
  • bump**** enjoying all the motivation and advise.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member

    Amanda x: What is a pulse? I feel like I should know that term, but I can't think of anything other than a heartbeat or burst of energy. A person doesn't eat either of those. I'd look it up in the dictionary, but I have hopes that you'll tell something about your favorites and how they're prepared.:wink:

    I'll try to dig out some recipes when I get time x

    Okay, Amanda in that case I love pulses too! Packed with nutrition and cheap to buy. Hello world. Had pretty much a vegan day today. Just because.

    Today I realized I was 25% at my goal weight loss. That was pretty significant for me.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Lori H and wessecg I also have a weekend house in rural Missouri. Warsaw at Truman Lake. Counting down the days til warmer days and fishing. We have a pontoon boat, and DH, the dog and I spend many hours out there fishing. It is just wonderful to sit in the middle of the lake, hold a pole and enjoy the peace.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: I need to renew my gratitude for the weather we have in NW Washington that's so mild in comparison to the plains of Canada or the north latitudes of Norway or various location in the NE.......I can walk every day (at least I have for the last 17 months).....gratitude is my solution to whatever ails me.

    :flowerforyou: I had an awesome day of dance.....the class in the morning featured all my favorite intermediate dances and the class I taught in the afternoon was filled with my favorite beginner dances.:bigsmile: I came home starving and made a chocolate Isagenix shake with peanut butter before taking the dogs for a walk......tonight after a brief ride on the recumbent bike, it's early to bed :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie from drizzly NW Washington
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    bump for later...
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Nurse - I have a fresh water rock bottom creek that runs through my property. I swear that I am 100% content to float in my creek with a pina colada all day long.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump so that I can find my place. Have a good night.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi Ladies
    Sounds like Wednesday is almost over for most of you. It’s snowing again and I don’t feel like dealing with it. Yuck, but at least everything will be pretty and white again.
    I’m surprised at how many of us seem to have SAD issues.

    Kate – sorry to hear of your fall, it just makes everything painful when you land that hard. My shoulder is still a little uncomfortable, but dislocated ribs and vertebrae, I feel for you girl! I want to go back to the Coast too.

    Lin – your “little black cloud following” is from L’il Abner and it was the Joe Btfspik character.

    I’ve read all of the posts but find I’m not in a very chatty mood tonight. Tired and fed up with cold and snow (mumble, mumble, grump, grump). Last night I had the second highest score in bowling for the night, then to top it off, I won the donkey prize for the lowest score of the night too. Can you spell e r r a t i c ?

    I think I need some sleep, perhaps that will help my mood tomorrow. Good night ladies and wishes for a good day tomorrow.

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    It is late and time for bed but a few comments before i tuck myself in....

    Joy - From Norway to Rome! :smile: May there be many sunny days, long leisurely walks, good coffee and great pasta and wine in your days there. Enjoy!

    Cheryl - So sorry to hear of the death in your community. The end of such young lives is so much harder to handle. Prayers for you and your community as you mourn this tragic loss.

    Sara - 35 pounds since August is still pretty significant in my books!

    Ohiomom - I too have some trouble getting my calories up to 1200 some days. I seem to crave the fresh crisp veggies that fill me but they don't add much calories. I sometimes find I have to eat something extra that is calorie dense just to boost that total. Crazy I know:noway: - I haveresorted to a half cup of ice cream!

    Lori H - I love the idea of your cooking class. I have often thought I would like to do something like that. What did you make?

    Kate - Ah primroses, yes! I just bought two little pots for my kitchen - they are like a promise of spring. Sorry about your fall - hope the aches and pains clear up soon- it does sound treacherous. We had the melt and the resulting ice but have had no snow since. Are you really expecting more snow? When? PLEASE don't get any on the weekend - I hate driving on bad roads!!

    Okay, that's it for today. I am off to preschool with the grandboy tomorrow - it is grandparents day. Hopefully this year it doesn't coincide with the dinosaur unit:laugh: ....my son in law thought it was hilarious when that happened a couple of years ago!:bigsmile:

    G'night all...
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning everyone! Still working on closets here today but also laundry. I went to a weight loss meeting at the base yesterday, only one other person was there but we're hoping more people will join as the year goes. Zumba today at 3 so hoping to do a little better than last time.

    lizmil79 - I am enjoying seeing what I've done so far. :) It would be much faster if I was just straightening but since I'm planning on purging and organizing I think it's going to take me a few days.

    DeeDee2211 - thanks! I think I'll take my shower at the base today after my Zumba class. 2nd one .... hopefully I'll do better.

    katla49 - that's wonderful! I went to a weight loss meeting last night and told them about it. They loved it too. Thanks!

    tammytylerjon - thanks for the info. Maybe I'll check it out here at home before heading out. We love Rome too. And Italian food is my favorite .... this is going to be hard.

    emtjab - well, they say muscle weighs more than fat. Did you measure inches? Are they showing results?

    jodymaryk - I'm not sure how everyone else does it, but I open a new reply in a different window and then I just jot something down after reading each post. It works for me. Then, just before I hit "Post Reply" I copy it just by hitting control and c and then if it disappears, I still have it and just control v and there it is. :smile: BTW ... whenever we are in the states I chow down on Mexican. Just can't good Mexican food here. :( If you have any healthy recipes I would love to hear them!

    mwheatcraft54 - my husband works for NATO and there is a small base here in Stavanger, Norway. I have never done kickboxing ... and I'm really a clutz. I mentioned it to my husband a bit ago and he said "GREAT .... you'll end up kicking the tv and breaking it" ... it sounds mean but he's very supportive and was just joking.

    junekaatz - Living in Norway I really know how you feel about needing sunshine. It really helps me to get away now and then but the thing that has helped the most is my "happy light" .... that's what my husband calls it because he said he knows when I stop using it because I'm no longer happy. I just put it next to my computer and have it on for 45 minutes in the morning. I do not look at it directly, but I can see it out the corner of my eye. Here is a link that talks about them: http://www.philips.co.uk/c/light-therapy/38702/cat/#3. {{{{{{{{{{{{kate}}}}}}}}}}}} Big hugs.

    lucyT4dieting - unfortunately, that is how I've gained so much weight because we're on vacation a lot (well, I am .... hubby travels a lot for work and I just go with him) and since I'm in a weight loss contest I really need to be careful. :ohwell:

    linder4866 - WOW!!! 100 lbs! My fingers will be crossed for you. Good luck!!!

    allisonlane61 - welcome! I just started here too and am loving all the supportive people here.

    determinedinA - welcome! I pack lunches for my husband. It is just the two of us and I usually make something healthy for dinner that serves 4. For example, last night I made a Mediterranean lamb stew. It had lamb, apricots, cinnamon, carrots, onions, ginger, peppers .... it was WONDERFUL! (I guess this is a bad example though because it has 6 servings but we'll be skiing on Saturday and I wanted leftovers so I wouldn't have to think about cooking when we got back). One serving has 372 calories. Hubby had a small sweet potato with his last night, and for his lunch today I sent one serving of the stew with no sweet potato. He always gets what we had for supper for his lunch but with no sides. Quick, easy and he likes it.

    megblair1 - thank you! I hope I don't fall and break anything. :bigsmile:

    exermom - my house is always SPOTLESS when we leave .... not for the robbers but in case we die when gone. I know, I know ... it's just stupid but hubby was at the pentagon when the plane hit. If something happens when we are gone, I don't want people coming into my house saying "what a slob". I guess it's just my way of coping with getting on a plane because I'm scared to death to fly .... but I don't let it stop me.

    RebelRenny - congrats on the 25% goal!! I started thinking about it and wondered what 25% of my goal would be and I'll hit it in 2 more lbs! Thank you for sharing because it makes it seem more "real" to me that I'm actually doing this!

    glendalight - thank you! From your lips to God's ear. :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    Good lord, please remind me that I love my DH in sickness and in health - just so that I don't accidentally smother him in his sleep when he has man-flu!

    I need sleep right now, but am in the gallery with a busy work day ahead of me and knowing that when I get home I have hours of Latin translation to wade through. What I would really love is a day spent with the grandtwins followed by a hot bath and bed with a good book.

    Not sure what is wrong with me, but feeling fat and frumpy - even though I know my weight hasn't gone up and I'm still well below my target weight. Clearly I'm just going through a phase of dissatisfaction.

    I'm going to stop complaining now and get on with some work - otherwise I won't get out of here until midnight!

    Have a good day my lovelies.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Good afternoon Amanda! Why is it guys are such babies when they get sick? :ohwell:

    I just noticed how much weight you've lost! O.M.Goodness!!! How long did that take you? You look amazing!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`m waiting for my brother to come turn my water on, seems he overslept this morning:grumble: ! Of course if I was smart I would know how to do these things and not be dependant on someone else! Time to learn where everything is located! Having no water and a gain on the scale this morning has put me in a terrible mood:devil: . I just want to go back to bed:sad: !

    Kate:smile: Sending you a hug:flowerforyou: !

    Tigress:smile: Hope you feel better soon!

    LindaC:smile: Stay warm!

    Lin:smile: One more pound to go to hit 100, congrats, you`re doing awesome!!!! I seem to have the same problem you do, the more I exercise the more I gain:huh: , makes no sense to me:sad: !

    JaneM:smile: Hope Violet is feeling better!

    Renny:smile: congrats to you!!!!

    Amanda:smile: Hope DH feels better soon, and you get your visit with the grandtwins!

    Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: , come in often and chat with us!!!

    Well i`m taking my grumpy self off the computer, would hate to have my mood infect anyone on here!!!

    Hope you all have a great day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee...grumpy in NC
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    Wide awake again in early morning. hours but feeling much better. I was so exhausted last night as I was trying to finish logging everything I would fall asleep. My DH said it was. So funny I had my kindle in one hand my other hovering over the key pad but I be out for a second. Come to try again. But I got everything logged. Glad I could am able to amuse him. :happy:

    @Dee sorry you are feeling out of sorts I hope your brother cones soon to help with your water.
    @Barbie I agree with you. I too appreciate our weather so much in Idaho yes its cold but nothing like Canada or Norway.
    @ Lin. That is great almost to 100lbs. You are doing great.
    @Amanda hope DH feels better soon.
    @Lin C keep yourself warm.

    @Meg don't fall and hurt yourself!

    @Jane hope Violet feels better
    @Glenda - have fun today at Grandparents day!

    Well I need to finish getting ready for my day first the Y than. Work.

    Keep warm everyone -- wishing you a wonderful day.

  • Bump til tonight
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning on this beautiful chilly morning but the sun is shinning and that's great.

    Thought you were going to rebook your trip.
    Oh well other things more important and life goes on

    Lots of walking. Good luck on Friday with weight in.

    Good for you for getting back with it before more harm was done

    Buddy's mom
    It's cold but could be worse. Like if I didn't have the proper clothe's to wear.
    But bundle up and go anywhere.

    Well it gave you the chance of getting the cupcakes done.

    Hope you feel better today.

    Making smaller goals will make it look more doable.

    Sorry the flu got to you to.
    Good way of getting exercise.

    Welcome and good luck

    Have fun with the family

    Guess once parents that's when the worrying begins'
    When the boys were still at home I couldn't sleep until the last one was in his nest.
    Lucky for me I only had three.

    Not bad if you keep telling yourself spring is just around the corner lol.
    Early to bed I guess your up every morning and out before the birds.

    SAD is a very well known disorder
    Bowling funny sport you can hit your best game and worst game of the year in one night.

    I find if you track your food for 7 days add up all your calories it will usualy even out.
    Have fun with grandson.

    Did you have flyer's out to invite people to your weight loss meeting.
    Maybe try to invite the zumba class.

    Look at your picture and how far you have come. Should pull up a smile.

    Hope your water is turned back on and the frown became a smile by now.
    At tops last night I gave everyone a recipe card and on that they had to write what the word believe meant to them.
    Here's what i had on mine
    Believe in yourself
    Believe you can achieve anything you put your mind to
    Believe i tomorrow will be a better day if you failed today.
    So there Believe. Maybe i'll go put that on my home page for all to see.

    So today I believe I better get my butt of the computer and get some house work done.
    Move more Eat less is my thing for today.
    There all caught up here but not my dishes or laundry they are next lol.
    Need the vit. F before facing the day.

    Linda C from Northern Ontario Canada
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello and happy Thursday :happy:

    Woops,:noway: last checked on on Tuesday and here we are, it’s Thursday. I claim immunity. I’ve been making travel arrangements and studying Spanish! I am going on a trip to Granada, Nicaragua with my wonderful, amazing, entertaining and energetic 85 year-old parents in March. Gotta be on top of the world for that adventure!

    I have also been busy reading “graphic novels” for school (it’s so fun being a grade 7 teacher :love: ) because I am putting together a study unit based on this style of graphica. I am learning a whole new vocabulary and a whole new way of “reading”.

    Calorie count and exercise go on, but I’ve had to put the computer aside to fit the rest of it in.

    Julie, just read your Wed post about gaining weight, even though you are “doing everything right”. Do you also record your measurements? I’ve found that encouraging. I take my bust, under bust, waist & hips once a month. Often when I’ve had a month of no weight loss I still have encouraging changes in my shape. Give it a try!

    Mary in Renton, here’s hoping you see blue sky today! :flowerforyou: Think Mexico – the sun must be shining there.

    Lori H., your hummus wrap and cooking class both sound like fantastic ideas. I am going to look for the tortilla. Have you ever tried making your own hummus? If you have a food processor it’s easy and you can control the amount of salt & oil that go into the mix.

    M in freezing Pennsylvania (you should be skiing) somehow the image or sound of the words “crispy little cubes” related to tofu just made me giggle :laugh: (I’m easy to entertain). I have some tofu in the fridge that needs to be eaten. Tonight we are going to have crispy little cubes!

    Tahinni in my grocery story is next to the peanut butter, along side the almond butter. Go figure.

    Kate – monkey brain, oh yeah. I know it well. Winter blues too. Just the smell of a flower shop can lift your spirit. :flowerforyou: Exercise helps (but you know that).

    Lucy – “embrace the sweat”??? :explode: I’ll be thinking that next time I’m treadmilling! The elliptical and stationary bikes have fans on them, why can’t they come up with something for the treadmill?

    Wessecg – I like the idea of floating in a creek with a pina colada. :drinker: We have a place at “the lake”. My sisters and I have spent many happy hours floating with our glasses of wine. Lovely image to replace the winter blues.

    Lila, I was at the gym and came out just after 8 pm to see all that snow. Dang. :grumble: want it on the hills, but not in my rec centre parking lot. I wish DH could come and plough your driveway for you, it’s just a little too far away.

    Cleaning house before going away? :noway: Oh yes, me too. For the same reasons as mentioned by Sunshine61250 – If anyone comes into my home I don’t want them to think I am a total slob. Silly, but true. And motivating when it comes to getting the stuff off the floor of my bedroom closet!

    Amanda, you do love your DH, and I sure you do. Perhaps it’s the mid-winter “give me a break” feeling you’re suffering from.

    Must go and get J’boy ready for the day, pull the lunches out of the fridge, make my “green smoothie” and get things rockin’ for the day. Whoo Haw. This is talking myself into energy – as Barbie says, quoting “The Happiness Project” “act the way you want to feel”. Off we go…

    Nancy in SE British Columbia, the beautiful and snowy Creston Valley.

    January goals: (mid-month check)

    6 workouts a week - missed one last week, but doing OK
    Connect to my family (emails once a week to parents & sisters) Yes, actually more than this because we are planning out trip.

    “Connect” is my word for 2013. I will try to make a new connection each month (this is inspired by The Happiness Project)
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    It's Thursday and boy am I glad:flowerforyou:

    My computer is acting very strange and am hoping that this posts, you just never know what will happen when it does this:grumble: The graphics and all wrong.

    My bookkeeper is coming in today and I'm hoping that she will help me get into 2013...because everyday I get farther behind and it's very frustrating.

    I am sensing that hubby is frustrated with his dieting but I haven't asked as I know it would just add to his already "not so happy about the scale" mood.

    I've been back to my working out this week and I can really tell the difference...now if I can only keep at it:wink: I really don't want to reverse all the good that I did last year.

    Must go and finish what I started yesterday before the bookkeeper gets here.

    Have a great day, if you eat it log it, log that exercise and drink plenty of water it really does help wash away the weight:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Ahh, January. I suppose we just have to embrace it, don't we. As I enter yet another day, cold fog, damp with rain drops, awfully darned dismal, I remember this is merely a passing season. I allow myself to hop, and skip, and dance with dogs on my way to a smile. Then rest awhile. Positive action is the cure for negative thought. I've been reading posts, and reading quotes. Here are a few in regards to Winter.

    "The snow doesn't give a soft white damn whom it touches."
    - E. E. Cummings

    "One kind word can warm three winter months."
    - Japanese proverb

    "In a way Winter is the real Spring - the time when the inner things happen, the resurgence of nature."
    - Edna O'Brien

    Be well, treat yourselves to a smile or two.

    :smile: jb from wintery Portland
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Seriously, there should be something for cleaning. I used to sit at the computer everyday and now I'm up and cleaning, sorting, organizing ... I'm exhausted, my back hurts but it can't count as exercise? At least I'm moving now instead of being a slug. :bigsmile: