
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies – trying to keep up before we get pages along. Still freezing and expecting snow this afternoon but nothing yet, just clouds. Work is completely crazy right now – but the good news is by getting enough sleep, protein and exercise I’m feeling pretty healthy from a stress and emotional perspective. Yesterday was especially good for me – I hit my numbers almost exactly as they should be including LOTS of protein – yay me!

    A little get together with a friend who’s moving away tonight, another party tomorrow, and then just cleaning for the rest of the weekend (well, that plus getting decorations for a Super Bowl party we’re hosting next weekend). Lots of exercise planned in there too though –

    JB, we have geese and droppings that look like lawn plugs, they’re so big! Have a wonderful weekend.

    Cheryl, are we over the hill then? :laugh:

    Glenda, what a fun day at Grandparents’ Day! I’m so glad you got to go. Yes, getting outside is indeed food for the soul.

    Suebdew, so jealous. I would love some warm weather right about now. Two more weeks . . .

    Barbie, we had a bright red sunrise this morning – “Red sky at dawn, sailors be gone,” right? It was gorgeous. LOL at reminding you it could be worse :laugh:.

    Michele, DH told me no more cats – he keeps using Middie as an excuse but he knows me well enough that I would be a crazy cat lady in a nanosecond if left to my own devices.

    Ohiomom, just remember, brighter days are around the corner :smile:.

    Renny, what a nice surprise for the dadx2. Your lunch sounds wonderful too. Sounds like a great day all the way around :smile:.

    Bjmcq, aw, tis a wee little mousie, right? When we were in Scotland a few years back DD actually tried the haggis and said it wasn’t too bad. She won’t be trying scotch anytime soon, nor will I. Your dinner plan sounds great though – happy birthday to your husband!

    Mary, you have my enduring respect and admiration! Your crossfit workout sounds brutal indeed!

    Joy, doncha love how husbands always have a “better way”? Mine has yet to be satisfied with how I store plastic containers – I just go along after him and fix the ones he just throws in the cupboard (because if he had his way, that would be the fix). :laugh: Have a terrific time skiing – I bet it’s spectacular there! And Rome – it’s such a great city. Have fun!

    Amanda, poor DH, and poor you! Your soup recipe sounds fabulous – I’m going to make it!

    DeeDee, yay for water! And yes, your doggie will roll on dead things from time to time, even if you think she’s too perfect . . . lol. Yeah, you don’t want the girls whacking you in the face, so put on some binding!

    Lin, Congratulations!!!!!!!:love::drinker::love:!!!

    Tammy, we’re seeing a few flakes flying around but nothing steady yet.

    Laura, amen. I’m sorry to hear about your uncle – sounds like he had a long and eventful life! Hope your weekend is peaceful.

    Cheryl, is your DH an “over the hill” over 50 or a “not over the hill” over 50 member? :wink:

    OK, back to work. Hope happy hour gets here quickly for everyone and you find something fun to do this weekend no matter what!


  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all my wonderful friends. Not quite as cold here today, the high is expected to be in the high 20s. So that’s tolerable! Today was weigh in day and I stayed the same. :smile: I have been eating less and exercising more, but I just think it will take a bit of time to even out. I know I need to drink more water, so that’s what I will focus on this week. My weekend is going to be dicey….lunch tomorrow with a friend at Red Lobster (I can find something less caloric there at least), pizza with friends Saturday night and pizza and a movie on Sunday for family day. I’ll have to really up the exercise this week!

    I debated whether or not I should tell you about my nsv yesterday but I told my fitness buddy and she thought it was hilarious, so here goes. Apparently I need new underwear. The ones I was wearing yesterday were way too big, so about every 5 steps, I had to duck into a resident’s room and pull them up! Step, step, step, step, step, hide and yank….step, step….you get the idea.:laugh: Pretty annoying until I realized they were too big because I have lost 20 pounds!

    Glenda: I bet you had a blast at the school yesterday! What a fun age group!

    Suebedew: AHHHHH to be golfing in January!

    Barbie: yes the crazy cat lady game is available commercially, just not sure where other than a little odd store in our old market area that sells “hippie” kinds of things, retro fridge magnets, that kind of stuff. Do you want me to look for a company name on the box for you? OH! I just read Michelle’s post and it’s on amazon.

    Michele: OMG I love the magnet!!!:laugh:

    Renny: a warm veggie salad sounds wonderful

    BJ: does anyone actually eat haggis? :sick: I am Scottish so tonight I shall raise a glass to dear Robbie if I have enough calories at the end of the day.

    Mary in WA: I had to laugh at the thought of that big dog pulling you around. Sounds like you are really doing well with your workouts. Your dinner sounded excellent…all except oysters on the half shell. For the first time I have been on this site, I have seen a food I don’t like! :bigsmile:

    Joy: have a marvelous trip. It will be worth the plane ride!

    Amanda: so glad you are near the end of the meds! Hope DH is soon over his wallowing too! :tongue:

    DeeDee: my “girls” don’t like any movement! So glad you got your water turned back on. That would have sent me over the edge!

    Wessecg: don’t fret….that little gain will be gone in no time. DH looks delighted in that trench!:wink:

    Lin in Iowa: Holy cow!!! 101 pounds gone???? I guess I never really noted your ticker before, OMG that is so wonderful. Congratulations!!! You must feel so proud!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Tammy: stay safe in the snow!

    Laura: I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Once that generation is gone, we will really be missing something.

    Discipline: welcome to our thread. You will get lots of encouragement and vitamin F (friends) here.

    Jane: so sorry about your friend’s dad. Hugs to you and her:flowerforyou:

    M: yay for your good days!

    Well I need to get some more work done here. I want to leave a bit early to get the groceries. I didn’t go yesterday because I had a head ache and besides I was lazy and wanted a nap! So today it is or we don’t eat tonight! Take care everyone, Meg from Omaha home of the national ice skating championships :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I was at an offsite for 2 days so no time to post. I just finally skimmed the posts. Some good stuff happening out there.

    I am on my way to Vegas and my girls in just a few hours. I am so excited. I will take lots of pictures and hopefully to get one or two posted.

    Keeping up with the steps but the offsite threw a wrench in the stair climbing and eating. I am sure I won't be that good this weekend either but I can always get back on track.

    Take care all,
    Robin missing her Bodi and Ritter already,

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to save my place.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    This is day 6 on a renewed campaign to be in a body that is a better reflection of me. I have added a pH element into my whole foods approach to nutrition and this is day 6. I prefer to work my physical exercise augmented by some yoga & pilates several times a week. Perhaps, after I loose my first 20lbs I will join a class at my local Y and begin free weights again.

    If I can break my 12 lb loss threshold (I have been loosing and gaining the same 8-12 lbs for decades), this campaign could be a success.

    You all are very inspiring.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Awhhh! Cute M-wheatcraft...tis a mouse! :flowerforyou:

    and to Meg, ok, I dare you...there are at least 30 entries for haggis! including haggis pizza!!!!! too funny, but that answers your question! :laugh:

    BJ, SWOnt
  • Bump
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Holy Smokes Girls!!! I am sooooo far behind with you Fantastic bunches of Vit F :wink: I am on a rollercoaster...a GOOD ONE. I ROCKED the job interview!!!! :glasses: Yesterday I got a call from HR saying they are writing up an offer!!!! I will get a call Monday!! :bigsmile: Yep now I will be selling French Fries, mashed potatoes, Onion rings and Mozz sticks oh not to excude jalapeno poppers!

    I just got home from another Cozmosize class and I took the same class last night. Someone asked me about that a while ago..Cozmosize is like a boot camp on steriods!!! The class is always different...we work with BIG ropes, kettle bells, TRX, push big Box sleds and Tractor tires, of course sometimes there are squat jumps and burpees included. It's lot of fun.

    I want to say that since I have been working out and building muscle it has made me feel good of course but also I have a new found confidence! I know that feeling helped me with the interview!!!!

    So I guess what I'm saying is start or keep strength training!!!!! It feels AMAZING! Well I hope to catch up with you all this weekend. Thanks for reading :bigsmile:

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! :heart: Judy
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    :laugh: :laugh: Hi everyone. Had a busy weekend. I looked on to the thread several times, but I was overwhelmed with how fast it grew, and the thought of posting to everyone just seemed impossible. I'm going to go with, just commenting on a couple of days. I can't believe in just those few days, you are 7 pages into part 3 . Wow.
    We finally got hit with some snow here, which I was so glad. Have living in the North and having nothing to show for it. But the first few days were at about 0 degrees, with 10 -15 below windchills, so I still couldn't have any fun in it. Finally got out yesterday for a long photography walk, and today for some snowshoeing. I love the cold brisk weather. It totally invigorates me, and makes me happy to be alive.
    My weight still hasn't budged from the 3 pound loss. Only one day have I eaten over my calories in this month. I am having sore muscles from all the increased exercise, and I'm going to say they might be slightly swelling. I have determined I really do need to get more movement in my life, so I am making that my goal, though I am going slow and steady and "listening to my body. Hopefully it will beging to strengthen and I can add more each day. I set my calories amount down to 1200, but I really can't eat that low. I'd be just too hungry to fall asleep at night. However, I am proud of myself that I have almost made it to almost the end of the month and have been consistently following a healthy eating plan. I usually would have quit be now.
    :laugh: Glenda, you made me laugh, with the word picture of you getting up and down off the floor in the preschool. I have been to many grandparents day, and felt the same way. I try to be consious and not make the big grunting sound as I heft myself up off the floor.
    :smile: Suebdew, great job on your 4 mile walk. That's a good amount. I think doing that everyday would be enough to keep anyone fit.
    :drinker: Barbie, I appreciate you giving your story recently, about how you added so much movement to your life. Though I can't do that yet, because I just get too sore, I am going to aim for so much more. It seems to be the thing that is lacking in my life. Each person who shares what works for them, really helps the rest of us along the way. And we are at similar places in life. I also am not working so I should be able to make time for it.
    :glasses: Michelle, you sound like you are having a crazy busy time, and then you add baking cookies for so many people. How nice of you. I hate to bake, so if I actually do, I'm greedy with the stuff, and don't want to give any away.
    :flowerforyou: Ohio Mom. The dreary gray days, are a bit depressing, but I find the cold air, very uplifting. Take some walks outside and hopefully it will lift away your blahs.
    :wink: Renny, I love muffins, especially warm from the oven. Hope you enjoyed yours.
    :drinker: BJ, what the heck is haggis and who is Robbie Burns? Celebrating sounds fun, but haggis doesn't sound appetizing.
    :love: Mary, way to go on really doing a super tough workout. Then it you can feel good about eating those extra calorie foods. I realize I have to work on my mind alittle. If I think a workout will be too hard, I just don't do it. I'm always trying to "listen to my body", but sometimes I think I am too easy on myself.
    :bigsmile: Joy, have a wonderful time in Rome. I'be been there several times and like it more each time I go. Safe travels
    :smile: Amanda, I smiled about your hubby. Aren't they the biggest babies when they are sick.
    :noway: DeeDee, jumping rope. That's awesome. I can't even imagine the thought of me jumping up and down. Should be super great exercise.
    :angry: Wessecg. sorry about the little bump in the scales. Isn't so infuriating. Hang in there girl.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Lin, that is so amazing. You should right up your story for some of us new girls on the thread. Tell us the things that really worked for you. What an inspiration. I can't even imagine what it took to loose 100 pounds. So proud of you.
    :wink: Linda C, stay alive in that cold. 31 below is taking cold to a serious level. I would never leave my house.
    :smile: Tammy Hi. I don't think I saw you on here before.
    :flowerforyou: Laura, sorry about the loss of your uncle. Sounds like he lived a great life.
    :happy: Discipline, Welcome. Hope you find help and success for your journey here.

    Well this has taken me at least 45 minutes and I barely made it through one page. Crazy. I must be super slow. Sorry can't post more, have to go. I really do appreciate what I'm learning from all of you and the motivation I recieve here. Some of you who have made it to goal, might consider writing up your journey and success story for us on the thread. They can be very motivational, plus they help us know you better, and understand what it is going to take to be successful. I bet many readers on this thread would enjoy it.
    Have a great weekend everyone.
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    just reread my post. Sorry about so many misspellings. It just takes so long to write, that then I don't go back and peruse it before I hit the send button. Hope you can still follow my ramblings.
    Karen in Mi.
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Wow...busy couple of days at work and haven't had time to read posts since WEDS!!!

    thanks so much to everyone for the words of encouragement! I needed it. and then i get on the scale a few days later and it's down 1.5 lbs. I think my body is just insane....it wants to trip me up! lol

    Exermom.....I loved the story about your dad. that is soooo sweet! My grown kids still think i'm nuts when i tell them to drive safe or when i call them to make sure they made it home ok...lol....mom's are made to worry I guess! :)

    Gave 4 little doxies baths today...it's not on the exercise list...but boy, it SHOULD BE!!! lol....hot, humid and loads of work! lol

  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Just trying to get back and connect with friends to help along the way
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Bump will chat tomorrow. Take care all.....recouping from a cold. It's slow but upside.....I'm not hungry.:wink:
  • pondmermaid
    pondmermaid Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks- will keep this in mind and I am worried that the belly fat will be a problem for me too
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Big time NSV today. I bought smaller pants and they fit!!!!! I went from an 18 to a 16 and bought two new pair of pants. YAY! One of those pair of pants are Levi jeans. I can't tell you how many years it has been since I had a pair of Levi jeans. Maybe as many as three decades. I only bought two pair of pants because I think this is a stop on my way to another destination.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Katla:smile: Congrats!!!!! It feels great getting smaller pants!!! Keep it up, pretty soon you'll be shopping for another size down!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night!!! I'm tired and instead of eating to keep myself awake and read all the posts, I'm going to bed:yawn: , will try to catch up with everyone tomorrow!
    Sleep well and sweet dreams!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Sitting here watching my Dallas Mavericks get creamed by San Antonio. Sorry I bragged about our great weather because today the high was only 50. Brrrrr. Cold for me. Played golf but hurt my foot (think I strained it somehow) so quit after 9 holes. My DH is also sick with cough and low grade fever. He has been in bed since 7:30.
    Lin in Iowa - :love: :flowerforyou: I'm so proud of you. That is just most impressive. I agree with Karen, tell us your success story!
    Katia - Congrats on the Levis. It's always fun to get a smaller size pants. You're right, this is just a pit stop on the way to the next size down.
    Laura - so sorry to hear about your uncles. They were the greatest generation. The sad thing is there are so few left.
    Michelle - this is the first day I can remember you staying home. You're a great friend to always bring wonderful baked goods to meetings and friends.
    Joy - my DH was career AF also. We'll have to message sometime to see if we were ever in the same places.
    Hi to all the newbies and welcome. I didn't take notes tonight so this is the best I can do. Had a weird eating day today and don't really know why except my foot hurt. How does that affect your eating? Have a great night and I'll BBT
    Sue from TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    ohiomom - I can usually have half a cup of ice cream EXCEPT if it's mint chocolate chip. I used to get the Healthy Choice brand, but by the time I got finished dishing it out, it wasn't much of a Healthy Choice any more.....lol

    Glenda - you didn't do the chicken dance??????? Only the hokey pokey?????

    Renny - good for you taking healthy muffins with you. Isn't it sad when you have to bring your own food so that you know that you'll get something healthy? Another sad thing is that the healthy foods don't seem to go as quickly as the unhealthy foods. But good for you! Your salad sounds wonderful

    bj in SWOnt - happy birthday to your hubby. If you laughed that they closed the schools in Detroit, you'd really have a fit of laughter here in NC. Even the mere mention of snow and everything shuts down. I'm lucky in that I don't have to worry about my bowling scores starting out real good and then going downhill -- it just starts downhill and doesn't move....lol Congrats to your hubby on losing the weight and his low sodium and cholesterol counts. I totally understand about your knees. Some of Jillian's videos have impact in them. You can see clips of them at collagevideo.com and decide for youself. What types of exercises can you do, what are you looking for? I wouldn't want to do more damage, either. Do you have a rebounder? That's pretty gentle on the knees but a good workout. Of course, you know that water exercises are good workouts but I hear ya wanting something to do at home when you can't get out of the house. Yoga and pilates are pretty gentle on the knees.

    Well, it's precipitating here in NC and the precipatation is ice. They cancelled the Newcomers board meeting. And I had my tea already made! Well, I'll just drink it at home. I'll just have to wait to see if I need to go into the Green Room or not. Fortunately, I got my workout in early. When I went to the Y it wasn't doing anything outside, just cold. When I came out it was just starting to precipitate. Tomorrow is yoga. Now if the board meeting is rescheduled for tomorrow, I'll do a yoga DVD at home. If it's rescheduled for Sun I'll go to the Y's yoga tomorrow. Either way, yoga it'll be. Update: they're closing the Green Room. See, I told you everything shuts down around here! Not sure about the Y so I'll just do a yoga DVD at home

    Wore my new HRM at spinning today. I still need to find out things about it, but I did figure out how to get it to show the HR. It looks like you can have a split screen of a timer and your HR, gotta figure out how to reset the timer. That would be handy.

    Mary - LOL Rotten-weiler! I'm sure he's not as rotten as you say! The Crossfit sounds great. Does someone lead it, in other words, is it a class? Get better fast from your spill. Glad it was on a soft surface at least. Good for you going out, splurging, but still keeping under calories! I can tell you that I for one read long posts and find them really interesting. There are many times when someone makes a comment and I realize that for whatever reason, I didn't remember the original post.

    Joy - what is a Wii fitness class at the gym? Do they have multiple Wii's set up? Have fun skiing and in Rome. Wish I was going with you.

    Amanda - who is suffering with your hubby's man-flu? Do you eat fish, is that part of being a vegetarian. Fish isn't meat but I don't know how that works.

    DeeDee - that's wonderful that you have water! I'm ready for spring, too. I am amazed at how good a workout you get using the jumprope, however, I do think that's what caused my pulled tendon. Just take it easy and work yourself up. I only did 15 minutes, than something else for 30, then another 15. When I start back to using it, I may only do 5 minutes at a time.

    Lin in central Iowa - 101! That's fantastic. Congrats. I can't remember when I saw that number.

    Linda C - love your attitude that spring is one day closer. I need to keep reminding myself of that. Fortunately, the days are getting longer. How I hate when it gets dark early in the day

    Laura in CO - so sorry to hear about your uncle. He sounds like he was an awsome man. Yes, that was a great generation and we're going to be missing an awful lot when they are no longer here. They weren't called "the best generation" for nothing.

    disciplinelsF - welcome! You've come to a great place for support, that's for sure

    Jane - condolences to your friend and the family

    I just found out that the Newcomers board meeting will be Sunday at this one gal's house. Bad news is that she made a carrot cake (from scratch). On one side of the coin I really don't want any, I'm not a big carrot cake eater. But on the other side of the coin, I don't want to be rude. Honestly, I'd rather have the oat sunflower seed bars that I'm bringing. I'm also bringing some Swiss chocolates that my girlfriend sent me from Switzerland. Hopefully, people will eat them and that'll be that much less for me. I love Swiss chocolates, but I'm also trying to watch it. I had a chicken patty for breakfast this morning (low cal), maybe I'll have eggs for breakfast Sunday so that I'm full to some extent and don't overeat.

    Meg - clothes shooping here you come! Great news!!!!

    Robin - we want lots and lots of pictures. I'm SURE you won't have any problem at all doing that!

    Judy - ya for you on that interview and job offer. You rock girl! I'm so happy for you

    mtgww - good job on eating a healthy menu. Oh, I give away the cookies so that I don't eat them all...sneaky me

    Julie - one time a while ago my son asked when I'm going to stop worrying about him. I just answered that he'd better get used to it, because when I die I'm coming back from the grave to worry about him. That didn't go over real well....lol

    bkrbabe - welcome back! Long time no see. What a pleasant surprise, do stop in more often.

    katla - how wonderful that you got those jeans! Doing a happy dance for you. Onwards and upwards!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Here is the new link to the new fruit and veggie challenge for tomorrow http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/867961-fruit-veggie-1-day-challenge-saturday-jan-26-2013

    I had a good day today. Stressful at work, but satisfying in the end. I am back to training for my 10K tomorrow, so will ttyl.

    :heart: :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Lin. Congratulation. On reaching such a wonderful milestone. Wonderful