*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    @ Steph – I love your profile pix. He is getting so big. Seems like you were just telling us you were pregnant!! Glad to see you got over the hump. I think a couple of ‘off days’ are a good thing if they work for you. Better than 6 months off! Do you plan on moving back to Canada soon? Glad to hear you are back with your personal trainer.

    @Ron – Another drop on the scale. Whatever you’re doing is working. It’s so great that your belt is just a notch from fitting again and I loved your NSV’ssss. Such great accomplishments!! And Fish n Chips?!! Oh I remember enjoying the real thing back in 85 when I was in England. (does that make me an honorary Brit too?)

    @Meg – I’m a neat freak too. I love the “HOARDING” show. It’s like a train wreck – I can’t look away. It’s sad that you had to give up your family camping site. You’ll always have those memories. We braved the cold and rain and went camping. It was fun despite the rain. Loved your fireplace story. Sounds like it didn’t put a ‘damper’ on your fun.
    PS – I’m from the good ol’ USA! Congrats on dropping a half pound!

    @Jane – You must live in the south? No swimming up here in Maine for at least another month. Even then the temps rarely reach 68-70 in the ocean. Our pool might hit 80 in mid-July! LOL It’s great that you can swim with your kids. Great exercise. Way to go.

    @Tru – nice to see you here. I’m with you on the traffic jams (which we rarely encounter) I just people watch and listen to my audio book.

    @Penny – sounds like you made the weekend successful once it started for you. Did I catch that right. . . your mom packed her bag and left your dad for the weekend? Wow – is this a common occurrence?

    @Wlhepburn – nice to see you here. It’s an active group with lots of support.

    OK – so Stephanie has motivated me to get back on my treadmill at 5am tomorrow. I was dropping weight weekly when that was my routine. Day 9 of the 21 day cleanse. I feel so much better already. Putting myself first is the hardest part for me. With 2 teenage daughters it’s a hard adjustment but I know it’s important if I want to be as healthy as possible. So I’m hitting the hay early tonight!! It’s Thirsty Thursday tomorrow already! Don’t you just love these short work weeks?!

    sorry for the long post - you people are hard to keep up with!!
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    @Meg - I guess you're not the only odd man out. I'm not even from UK, US or Canada. I'm from a tiny little country called the Philippines. So Ron, can I also be given an honorary badge or something.?

    @Renaejae - I could totally relate to putting ourselves first. I have two babies all under 2. I work full time. So I'm trying to run after work so when I get home they will have my undivided attention.

    Ron - congrats on the continuing weight loss. I;m sure you are so used to it by now.

    Well, here in Manila, the rainy season is almost starting. It's been raining steadily this morning. Thankfully, it stopped just after lunch. So I could run again today.

    Have fun ladies and gentleman!!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hello All! I'm in a good mood this morning!!! Stepped on the scale as I do every single morning, and low and behold, the numbers I see start with two three! I'm finally out of the 240's!!! Also very close to hitting the 40 lbs lost mark. Two tenths of a pound shy of that. And this after I know I went over my calories yesterday, even though I couldn't remember everything I ate to log it (hazard of potlucks I guess). I'm really glad about this loss this morning because it was my only scale related goal for the month.

    @Jehan, welcome to the odd girl out club! lol How long does your rainy season last? I can relate to the rainy season... however mine is probably colder than yours. I live in the part of Washington State that gets nearly the most rain. I actually live very near a temperate rain forest.

    @Renae, I think I did realize you were a fellow citizen of the U.S. :happy: We are in the minority on this thread though! I've never watched hoarders, but I've heard stories about it! Sounds like there's some crazy people out there... Did you do your 5 a.m. workout this morning? I'm not sure I'm dedicated enough to get up that early! It's amazing enough that I got up before my second alarm went of this morning :yawn:

    @Ron, thank you for the honorary citizenship! I think I have earned it with my love of British television :bigsmile: BTW, my hubby thinks I'm crazy for watching so much of it! LOL
    Congrats on your NSV! Not feeling claustrophobic is good thing :smile:

    Found out yesterday that we are going to be able to send our older son to camp for a week free of charge. Since he's Native American, his tribe is paying his way. Asked him if he was interested, and he immediately said yes. I explained he would be away from us for an entire week, with people he didn't really know, and he was like "yeah, that's cool". No attachment issues apparently... LOL It will be weird/quiet with him gone for a week.

    This Saturday night I'm going with my hubby to the awards banquet put on by the community theater he acts with. Going to have to watch what I eat during the day to make sure I can eat dinner that evening. I plan on a workout during the day too, since that is Saturday, and my legs should be up for a little something by then. Kind of excited for a chance to get all dolled up. I have this great dress I bought quite a while ago, tried it on yesterday to see if it would fit me still. It's a little on the loose side but not too bad. It will probably be my only chance to wear it, as it's rare that I go to any sort of formal event.

    Well, time to take the kiddo to school and pick up the babysitter. So glad it's my Friday! Have a good day everyone :bigsmile:
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member
    If good nutritional choices were a wagon, I jumped off last week (and it was lovely - I made homemade rolls, YUM). I've been looking at that wagon for a couple of days now. I tried to just sit on the edge a bit yesterday, but it was too easy to fall off. So today, I've recommitted. Breakfast? Protein and veggies. Snack? Carrots and cottage cheese. Lunch? Um... this is why I fall off the wagon. Poor planning!

    I know carbs aren't evil - it's portion control that I struggle with when it comes to carbs. Funny, portion control isn't a problem with veggies. :laugh:
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @meg - congratulations on being out of the 240's - that's a great achievement. Good news about the camp - I bet you will find it really odd without him. He meanwhile doesn't sound bothered at all!! The awards banquet sounds like fun - I always like an excuse to dress up a bit. I have an opportunity to do so tomorrow night and really looking forward to it - such opportunities don't come around often!

    @jehan - I sympathise with the idea of the rainy season. We seem to be having one here in the UK at the moment - difference is, yours is expected at this time of the year I guess? I just really want some sunshine!

    @renae - 5am workouts? I'm with Meg - I admire your dedication but I just can't drag myself out of bed that early. I have enough difficulty responding positively when the alarm goes off at 6.30am:grumble:

    @steph - sounds like all went well with the trainer - and that any torture is delayed until Tuesday! Good work getting the workout in anyway.

    So, it's nearly the end of the week - only one day of work left to go until our two weeks off. We are going to a concert at the Royal Albert Hall tomorrow night hence my opportunity to dress up. Then we have absolutely loads of stuff to do on Saturday before finally escaping to Devon on Sunday morning. Will try and log as best I can whilst I'm away but I'm not going to get too hung up on it. It's difficult to judge what is in food calorie wise when you don't cook it yourself but we have lots of walking and active plans for the three days that we are down there so I should be burning off at the same time.

    Have a good Friday everyone - will probably check in between the chores on Saturday - have fun until then!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    @Meg - congrats on reaching a milestone! It's great that you are looking forward to running on Saturday.

    @Dare - Planning ahead is a big part of healthy eating. Try to have most of your meals planned before you food shop. You can't eat what you don't buy. Do most of your grocery shopping in the outside parimeter of the store. All the garbage is in the isles. If you prepare healthy food and eat enough of it you won't be hungry and you will lose weight. I know it's easier said than done. That's why we're all here - to suppost each other. Do you like salad? A spinach salad with walnuts and a little feta cheese is delicious and filling. You can do this. Take it one day at a time.

    I'm in the middle of a 21 day cleanse which is helping me kickstart healthy eating once again. I had lost 70lbs and when I got sick I could careless what I ate. I just wanted to feel better. 14months later I'm still dealing with blocked eustachian tubes but since I started deep tissue massage and seeing a chiropractor regularly I feel very close to healed. I'm so ready to get back on track. Making myself a priority is always my biggest hurdle so I started with small goals like drinking my water and walking. After this week I think I'll be ready to start some light jogging again. The weather is warming up and I love being outside so I may just do my morning exercise outside tomorrow. Off to a softball game after work today. Both girls playing in opposite directions. Thank goodness for my DH - I don't know how single parents do it!!!
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    What a nice motivational blog -- kudos to the originator and all his compliments and advice for others on this topic. Me, I'm just finally gliding into this journey in all seriousness. I started at 200 before mfp -- depressed and sick and tired.

    I've noticed that intense work outs and low healthy eating gives me more energy for my roller skating dance on the weekends.

    Last week I skipped some of my walk runs and arg, my skating first night I was burned out -- oh heck even the 2+ mile walk to the rink was killing me. I Got 50+ lbs to go to . I found this weeks ABC Extreme Weight Loss show very motivational. I have made my health, weight loss and exercise my full-time job. If they can lose 100 pounds in 3 months with part-time commitment, I sure as heck can do better than I have been at my game.
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    @janey and meg - the rainy season is about to start. we only have two seasons here, its either wet or dry. june to nov are the rainy months. feb to may is summer then the other months are in between. But for some weird reason I love the rainy season. It brings great memories having our classes in school suspended because of the rain, LOL.

    renaejean - you're halfway through your juice cleanse, congrats.

    Just want to share a funny/sad thing that happen over the weekend. I was out trying to buy some clothes. I got a few pieces off the rack. Obviously, I was looking for L to XL. So I got one blouse, while looking at it, I thought it would fit me. So I tried it on, and it has no buttons just the zipper at the back. So I was able to wear it but I couldn't zip myself up. I had my tummy bulging out. I tried to remove the blouse and lo and behold, I couldn't take it off. I was stuck. I tried to pull it down, thinking it might fall off. But I made it worse. I was already sweating and my husband was not with me and he had my phone. I was already ready to rip the blouse off and just buy it or maybe call the sales assistant but was too embarrassed to do so. Long story short, I think I may have dislocated my shoulder removing it. After that ordeal, I wasn't sure if I'm about to cry or laugh. I know I can't be back to my pre-baby shape in a snap but it feels like my weight has been picked on for the past few weeks. I guess there are better days to come.

    Have a great day people.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Jehan, oh that must have been very awkward! I hope you and blouse made it out ok! It will get better, don't worry, just keep at it.

    @melmonroe, welcome :smile: We do try to be motivational around here! I bet skating as exercise is fun, nearest rink to me is 20 minutes away driving...

    @Renae, what are you doing for your cleanse? Just curious, as most cleanses I've heard of are a liquid diet. I'm guessing since you are doing 21 days that is not the case. Also just wanted to say, I love the pic on your ticker! Can definitely see how much you've changed through your weight loss. :happy:

    @dareacceptor, good nutrition isn't always easy! I struggle with that myself. I try at least to do a combo, getting something fresh and healthy along with my junk! Like dinner last night was pizza and carrots :bigsmile:

    Well, another day, another pound down! This happened last time I took an exercise break too. So there are good things about not working out! Hope you all have a good day! I'm off to go party supply shopping for my son's birthday part that is next weekend. We're celebrating his birthday a bit early since my hubby has to take off on a business trip for a week and will be gone on little man's birthday.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @Steph - re the tub, I haven't used a tub for about three years, and then only because I was staying with my sister in South Africa and the guest room had bath not shower, but it was a big one so I fitted in quite well.

    @Renae - sorry it takes more than fish and chips to be awarded Honorary British status :cry: However I'm sure it could be arranged on payment of an appreciable sum :wink: You and Meg would hate me by the way, I am the antithesis of a neat freak, I like chaos in everything!

    @Jehan - interesting you're in Manila, I have weekly teleconferences with one of our support Centres in Manila to solve any issues they're having with a project that has just gone live. I also used to live in Africa where we had a rainy season for 4 to 5 months of the year. Thirty years later I still like the rain as I remember how welcome it was after the dry season!

    @Meg - yes you do deserve the Honorary Brit status, and anyone who is a Dr Who nut is OK with me :happy: Well done on the weight loss :bigsmile: Nice for your son to get the camp paid for by the tribe and good that he's OK with going. Mind you I remember going to camp when I was about 9. I was fine all the time I was away, but when I got back and saw my parents I howled!

    @dareacceptor - I try to keep away from processed/cooked carbs like white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes etc. That way I don't have a problem with portion control :noway: But there's no real problem falling off the wagon as long as you get back on as quick as you can!

    @Jane - What is the concert you are going to? I like the Albert Hall, I've seen everything from the Proms to Eric Clapton there over the years! Enjoy your break in Devon, you lucky thing you.

    @Melmonroe - Welcome, hopefully we can motivate you, by and large we're all very positive and some of us (Meg you know who you are) are awesome :laugh: I'm trying to lose between 10 and 14 Lbs a month which I think is on the upper level of acceptable and four months in have averaged 11 lbs a month which I am more than happy with, particularly as I do only minimal exercise at the moment.

    Well I'm waiting for the scale to drop again, last weigh in was Tuesday but since then we've been out Tuesday and Wednesday night, and Wednesday in particularly was high sodium, I could taste it strongly. Unfortunately my wife's cousin was paying so I didn't feel it was right to complain. Then yesterday I took her up to Norfolk, a round trip of about seven hours in the end, due to them closing one of the motorways because of an accident :explode: The weather was pretty atrocious too. In all that time I only had one cup of tea so didn't drink enough. Hopefully the water level will be back to normal tomorrow or Sunday and I'll be below the magic 250 at last............. Bought some Scottish Mussels on the way home, vacuum packed with a garlic sauce, you just toss the bag in water and 4 minutes later they are ready. Very low cal also! There were two packs in the box, so I had one last night and another for lunch today. Very tasty!

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Evening all!

    Meg: well done on the loss! Hope you have fun at the banquet.
    Ron: ugh, 7hours!! Oh dear ....
    Jahen: I hear ya on the prebaby body, I keep looking in my wardrobe and saying some day.... Though I must admit the mental picture you provided of being trapped in the top made me giggle.

    Well I confess I did not go to the gym today. I was having such a great day with my little girl (10 months old today) and then hubby came in and joined in a game of chase crawl that I didn't want to break up the fun. We did go for a good walk today in the glorious sun and while I don't log it, I know it would have burned a couple of hundred cals. Not going to fret about it as was good with the food. Will find a way to get to the gym over the weekend. Hope you all have a good one!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    @Steph - Nice job - time with your family is more important than the gym and probably just as healthy. I just came in from a nice lunch time power walk. The sun is finally out but the humidity showed up too. Let's just say that I got a good workout in 60 minutes. I'm looking forward to getting back into my smaller clothes too. So many things in my closet that I can't zip. We'll get there!

    @Jahen - Loved your blouse story. How did you finally manage to get the thing off? It's one thing to do it at home, but in a dressing room?!! LOL

    @Ron - those mussels sound good. I'm getting bored with my food so maybe I"ll pickup some fresh Maine steamers this weekend.

    @Meg - I'm doing the Standard Process Purification cleanse. It's protein shakes and suppliments along with raw veggies, some fruit and I've eaten clean protein like deep sea fish and organic chicken. I believe I have an intollerance to something that has caused my sinus' and ears to fill up over and over again. It's been 14months of misery along with surgery (septoplasty and turbinectomy) and I was still getting infections. I hoping I can just permanently cut gluten or dairy from my diet and be done with it. Fingers Crossed. I really like the SP products. I put frozen berries in my shakes and they are quite good and very filling. I'll probably continue with them for breakfast after the 21 days. I've dropped 14lbs in 12 days. Of course a good portion of that was water weight.

    @Melmonroe - welcome aboard. Add me as a friend if you'de like.

    Looking forward to a weekend of sunshine. Softball games in the morning then we might head down to camp for an afternoon of kayaking. Sunday I'd like to do some gardening at home and plan my meals for the week. It's my last full week on the cleanse!

    Take care and keep it light!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Stephanie – Orangeville is a lovely city! I haven’t been to North Bay, but I did live in Sudbury for a very short while. I remember having to stay indoors for 1 week as the temps dipped to -60C. It was new to me and a little odd to have a “freeze day”. Sorry to hear the session was a “no-go”. Hope the Tuesday torture works out. Great job on the c25K workout!

    @Penny – Nice to hear from you. “Volcano Mum” – you crack me up! I hope all is going well!

    @Meg – How old is your older son? Will this be his first time away? Getting dolled up sounds fantastic! Enjoy the evening!! Now, until then, you’d better be Couch Potatoing!! lol

    @Ron – Wow! So proud of you! Congrats on being so close to your goal! Actually, by the time you read this, you’ll likely already be there! Super Hug!

    @Jane – I am uber-impresed. I have yet to attempt a JM workout. Keep up the fantastic work!

    @wlhepburn – Welcome! I hope basketball is treating you well!

    @Renae – So glad the cleanse is going well! All the best with the early morning workouts. I’ll be starting those tomorrow. Keep up the great work and have fun at softball!

    @jehan – I have yet to make it to the Pillippines, but have heard it is lovely! Enjoy your runs when you can. Stay dry! ... I have had that experience. Put on shirt, can’t get off, panic, MORE panic, then finally shimmy out of it. I felt like crying at the time, but then laughed afterwards. I feel for you. Please know that you are not the only one.

    @dareacceptor – Hang in there Hun! It sounds like you already know what to do, so you’ll get there is no time. This is a journey, not a race.

    @melmonroe – Welcome. I have not seen the show, but have seen several comments about it. Sounds like it was very motivational to many, many people! Stay strong!

    Okay, “Dr. Who” fans. I haven’t watched the show since I was little. We’re talking a la Tom Baker and Colin Baker. (Yeah, THAT long ago!) How does the more modern one compare? Should I try to scrounge up the series for viewing? ...Still love that scarf!

    P.S. I am Canadian. At the moment, a melting Canuck. Very hot here. Ron – what test do I need to pass to become an honorary Brit?
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @_Tru - I haven't reached THE goal, only a mini goal on the way. It brings me below 250 for the first time since I don't know when (I was in denial and never weighed myself thinking "I must be around 200 lbs". When I found it was 300 lbs, the ordure hit the fan!) and a third of the way along a long journey.
    Now, re Dr Who, yes you should get some of the later series. Dr Who was stopped in 1989 and was then resurrected in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose, the companion. He only did one series then was replaced with David Tenant who reigned until 2010, then Matt Smith took over and is the current Doctor. The writing generally has been very good indeed, particularly by Stephen Moffat who has a darker view, and I would highly recommend viewing, particularly if you can get the series in chronological order.
    A Canadian is very close to being a Brit, you have the same queen as we do :laugh: so if you view the later Dr Who series, we will admit you as an honorary Brit :flowerforyou:

    @Renae - Wow, fourteen pounds in twelve days is one hell of a loss! I'd sort of forgotten how nice mussels were as I hadn't had any for a while, they tend to be seasonal and I usually only buy fresh so these which were vacuum packed (and I assume pre-cooked though they opened with heating), in the chiller cabinet were something new. I'll have them again for the convenience. Tonight I'm planning to have some either grilled langoustines or prawns (shrimp) with garlic and lemon butter, my mouth is watering already! Shellfish is so low cal and tastes so good, it's a great choice, even with the butter hit.

    @Steph - sometimes chase crawl is better than going to the gym, sounds like you had fun and burned a few calories, so what could be better!

    For those who don't know, Dr Who was a children's science fiction series created by the BBC first aired in 1963, famous in the early days for its low budget sets and effects, but with the most fantastic range of alien monsters any child could ever hope for. Almost everyone says they hid behind the sofa at some point when Dr Who was on! It finished in 1989 and was brought back in 2005 with high production values, great plots and great alien monsters both old and new, since when it has been popular viewing among adults as well as children. Despite bringing it up to date, the writing pays homage to the old series with constant references and even plots based around something left unexplained in the past. I have a friend who is a Dr Who nut (I'm not, I just enjoy the later series, having watched some of the earlier ones, firstly as a child, and then with my son) and goes to all the conventions, etc, who explains the finer details to me :yawn:
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @ron - went to see Mark Knopfler and his band at the Albert Hall last night - a good night and he was on really good form. We've been there a few times - I just love it as a venue!

    @tru - thank you! Trying to keep momemtum on the JM DVD's but not always easy! Re: Dr Who - as Ron says, advise you get them in chronological order. I was never a huge fan as a kid so my memories start with Christopher Ecclestone and Billie Piper - then the man who is, in my view THE Dr - David Tennant. I am an unashamed Tenant fan and it was during his reign that I really got the bug. Matt Smith - meh - can really take him or leave him. But then in his defence he had an impossible act to follow!

    @renae - sounds like the cleanse is going well. I'm not sure I would have the discipline for it - I admire you for sticking with it.

    @meg - hope the awards session is good. Enjoy the dressing up!

    @steph - sounds like great fun yesterday and calories burnt as well!

    We have a stupidly busy day today - so much to do before we go away tomorrow. We have a decorator (friend of a friend) coming to paint our bedroom whilst we are away which means we have to clear all the furniture out before we go, buy paint, take the cats to the cattery - and all the other standard weekend stuff. Oh well - will keep me busy!

    Have a good Saturday all!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @ron - went to see Mark Knopfler and his band at the Albert Hall last night - a good night and he was on really good form. We've been there a few times - I just love it as a venue!

    Oh wow! One of my all time guitar heroes (and I've lost count of the number of times I've played Sultans while gigging, the diddly bit at the end of the last solo is tricky to play properly!) I just love the amount of tone he manages to squeeze out of a guitar, any guitar (It's all in the fingers). There was a nice documentary on him fairly recently but around him as a song writer which was fascinating. What a nice guy he seems to be too. Romeo and Juliet is still one of my all time favourites, the dobro guitar riff and the words just can't be beaten.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Good morning everyone! Or afternoon by now for a lot of you I suppose...Anyway, I get to work out today! Yay!!!

    @Jane, sounds like you have a very full day! And glad you enjoyed your concert :happy: If I can get someone to take a pic, I'll post one of me all dolled up!

    @Ron, I think I am a true Dr. Who nut, as I have watched every single available episode on Netflix, old and new, multiple times! So I do get the references to old characters and events that the new version has. I think my son will have a similar reaction as you did after camp. He doesn't realize how much he misses us when he's busy having fun!

    @Tru, you would really enjoy the new Dr. Who series. If you have a Netflix subscription it's on there through season 5 I believe. That is where I got hooked. Can't wait until they add more seasons!

    @Renae, wow, that cleanse sounds like it takes dedication. But I suppose in the need to feel like yourself it's necessary! And it sounds like you have a fun weekend planned, so enjoy :bigsmile:

    @Steph, who cares if you didn't go to the gym? You spend valuable time with your family, which is just as important, and it sounds like you had a good time too!

    Well yesterday I decided, kind of spur of the moment, to go shopping in Olympia, which is about 45 minutes from where I live. So I dropped my 9 year old off at school, and headed out with my little guy. I had a couple objectives in mind, party supplies for next weekend, shoes for me (two kinds!), and a trip to Costco. Well, turns out that mean visiting approximately 10 different stand alone stores, and the mall, which was at least another 10!

    The best store visit yesterday though was to South Sound Running. I walked in and was immediately greeted by a lovely British lady who helped me find the perfect pair of running shoes (Brooks Addiction 10), and talked me out of a little over a hundred bucks. Ouch! Worth it though, since I want to avoid shin splints happening again! I do think it's kind of funny that the name of my running shoe is "addiction", lol, :love:

    I didn't arrive home until 4:30 in the afternoon, and when I got home, my son and my dad were in the process of taking down Jamie's loft bed to move into my younger son's room (he's outgrown the toddler bed, and big bro was tired of the loft bed). So I had to help with that process. And whip up a quick dinner for the family. And then try to get the boys rooms organized before bedtime. And then go to the photographer's house to go through photos from the session done a couple weeks ago of my youngest. I came home, finished logging food and exercise for the day, and went straight to bed. At 9:30 p.m. I could not believe how tired I was! I don't normally go to bed that early, I'm something of a night owl.

    I'm getting excited about tonight, part of my search yesterday was shoes to go with my dress for tonight. Finally found the perfect ones. My parents are watching our kids tonight, and they are keeping them overnight, and have planned to have them all day tomorrow. So I get to have a lovely kid free 24 hours!

    Have a good weekend everyone, I'll check in when I can!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Meg: a 930 bedtime sounds lovely to me! Saw you were runnin today, how do the new shoes feel?
    ReNae: 14lbs is amazing. I don't think I'd have the discipline to do a cleanse.
    Tru: send some of that heat this way. My mom keeps complaining about it and I'm shivering!!
    Jane: hope the weekends been fun.

    Today had been good. SIL came and did some baby sitting so I could get to the gym. Was a fantastic workout. I'd forgotten how I love to see the sweat forming and rolling down my arms (gross I know but shoulders sweating always told me I was pushing hard!). Came home to an empty house as they were at the park and realised it is the first time I have been alone in 10months. Of course I didn't sit and relax, I cleaned house and cooked dinner. Don't know what tomorrow holds but I hope y'all have a good one!! X
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Good news and bad news this morning.

    The bad news - Matt Smith is to leave Dr Who. He has two more episodes, a 50th anniversary one (with lots of previous Doctors) and a Christmas special at which he will regenerate and the new Doctor will be revealed.

    The good news - I have at last reached 249.8 lbs so below 250, my first mini goal and 2.2 down on last Sunday so I'm maintaining the loss :bigsmile: Also there will be a new Dr Who at Christmas :wink:

    The sun is shining this morning and it looks like no rain is forecast until Friday!! Last night I thought I'd died and gone to heaven when I had grilled prawns (shrimp) with tons of garlic and some butter and lemon. They were sooooooooooo good. In fact, any god that can promise me prawns and garlic in heaven gets my vote :laugh: This coming week I have one day away in the south coast office, and one day to attend an interview for an Indian Visa for my next trip. The following week will be at home all week as I have four half days of online courses which the company are kindly paying for despite my being an external consultant! Who knows where I'll be after that..............
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Ron: I had many milestones but under 250 was a big one for me. I started at 368. I was 248 when I got pregnant. I remember when it happens thinking 'finally closer to 200 than 300!!' Big congratulations. Also loved the friends blog. You rock :-)

    Well I am super excited. Thanks to some financial support from the family, baby girl and I are off to Canada for 3 weeks this summer. We fly the day after baby girls first birthday. Wish the hubby was coming but being self employed and having already taken a couple of weeks when we went at Christmas it's not possible. I'm so excited for everyone to see how much Kenzie has changed and to meet my new niece. Want to be as close to prepreggers weight as possible. Officially weigh in on Tuesday but should be about 25lbs from the target. 8 weeks till I fly. Hoping to shed at least 15lbs in that time.