i dont get it



  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I assume, which i probably shouldnt, that everyone on here is committed to making their lifestyle more healthy and to lose weight that may or may not be needed to. but how can so many people still be eating things that are known to be poisonous. splenda,fast food, its all so bad for you. thats not even getting into the fluoride debate. the point is that people are willingly ingesting things they know to be bad in so many different ways but dont care or realize that this is probably one of the causes to their troubles to begin with. mini rant? yeah. idk someone try shedding a little bit of light because ive been trying to understand this and i just cant.

    Not your diary, not your business.

    The end.

  • kannd86
    kannd86 Posts: 42
    I'm not claiming to be different. I agree with you that for most people restricting calories will help them lose weight. But calories are only one factor. 1000 calories from Cheetos will have a very different impact on your body than 1000 calories from fresh vegetables. Ignoring the source of the food seems foolish, especially if you care about overall health as well as weight-loss.
  • I am currently working and living in China. I have a limited amount of time for my lunch or dinner when I am working and, while there are an abundance of choices around me for meals... I have no idea WTF they put in the foods here. Kind of hard to track calories, etc. when you don't know what's in the dish. So... by default I sometimes hit McD's for a meal. Is it healthy? No. Is it delicious? Never. BUT... I know what's in it and I can plan accordingly.

    As to "poison"... I think you're using a quite broad definition (and bad grammar) but, again, I live in China. Where there is melamine in the milk, toxic chemicals in the water and where they recycle used cooking oil that they recover from the water drainage systems in the streets. (Some people call them sewers.) I'll take McD's over that any day, thank you very much!
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    This is exactly why my Diary is only viewed to my friend on here who I actually know in PERSON! PPl condemning others choices in food and in life. Mind your own business. My god. It just makes me never want to enter into the community forum again.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I'm not claiming to be different. I agree with you that for most people restricting calories will help them lose weight. But calories are only one factor. 1000 calories from Cheetos will have a very different impact on your body than 1000 calories from fresh vegetables. Ignoring the source of the food seems foolish, especially if you care about overall health as well as weight-loss.
    Wrong again. Care to read an analysis of a clinical study debunking this?:


    As far as "ignoring the source of food" - this is an example of the polarized "all or nothing" arguments orthorexics often make when it comes to this topic. Nobody is arguing that one should live entirely off junk/fast food 24/7. There IS such a thing as moderation.
  • kannd86
    kannd86 Posts: 42
    Alright. I'm just gonna agree to disagree here then. Nutrients matter. Metabolism matters. Ratio of carbs/fat/protein matters. It doesn't all always boil down to calories. If it were that simple, everyone would lose weight pretty easily.

    Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes sheds some light on this for anyone who is interested.
  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes sheds some light on this for anyone who is interested.
    And here's a couple links which thoroughly debunk Taubes and his faulty/cherry-picked research:


  • mdyorston
    mdyorston Posts: 158
    I read the post where you said you have an eating disorder. That says volumes about why you are obsessive about what everyone else is eating. You need to give yourself a break along with the rest of us who are all on different journeys to fitness and health. Some will make it to goal the first time they try, others of us are falling off the wagon, left and right, but we keep coming back because we believe there is some truth to being here. We all need to learn to give each other a break from the judgments and learn to be supportive no matter where you are on the path. We really do need each other. That is the real beauty of these sites. It isn't the diary in and of itself, it is the friendships and support systems that we are building that will ultimately get us to where we need to get. I had dropped off the site for a few months and a wonderfully supportive gal (dudagarcia) kept sending me notes and asking me to return. I finally did. That is the real "tool" that this site provides. The End.

    well said
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member

    YES, fast foods are linked with cancer. YES, artificial sweeteners are associated with cancer. Want to know what else has toxins with either an equal (or higher) chance of causing cancer/health complications?
    -food dye
    -x rays
    -the air you breathe if you are within 500 miles of an urban area
    -exposure to certain animal dander
    -eating red meat in general
    -over exercising
    -driving a car
    -keeping a cell phone in your pocket (cervical/testicular cancer especially)
    -FM and AM radio waves
    -plasma screens
    -LCD screens
    -bubble baths
    -the Sun
    -burnt food
    -food cooked on a grill
    -food cooked on a gas stove
    -anything related to microwaves
    -aluminum foil
    -most antibiotics
    -coca cola (and all sodas)
    -estrogen/post menoposal therapy
    -oral contraceptives
    -leather dust
    -salted fish
    -silica gel (even when found in packets inside your shoes!)
    -ANYTHING involving body work on cars/bikes/planes/boats/etc
    -Insufficient activity levels
    -hair dye
    -spray-on sunscreen
    -most household cleaning agents (bleach, ammonia, etc)

    I could go on for hours. My point is, everything (in excess) will kill you eventually. eat what you enjoy, pay attention to your calories and macromolecules AND ENJOY WHATEVER THE **** YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT FITS THESE TWO PARAMETERS.

    I encourage everyone who agrees to add me as a friend. I am a nursing major and slightly obsessed with nutrition.

    thank you, MFP. GOODNIGHT.

    Welp. I'm screwed. Im going to stop breathing and eating so I live longer...oh wait...

    Well I am screwed because I take bubble baths and I didn't know bubble baths are toxic oh well.
  • gemstone4
    gemstone4 Posts: 14 Member
    Splenda as like other artificial sweeters are not great for everyone. Everyone's body is different and reacts to different products in different ways. I worked to adapt a woman's apartment to accomdate her being in a wheelchair. She was overweight and had limited mobility due to MS. Wrong she did not have MS- she was allergic to artificial sweeters. She stopped using them, regained mobility and lost the weight. Just like we have heartburn, gas, rashes because of what we ate we can have other reactions as well. So don't panic over these things just know your body and watch how your body reacts to know what is right for you. And don't condemn others for the foods they eat. Instead point out and encourage healthier options. Hope this helps.
  • gemstone4
    gemstone4 Posts: 14 Member
    oops- did not mean to post here- still learning how to do this
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    Just read the whole damn thread looking for attempted justification of the diet coke, or at least an acknowledgement of the hypocrisy.

    Don't act like people are attacking you when you started a thread attacking everyone who makes different food choices than you.
    If Splenda were going to kill me, it would have done it by now. I'm sure I've eaten at least my weight in it. Also, are spelling and grammar poisonous too? Not utilizing them sort of undermines whatever you're saying about as much as what you're saying undermines what you're saying.
  • PrinnyMartel
    PrinnyMartel Posts: 55 Member
    I do feel bad, not specifically on this website, but in general, seeing people eat things that they think are healthy that are actually not. I feel less bad seeing people eating things that they KNOW is crap. It's willful ignorance. Eventually they'll figure it out, or not, but either way, it's not my problem.

    "it's not my problem."

    ^^^This. So much this.
  • Tonystoots
    Tonystoots Posts: 11 Member
    I just get on here to look at pics of HOT GIRLS, But that's bad for you also, So sayeth the wife!!
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Definitely. Someone is having a field-day! :-D

    But AblazeRiver's post is my favourite - beautifully informative and tongue in cheek all together. :-D
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Did someone say Journey?

  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    More healthy =/= perfectly healthy. In a perfect world, all our food would be organic and pure and lovely, but the majority of us live in an imperfect reality where we make compromises every day to try to meet our nutritional needs while staying within a budget, cooperating with friends and family, meeting the demands of a busy schedule, etc. For many people, an all-or-nothing mentality is an invitation to failure: "Well, I had a Twinkie, so now everything is ruined and I might as well just eat a whole bucket of fried chicken." For a lot of folks, being able to be more healthy without expecting 100% perfection is the only way to make a lifestyle change that will stick.

    I agree with this. Most of us are here with a past of very unhealthy choices. We can't be expected to just flip a switch and all of sudden be perfect. I find I fail when I try to make too drastic of a change. I had to start small....and I'm honestly still in the small changes stage, but at least it's something I can stick with. I think a lot of people can relate to that. You can't just shake up your whole life and be a brand new person the next day. It takes time....lots of time.
  • Anmariee
    Anmariee Posts: 31 Member
    People have a choice to make. Everything is not bad for you food wise but if ingested in huge quanities can become a bigger issue. People have all kinds of reasons/excuses for being in the situations they are in. Sometime you don't realize how OUT OF CONTROL you are til its to late. No matter how much you tell people drugs are bad for you and ruin your life, yet people are getting hooked anyway. I believe everything begins with a mindset. I thought I was going through withdrawals when I had to give up all my fast food, snackes and soda. Food has become America's comfort.
  • Get over it
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