*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Oh boy, what a day yesterday! We had to pick up my wife's cousin from Heathrow airport about 2 pm. First thing was around 8 am Heathrow was closed due to a plane making an emergency landing with an engine on fire (suspected bird strike). Fortunately they had that cleared in about an hour and everything opened again. Much relief. Then we set off for Heathrow, 65 miles away which usually takes about an hour or so. Monday is a Public Holiday in the UK and next week is school half term holidays so lots of people going away on holiday both inside and outside the UK so we left plenty of time, planning to have lunch around Heathrow. It took us two and a half hours to get there on the M25 (the London Orbital Motorway, sometimes called the biggest car park in Europe!), it was just stop/start all the way. My wife's cousin was late coming through because although she arrived, all her luggage didn't (!). Coming back was worse, over three hours. Considering only about 50 miles of the journey are on the M25 and on the other bits we were doing around 80 mph, it shows you how bad the motorway was! The dogs all had their legs crossed when we got home and we were too tired to start cooking so I went out for fish and chips and mushy peas. I was very good, ate very little batter, only a few chips and two teaspoons of mushy peas so the calories I've put down for it in my diary are probably a little excessive but I was still below calorie goal for the day so it didn't matter. It was delicious though, and having missed lunch through delayed travel, very welcome!!

    To my surprise, as I didn't drink much yesterday on the journey, I was another 0.4 lb down this morning, very pleasing.

    Have a nice weekend everyone!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Ron, sounds like your drive to the airport would be similar to mine when I drive to Seattle! Traffic and all. Ugh. Glad you all survived the drive :happy: And good job on the weight dropping again! Wish mine would. Been the exact same weight for a week now.

    I've been dealing with shin splints this week. Researching how to treat them, there's lots of things I could do. Compression sleeves, specially fitted shoes, stretches, icing, etc. It's really frustrating, because I think I shouldn't run for a while in order to give them time to heal. So as much as I hate the idea:grumble: , I think I'm going to take a whole week off of running, or any other high impact exercise. So I guess I'll be doing a lot of yoga this coming week. Probably won't get out of bike rides to & from school either. I've decided today is a REAL rest day. Even told my husband to yell at me if I decide to exercise. Mentally I know I need rest days, but my body doesn't always want to cooperate.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning All!
    I'm back at it today. I had a couple of days of relaxed eating. I know 'off days' are not for everyone nor does everyone agree with them but I know me and what works for me. It was better for me to have a couple of off days that were planned as off to get it out of my system. Otherwise I end up with continuous sabatoging for many days. Hope that makes sense.

    Anyways had an enjoyable day yesterday. Best friend came round for lunch and a catch up. I'm very lucky that 2 years after I moved over here, she also decided to move over. We are now closer than ever. Had a good rant to her about things and as always felt better afterwards. It's half term break now for me so I've got Kenzie for the week and we have lots of playdates planned. Hoping to get to the gym today and may ask my sister in law to look after Kenzie a couple times during the week so I can get to the gym as well. Hubby has been better the last few days about being home at a decent time. He did the unthinkable and apologised the other day after an argument (this is a HUGE deal as it never happens) and bought me flowers for no reason yesterday. We are muddling through. I have to remind myself sometimes that the cultural differences between us make things harder but can be overcome. My husband is from a very traditional African country so doing what he does around the house is huge compared to his counterparts in Africa. Not making excuses for him as I still find a lot of it unacceptable but there are valid reasons for our battles.

    Meg: shin splints suck! I've always found that some rest helps and then trying to figure out what has changed in my stride as that is what normally causes them for me. Hope you managed to rest!! As far as spin goes, I was petrified the first few times I went (and with good reason, it is hard) but I fell in love with it and before I fell pregnant was looking into how to become an instructor. Once your bum gets use to the numbness its awesome! And the burn is fantastic. I noticed an increase in my loss once I started to spin.

    Ron: glad you survived Heathrow. And well done on the continuing weight loss :) Spin is a crazy insane bike class. You end up dizzy from the lack of oxygen! :frown:

    Jane: If you've been to Toronto you've been to Ontario. Ontario is the province and Toronto is its capital. I grew up 1.5hrs north of Toronto and once I graduated University and Teacher's College it was time to travel and I headed to London. I was supposed to be here for a couple of years. That was 10 years ago. I can't wait to move home now though, especially since having our little girl. My parents are desperate for us to come back and be a part of her life. For now, we survive with Skype.
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hi everyone..

    @Ron2- congrats on the continuing weight loss. Arggh, if there is one thing I hate in this world, is driving to the airport regardless if its sending them off or waiting for them to arrive, well except if I have few gifts waiting to be opened in the luggage. Then adding the agony of driving in a traffic jam.. not a pretty sight.

    @meg - hope you had fun with your day off. You're right in taking it easy on the running and biking. We all need rest sometimes. Well, you most especially,

    @Steph - at least you husband is quite apologetic with the flowers and all. Sometimes, how we grew up become causes of arguments. Same thing with my husband.

    Well, I had a pleasant but tiring weekend. I didn't go out for a run this weekend. Although, last Saturday, hubby and I went to the mall with my kiddo. He's one btw and loves looking at stars. I wanted to let him watch the fireworks. But sadly, it rained and fireworks display was cancelled the last minute. I ended up chasing him all over the place which would probably be equal to the same calories burned if I actually ran. Sunday, we took a dip in the pool and I'm glad both my babies love the water. My youngest son who's barely 6 months didn't mind the cold waters. I'm trying to raise future swimmers, LOL.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Good laugh on Saturday. Wife's cousin had a couple of phone calls from an Air Canada call centre (based in India if the accents were anything to go by), and she was very relaxed about the missing case refusing to get upset. The call centre guy thanked her for not getting angry whereupon she said "Well dear, there's no point in getting your knickers in a twist. Particularly if all your knickers are in the missing case!" Complete collapse of call centre guy and my wife and I :laugh: The case finally arrived at 11:00 pm on Saturday night.

    @Meg - hope the splints are not too painful and you are finding ways round the problem.

    @Steph - big welcome back to the straight and narrow! Glad your husband is being so understanding, I lived in Central Africa for many years so I know how chauvinistic African society can be. It is changing though, and in fact, Malawi where I lived for about fourteen years now has a woman President which is a huge step forward and something the US haven't managed yet.

    @jehan - actually I've become very chilled about traffic, it happens so often now. I used to get frustrated but found it helps nothing and only pushes up the blood pressure, so now I take it as it comes. Yes it's very boring but it does end eventually.

    I had a nice NSV yesterday, the trousers (pants) which I tried on a couple of weeks ago and were a bit tight then now fit so I wore them when we went out for lunch. Yes, they're elastic waistband jeans,and my belly hangs over the waistband, but they are 38" waist which I haven't been able to wear for at least 5 years. I also wore a polo shirt which was tight three weeks ago and is now a nice fit. Little things that mean a lot :happy:
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Ron, thanks. Yoga. Yoga, more yoga. Yay... At least it's low impact. And I did insist on riding my bike yesterday, but my legs are feeling it a tiny bit today (nowhere near what it would be if I had run). And that is a great story about the missing luggage. Great NSV too! I had a similar one yesterday. Went to put on a shirt I haven't worn in a while but thought would still fit, and was slightly disappointed that it was hanging off of me like a sack.

    @Jehan, chasing kids is good exercise! So even though you didn't run, like you said, I'm sure you burned enough calories.

    @Steph, isn't it great to have someone just listen to you rant? Best friends are great for that, glad yours followed you when you moved. Sometimes I want to follow mine, but it wouldn't be practical for my family, and she's less than 3 hours away anyway... Glad to hear things are going more smoothly with your hubby. Differences in culture certainly would be hard to navigate in a marriage. Even the minor differences between my hubby and I are hard sometimes.

    So, still feeling the shin splints. Not nearly as bad, but I am still not going to run until Saturday at the earliest. Thinking about heading to the running store in Olympia (45 minute drive away), and getting properly fitted with running shoes when I can afford it. Thinking my shoes are part of the problem.
    Well, we've had a nice relaxing weekend. On Friday evening our boys wanted to roast hot dogs for dinner. Since weather wasn't allowing it to happen outside, we decided to make a fire in the fireplace. Well, my poor husband, although he knows how to build a fire, knows nothing about fireplaces, and didn't open the vent before starting the fire. So I came out of my bedroom after a changing out of my workout clothes, and the whole house is filling with smoke! I'm amazed that our smoke alarms didn't go off (we have one we call the dinner bell! LOL, it goes off every time the oven is open, doesn't matter if anything burned!), or that none of our neighbors called the fire department. The ways smoke was pouring out of the windows and doors... At least it wasn't too cold outside to air out the house. All I could do was laugh. Hubby blames his dad for not teaching him about fireplaces.
    Hoping today is a relaxed day as well (started that way already, I got to sleep in past 9 a.m.!), since it's Memorial Day here n the U.S., the whole gang is at home. Although I think the boys are getting cabin fever because it's been raining all weekend and they can't go outside to play.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @meg - sorry to hear about the shin splints. Think going to get yourself some proper fitted running shoes is a good idea - properly fitted shoes should have a lot more support for you. Love the story about the attempt to cook hot dogs in the fire - best laid plans and all that!!

    @ron - great comment from your wife's cousin. I think that is the trick - to not let such things make you cross. And the same goes for the traffic - I live close enough to know all about the joys of the M25 run to Heathrow. We go up the M25 everytime we go to visit my father in law in Bolton and it is rare that it doesn't get us either on the way there or on the way back. Congrats about the NSV as well!

    @steph - glad you are back on the straight and narrow and good to hear that things are better with your husband. Cultural differences are hard - it must be so difficult to show each other how important something is to you when it is so alien to the other half. I'm sure you can both make it work - congrats on getting to the gym so early in the morning. I rarely manage to exercise first thing in the morning but it always makes me feel good when I do. Ha! I think I did know Toronto was the capital of Ontario - just goes to show, I haven't been there for too long! Are your plans to move back over there? I can imagine it must be very hard (for you and your family) being so far from each other, particularly now with your little girl.

    I think I've got myself back on track this weekend - two really good workouts and lots of time spent doing things in the garden with the lovely weather. Went to see Star Trek Into Darkness last night which was fun. Unlike my husband and my best friend, I wasn't brought up on the Star Trek stories so I was able to enjoy it - whilst they both sat and muttered about how it was just a rehash of an earlier one and how they'd got things wrong! Sometimes there is benefit to not knowing the history of these things!!

    Sausages cooked in honey and mustard tonight with some steamed butternut squash. Have also picked some rhubarb from the garden so debating what to do with it. It's a bit warm for rhubarb crumble so may just roast it in some orange juice and add ice cream to it. Hmmm....getting hungry now!! Back to work tomorrow but only 4 days back before we have two weeks off - can't wait!

    Hope you all have a good evening:smile:
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Meg – You are truly inspirational! Wish I had half your energy. Sorry to hear that about your Grammy and the campground. That sounds like a lovely tradition and you probably have amazing memories from over the years! I’ve heard the best way to prevent shin splints is ensuring proper shoes and stretching. Once you have them, I’m afraid rest is really the only cure. Hope they heal soon!!!

    @Janetay – Glad to hear the movie was enjoyable. I too am not familiar with the original movies. My friends want to me to join them this weekend, but they are all avid fans, so I wasn’t sure if I should join them or not.

    @Renae – Hello. May I ask, what cleanse are you doing?

    @Ron – Thanks Ron! Glad to be back! Glad to see you and some other familiar faces! Ooof to traffic. Congrats on the awesome progress!

    @Steph – Glad that you got to vent. Venting always helps. Also glad that things are going better with the hubby. Cultural differences can be very challenging at times. I used to spin about 15 years ago when I lived in Toronto. Haven’t belonged to a gym since that offers it. Which city are you from - Barrie, Orillia, Gravenhurst, other? All beautiful areas.

    @jehan – A family of fishes – love it! Have a wonderful day too!

    RE: Traffic jams. I have learnt to just sit back and enjoy the scenery I would otherwise miss. It’s also fun to smile at people, especially the drivers, and watch their realization at how silly they are being getting all worked up and then watch them smile and relax. At least, that is the most common reaction. Some people are just plain grumpy.

    “The hitch’em up shimimy” lol

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Jane: sounds like a lovely day. I should tackle the gardens here but just don't have the time or that much inclination. My
    Mom is a fantastic gardener and she did not pass it on.

    Ron: fab NSV!! I've a closet of stuff waiting for that moment. Your story of air Canada made me laugh.

    Meg; oh dear sounds like quite the escapades going on there!

    Tru: welcome back! I was born and raised near orangeville and went to university up in North Bay (brrrrr!).

    Jehan: I can only imagine the cals burned. My little one has started to crawl which I couldn't wait for but now I'm twice as busy :-/

    I also love the hitchem up shimmy!!!

    Well I had a fabulous day here. Up early this morning in order to get the gym. Did 40 minutes of circuit training before racing home to meet hubby with the baby to take her to a musical baby class. So nice to be there as we haven't been since I've gone back to work. Good day eating wise as busy till mid afternoon then crashed out on the couch with the little one for a couple of hours. Hubby's still at work and baby has fallen asleep so housework time before relaxing time. Have booked a personal training session for Wednesday night with my trainer who I haven't trained with in 18mos. I've missed it a lot especially as we became friends as well. Hope I survive as she is torturous! (My sister threw up when she visited and did a session with us!!).
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    A really quick hello!
    Meg shin splints, best thing I ever heard was to spell the alphabet out with your toes, so you stretch out in all directions, do it sitting watching tv and under your desk and it'll help in addition to the rest.
    Steph I hope half term treats you well!
    Ron well done on the trousers! I love that feeling, though alas it doesn't happen too often for me as I'm within the range of my goal size as m body is a tardis. Things just get a little looser.

    I had a crappy start to the weekend (volcano mum erupted and promptly packed her bas and left for the weekend whilst I was at work, much to my dad's dismay), and then i ended up being kept in work work an extra 2.5hrs til 8pm on the fri before a bank holiday, for a deadline that i'd not previoisly heard of, and that there was never any chance of meeting, and at 8pm the effort to try to meet it was abandoned in anycase. Much to my annoyance. In anycase i was going away to my bf's for the weekend. Had a good weekend otherwise though, foodwise, I thought it was dreadful, but with the sheer quantity of walking, and lack of genuine meals, when I came to log things I was consistently under amazingly. I don't like weekends like that but I made better choices whenever it was my choice, omitted things I didn't want/had smaller portions than everyone else, so that's all I can do.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Official decision. Zero exercise until Saturday at the earliest. So if you see I've posted a workout, please feel free to chew me out! Seriously. I can't seem to stop! And I know I need rest to let these damn shin splints heal. Yesterday was a very tough day for me mentally. The scale had gone up by 3 pounds (back down today though, thank God!), and not being able to run was making me crazy. So this morning I planned out all my food through Friday morning, and I am under calories every day. I did leave a little wiggle room for tomorrow evening, I am going to an end of class potluck at my church. Was taking a parenting class, that was a very good one! Anyway, gotta take the kiddos to school and the sitter, I'll catch up with you all later!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Hey ho, another great day, a further 1.4 lbs dropped off this week! I am now within 0.2 lbs of breaking 250 which is my first goal and over a third of the way, and I'm sure this will happen this week, might be a slight delay as we're out tonight at friends, then being taken out again tomorrow night so I'll need a couple of days to get rid of the salt induced water, probably!

    I'm not particularly into ventriloquists, but I watched this girl, Nina Conti, on TV last night and she was brilliant. She is Tom Conti, the actor's, daughter. Just a sample if you'd like to see - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uXgmVMp8zs

    @meg - had a laugh at your husband's problems with the fireplace, but we all do things like that. Things that are easy when you know how, but simple to get wrong when you don't. And keep up the good work with the yoga!

    @Jane - glad to hear you're back on track, but what did you do with the rhubarb in the end?

    @_tru - couldn't agree more about grumpy people (and I was one, but I'm a bit better now, no point in getting uptight unless you can actually do something about it!)

    @steph - happy you're back on track also, but sorry to hear about the DOMS. Take a nice slow, very warm bath, that seems to help!

    @penny - good that your weekend worked out in the end and you managed to keep under. Nothing worse than being forced to try to meet a deadline you know all along you won't meet. Love the description of your body as a Tardis, Meg will relate to that!

    Have a nice afternoon/evening all.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Ok, slight change to my earlier statement: I will be doing my pushups. That is the only workouts I'll be doing this week. I do the modified version due to should issues, so it won't trouble my shins. And it's only every other day.

    @Ron, congrats on another great loss! That's awesome that you're so close to your first goal!

    @Penny, I've heard of that stretching technique before, and have done it a couple times, but thanks for reminding me. :smile:

    @Steph, good luck with your session with the trainer! She sounds tough.

    @Tru, glad I can inspire! You all are an inspiration for me as well!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @meg - hope the shin splints are getting better. Good luck with the push-ups - don't work too hard!!

    @ron - well done on the further loss - so nearly at first target. The rhubarb? I went easy - chopped it up and put in the oven in some fruit juice then served with a scoop of green and blacks vanilla ice cream. So nice and didn't cost me much calories wise. My husband lives by the motto that 'life is short, start with dessert' and its a really good way to have dessert in a way that doesn't completely ruin my totals!!

    @steph - hope you and your little girl are having half term fun and that your muscles feel better. I'm on the train right now heading into London and at least the sun is out again.

    Just a quick check in from me. Heading to work, nothing exciting to report. Worked through JM No More Trouble Zones last night - remind me never to leave such a long gap between her work outs again - everything hurt afterwards!! Have had a good few days though so quite pleased with how things have gone. Working late tonight so will struggle to workout but maybe a rest day isn't such a bad thing.

    Have a nice day all!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Jane well done on get of the workout in. I'm with you on the hirtong, my legs feel like dead weights.

    Meg: I loath push-ups so I admire your determination.

    Ron: congrats on that milestone. You are inspirational.

    Penny: glad you had a good weekend. Volcano mum made me laugh. See you got caught in the downpours yesterday too. Where is summer??!!??

    Half term break is shaping up pretty good despite the fact we are all suffering from a cold. Had a play date with some fellow moms yesterday who are still on mat leave. Got trapped in a horrible rain and looked like I had swam there. Hoping to get to the children's centre this afternoon but Kenzie is really grumpy so am going to see if calpol sorts out her teething issues first. Trying to get her nursery sorted today too so moving lots of boxes and furniture. Tonight is my torture session with my trainer. Hoping I survive. Tonight won't be easy but possibly not as hard as it can be as it should be assessing where I am now. Hubby's soon good lately so hope it continues! Keep it skinny!!
  • Borrowed_time
    Borrowed_time Posts: 23 Member
    Hello folks I contacted a couple of weeks ago and am just catching up on you all :) I'm a mum of 2 (13 and 10), 40 odd (cough:tongue: ), living in Scotland where the weather is doing it's usual spring changable thing... (aarrgghh there I go being a brit and talking about the weather)..

    I'm about half way through my journey as far as weight loss is concerned, it's taken a few years as life has got in the way at times, but keep coming back to it.

    @Ron - excellent weight loss this week - great attitude from your wifes cousin concerning her suitcase - made me smile.

    @Meg - sorry to hear about your Shin Splints, I also try to run - I say try coz some people walk faster than I run, but am up to a 5k now (in 41 mins - told you I was slow :laugh: ), I've not been able to run this last week, as I hurt my knee when I went to a Basketball training session for the first time in years a couple of weeks ago (wrong shoes).. hoping to get back in a run tomorrow.

    @Penny - I use the Alphabet technique for my ankles, really helps to loosen them off, your volcano mum made me smile, glad you had a great weekend though..

    @Steph - how did the training session go, did you survive :smile:, teething is a nightmare especially as they are too young for you to explain what's happening to them and you want to take the pain away :ohwell: thinking about you.

    Trying basketball again tonight, with proper footwear so hopefully won't wreck my knees or ankles.

    Catch up soon
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Jane, here's your reminder: don't go so long between JM workouts! :laugh: And yes, rest days are good for you. Shins are a little better... getting kind of restless though, not being able to do my usual crazy workouts.

    @Steph, hope you get over your cold quickly! I loath push ups as well, but I am determined to build upper body strength. And since weights aren't an option right now, I have to use my own body for it.

    @wlhepburn, good to hear from you again! Guess what? I'm faster than you at a 5K, by a whole minute! LOL I'm pretty sure my husband could walk with me while I run, and he wouldn't get winded. Hope your knee gets better soon!

    @Ron :tongue:

    So I've just realized something. The majority of people involved actively in this thread are from the UK. I feel like the odd woman out. Just an observation :smile:
    Anyway.... I lost half a pound finally! Scale had been scooting upwards all week, then back to normal yesterday, and finally today, a loss. Was about ready to start banging my head on a wall hoping that would help me feel better!
    Like I said to Jane, it's making me really restless not being able to work out. I hope that when Saturday comes I'll be ready for a gentle workout. I plan on taking it slow and easy (and I bet you're all thinking "Yeah, right!"), but I really want to do this the right way, and not make things worse.
    Have a good day everyone!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @meg - all the best people are from the UK, but don't worry, we'll make you an honorary British person for services to the science of running beyond and above the call of duty! And Steph is a Canadian which is nearly American :noway: Well done on making the scale drop, mind you I'm not surprised, the amount of exercise you do, even with splints..............

    @wlhepburn - welcome back hen! Good luck with the basketball tonight, hope your lower extremities bear up under the strain.

    @steph - I have everything crossed for you tonight, I hope your trainer isn't too cruel :sad: Good grief Calpol brings back memories from around thirty years ago, I didn't realise they still made it. Hope your baby gets over the teething soon, but don't relax, it never actually gets any better, it just gets different as they get older

    @jane - have a good 'rest' evening and get rid of the pains. You can get back to it tomorrow.

    Found another NSV this morning. I had a shower mid morning (I usually shower first thing before I've woken up fully which is my excuse for not realising this before) and noticed how much easier this operation has become since losing a decent amount of weight. I can now get through the cubicle door without scraping my belly, I can reach everything without contortions and the whole thing feels much less claustrophobic than when I was at my heaviest.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well my worry was for nothing. Trainer had to do an assessment and paper work with me as I am still considered postnatal. No workout. Dreaded weighing and measurements though. Talked about stress and how I lack time. Always just feel better after talking to her. I wash going to leave without a workout though so I hit the treadmill and did week 2 of c25k and this time I didn't walk at all when I was supposed to be running so victory for me. Have booked a proper training session for Tuesday just need to clear it with the hubster.

    Meg: sorry you're feeling restless. Could you do some dancing around? Always makes
    Me feel better.

    Ron: I remember having that NSV and then following it not long after with being able to soak comfortably in the tub!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Since I had previously posted a pic of a TARDIS cake, check out this blog:


    Gave me a good laugh today :laugh:

    ETA: Steph, glad things weren't as difficult as you thought, and good job on the c25k!