FR Messages



  • __Jamie__
    __Jamie__ Posts: 109 Member
    I believe I send the nicest friend requests... Always very thorough in my explanation & reasoning :p I'm sure any of my friends can attest to this statement. I sent two just now! :D
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    I've gotten a couple strange ones, but can't remember details.

    I sent one talking about blowup dolls once and I got denied for some odd reason....:cry:
  • __Jamie__
    __Jamie__ Posts: 109 Member
    I've gotten a couple strange ones, but can't remember details.

    I sent one talking about blowup dolls once and I got denied for some odd reason....:cry:

    Why the fudge would anyone deny your friendship?! :O

    I don't know if girls dislike this sort of thing but ima say it anyway, seeing as I have nothing to lose... In your second photo, you look a lot like an irish violinist named Una Palliser :) Delicious. Anyway happy Tuesday :)
  • have to request friends?!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    What are some of the funniest or most off the wall messages you have received with a FR?

    Just got this one: "hi girlfriend! Strong lookin' leg ya got there!"


    hmmmm, loloL

    Probably due to your profile saying to send "note" with FR.... :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I've had some strange ones but can't remember them right off...
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    You have strong eyes.
    Do you lift heavy?
    I want to make you mine!
    You had me at 'hairy back'...
    No way you're 49.
    I've admired you from afar...
    I don't mean any disrespect to you or your husband but you're a sexy lady..
    Are you a dom or sub? <<This FR was rejected. LOL

    haha omg a dom o sub???? crazy ppl lol!!

    I kno, rite? No one is into that crazy stuff!

    Oh wait..... nevermind.

    haha ya ppl are so into it ;)

    They are indeed. And they can make for some interested conversations. And FRs. ;)
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    Sadly, I've never really gotten any fun FR messages. Here's hoping that someday i get something strange. :) I try to make my funny or at least eye catching. I sent one to Naughtybits (I think that was her user name), that she thought was so awesome she posted it on her feed as the best FR message she'd ever gotten.

    I also just sent out a couple of weird ones to people in this thread who were feeling left out. Just trying to be helpful when I can.
    You get plenty of other "eyecatching"messages to make up for the lack of interesting FR. - just sayin'

    I do?

    i'm certain.
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    You have strong eyes.
    Do you lift heavy?
    I want to make you mine!
    You had me at 'hairy back'...
    No way you're 49.
    I've admired you from afar...
    I don't mean any disrespect to you or your husband but you're a sexy lady..
    Are you a dom or sub? <<This FR was rejected. LOL

    haha omg a dom o sub???? crazy ppl lol!!

    I kno, rite? No one is into that crazy stuff!

    Oh wait..... nevermind.

  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    I got one once that was like 5 paragraphs of porn...

    Did you accept?

    Well??? lol...
  • courtneysmummy
    courtneysmummy Posts: 40 Member
    I got one recently saying something along the lines of "I came across your profile picture and had such a strong vibe so I just had to sit down and write to you". Its mad what some folk write.
  • I feel so left out! I don't think i've gotten any overly weird ones *pouts in a corner*
    <grabs tattered blanky and joins you in the poutfest>
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I misread the post. I thout it was "FR mAssages". Oh well......
  • I recieved one yesterday that said.....

    4 kids....I don't believe it.... You've really held up well.


    Then another....

    Your hoots are awesome!

    Who the HELL are these people! You really think that is going to win me over!:noway:
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Those sound like decent compliments to me.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I have only sent 3 FRs, but they are always awesome.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    If I said it out loud I might get a strike ;-)
    Would look something like this: I want to add you because your ******** hot, and I want to ******* your ******. I really like looking at your pictures so I can ******** myself. ***was something along them lines ***

    i dont blame her.