is doing so much better!

    Ohiomom: I think if you don’t eat at least 1200 cals your body thinks it’s starving and the metabolism slows down.
    Amanda: hope you start feeling better after missing your friend.

    Liz: I had a night like that last night too. I hate that!

    DeeDee: I sure hope your water problem gets fixed and soon!

    Julie: sometimes when you start with a weight loss and exercise program, fluid gains and losses may seem extreme. That may be what is happening to you. Plus if you are adding muscle, that weighs more than fat. Hang in there it will all even out.

    Mary: I sure hope today was a better day for you!

    LoriH thanks for the info on the hummus roll ups. Sabra greek olive is my favorite too

    Well I have missed many of you but it’s game night one night early here and everyone is waiting for me. Tonight it’s the “crazy cat lady” game where you collect cats. It’s hilarious. Take care, Meg
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Went to yoga and then deep water class. Went a bit of food shoppping then senior bowling. Just home for a bit and we go back for bowling with the Newcomers. Tomorrow I'll do Jillian Michael's Shed it with Weights DVD (I think that's the title -- I know it's something "with weights")

    ohiomomof2 - Wish I had your problem. Are you getting enough protein? Usually foods high in protein seem to be also high in calories. Of course, there are some exceptions. And don't forget to have some nuts, they're high in calories but also have the good fats in them.

    sunshine - Vince always laughs at me because when we go away, I have to clean the house. He says "what, are you cleaning for the robbers" I just hate coming home to a dirty house. Didn't know that they have Salvation Army's in Norway. I thought the Y was all around the world!

    Julie - worry about your kids, no matter what their age is, not only makes you human, it makes you a mother. My father passed away when he was 83, I was helping take care of him so I'd go to NJ from PA every weekend. It never ever failed that when I left he'd say to me "now be sure you call me when you get home". I only had 3 children and was living in my third house. One time I just didn't have time to call because our cat was run over by a car, he called ME to make sure I'd made it home safely.

    Mary - good luck in your toning class

    Kate - OUCH!!!!

    allison - welcome! Any time is a good time to start, we're so glad to have ya

    Jane - hope Violet gets better fast. I, too, agree with Laura. I'm positive Violet's mother wanted a reason to be home with her.

    katla - hope you feel better

    barb - welcome back!

    Rori - have a great trip!

    Meg - tell me more about this game.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC