I shot the sheriff (smoking pot/fitness, can you do it?)



  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Vaporizer. Problem solved.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I smoke daily and am in the best shape of my life.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I have a friend who does it every day of the week. He says it helps him sleep... it makes me paranoid so I avoid it. But he's in extremely good shape and works out all the time. He doesn't keep any bad food in his house so he doesn't have anything bad to get the munchies on. I don't really see a problem with it as long as you can control yourself... oh and not get lung cancer *cough* *cough*

    the sad fact is, if you breathe outside, you might get lung cancer.

    Pot smoke doesn't give you lung cancer. Roll it in tobacco leaves for blunts and you're in more danger but still not a lot. As someone else mentioned, , a vaporizer solves that problem entirely. It's not even smoke.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Let's smoke some weed and go to the gym! -No one ever

    LOL I smoke OFTEN before working out, especially lifting. I have amazing sessions whenever I do that. So, that is a frequent comment in my house, to my fiancée.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Stoned Yoga=much easier. Jussayin'.

    Now this I could see! But combat sports? I'm afraid they'd hug it out.

    Dana says he thinks 400 of his 475 fighters would fail a drug test because of marijuana. They still find a way to mix it up.

    Not sure that says what you think it does. He's arguing there about testing in the off-season and he's making a clear distinction between PEDs and weed. To each his own but I think its a bit silly to be claiming weed is a PED. In any event, whatevs. Certainly not worth us going round and round about it. I'm definitely not against anyone using it as long as they're not driving, shooting or piloting any plane I'm in.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    oh, and as far as the MMA guys go, they might be smoking to medicate. I know some mentally imbalanced people who have had no luck with traditional prescription meds but weed keeps them on an even keel. Not saying they're all off balance, but....I'd venture to say you might be kinda crazy/have anger issues to fight for a living.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Anything in moderation. Just don't go overboard
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 416 Member
    Stoned Yoga=much easier. Jussayin'.

    Now this I could see! But combat sports? I'm afraid they'd hug it out.

    Dana says he thinks 400 of his 475 fighters would fail a drug test because of marijuana. They still find a way to mix it up.

    Not sure that says what you think it does. He's arguing there about testing in the off-season and he's making a clear distinction between PEDs and weed. To each his own but I think its a bit silly to be claiming weed is a PED. In any event, whatevs. Certainly not worth us going round and round about it. I'm definitely not against anyone using it as long as they're not driving, shooting or piloting any plane I'm in.

    Definitely not trying to go round and round with you, just discussing. I'm not saying I think weed is a PED. I'm just saying much like the NBA, many mma fighters smoke pot. It doesn't seem to hinder them. I haven't smoked for years, so I'm not in a position to give personal evidence. But it's something that interests me.
  • jerknoir
    jerknoir Posts: 96 Member
    Personally, smoking weed has helped me cut back on smoking cigarettes? I mean, same function, really, only one turns your lungs to licorice jellybeans and gives you cancer, the other makes you want to watch cartoons and eat Chinese food.

    But yeah. I've known plenty of athletes personally who have smoked regularly and still had bodies and strength to die for.
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    http://youtu.be/au6PoBKPLuE watch this, it'll help you out
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    ps, a friend who medicates with weed used to bounce bc it was a way he could fight without going to jail.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Stoned Yoga=much easier. Jussayin'.

    Now this I could see! But combat sports? I'm afraid they'd hug it out.

    Dana says he thinks 400 of his 475 fighters would fail a drug test because of marijuana. They still find a way to mix it up.

    Not sure that says what you think it does. He's arguing there about testing in the off-season and he's making a clear distinction between PEDs and weed. To each his own but I think its a bit silly to be claiming weed is a PED. In any event, whatevs. Certainly not worth us going round and round about it. I'm definitely not against anyone using it as long as they're not driving, shooting or piloting any plane I'm in.

    Definitely not trying to go round and round with you, just discussing. I'm not saying I think weed is a PED. I'm just saying much like the NBA, many mma fighters smoke pot. It doesn't seem to hinder them. I haven't smoked for years, so I'm not in a position to give personal evidence. But it's something that interests me.

    Factually, I'd say a heck of a lot of people smoke pot: MMA fighters, NBA, NFL, doctors, lawyers, accountants, just about 99% of college students, every gamer out there, etc. And if you mean smoking away from fights doesn't hinder MMA fighters, then you have not argument from me. I'd even go so far as to say it may help in recovery since it relaxes people (as long as its eaten or vaporized). But I don't think it can be reasonably argued that being high on weed helps during a round.
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 416 Member
    oh, and as far as the MMA guys go, they might be smoking to medicate. I know some mentally imbalanced people who have had no luck with traditional prescription meds but weed keeps them on an even keel. Not saying they're all off balance, but....I'd venture to say you might be kinda crazy/have anger issues to fight for a living.

    I'm sure you're right. I'm sure many had messed up childhoods. But also many wrestled all through high school, college, and mma was a way to get paid.
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    Stoned Yoga=much easier. Jussayin'.

    Now this I could see! But combat sports? I'm afraid they'd hug it out.

    Dana says he thinks 400 of his 475 fighters would fail a drug test because of marijuana. They still find a way to mix it up.

    Not sure that says what you think it does. He's arguing there about testing in the off-season and he's making a clear distinction between PEDs and weed. To each his own but I think its a bit silly to be claiming weed is a PED. In any event, whatevs. Certainly not worth us going round and round about it. I'm definitely not against anyone using it as long as they're not driving, shooting or piloting any plane I'm in.

    Definitely not trying to go round and round with you, just discussing. I'm not saying I think weed is a PED. I'm just saying much like the NBA, many mma fighters smoke pot. It doesn't seem to hinder them. I haven't smoked for years, so I'm not in a position to give personal evidence. But it's something that interests me.

    Factually, I'd say a heck of a lot of people smoke pot: MMA fighters, NBA, NFL, doctors, lawyers, accountants, just about 99% of college students, every gamer out there, etc. And if you mean smoking away from fights doesn't hinder MMA fighters, then you have not argument from me. I'd even go so far as to say it may help in recovery since it relaxes people (as long as its eaten or vaporized). But I don't think it can be reasonably argued that being high on weed helps during a round.
    I'm a gamer and I don't smoke :p
  • lroxey
    lroxey Posts: 32 Member
    Also not to mention that if it is the good stuff (not the stuff from Mexico) then you really don't get the munchies or feel lazy
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    I totally think smoking and working out go together- but certainly not before exercising!
    I once made the mistake of "hanging with some friends" before heading to the gym and I found my heart rate went insane without me doing anything (obvious side effect that usually goes unnoticed when on couch-lock:wink: ).
    However, I find nothing more soothing after an intense workout than relaxing with my lady Mary and a nice cup of herbal tea. I honestly feel it helps me lose more weight as long as I fight the munchies or supplement them with something healthy (I have been known to go IN on a big ol' bag of salad). It even made my vegan diet seem more delicious and helps me find amazing flavor in even the blandest of foods. It's all comes down to what you make of it. :smokin:
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Hi Folks,

    This topic has been locked because it is in violation of guideline #8 which states:

    8. Posts Must Abide By All Legal Statutes

    a) Do not post messages that violate federal, state/provincial, or local laws which include, but are not limited to, anything that violates a copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or is bound by NDA (non-disclosure agreement).
    b) Posts which promote or encourage illegal activities, including, but not limited to, use of illegal substances, violence against others, and procurement of prescription drugs without a prescription, are prohibited.
    c) Images containing hateful or violent imagery, depiction of illegal activities, or copyrighted material are not allowed and will be removed.

    We understand there are different local and state laws, but as MyFitnessPal is not bounded by the laws of any one state we recognize Federal Law and at this time Marijuana is still illegal. If or when this changes we will absolutely review our guidelines. I appreciate your understanding, please let me know if you have any questions.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
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