Calories burned in crossfit



  • shirpty
    shirpty Posts: 1
    12 carloies per min.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm not for the high rep Olympic Lifting but Crossfit is not that bad.

    ^I agree. I don't agree w/high rep technical lifts as well as some of the programming.

    That said - it's done A LOT for getting people familiar with the barbell and lifting (including women!) which is cool. Honestly, if my fitness goal was more cardio-based and getting in "good all around shape" I would consider it. For now 90% of what I do is strength/hypertrophy training which at the moment I'm very content with hitting goals I've set and working out alone @ my home gym.

    ...oh and to answer the OP, buy a Polar watch if you want to track calories.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    12 carloies per min.
    Someone posted a link regarding that on the last page. That was based on an average of two workouts, both short intense workouts that burned around 100 calories for the whole workout. Longer WODs will not be that high per minute.
    It should also be noted most people go to CrossFit for an hour, which includes the warmup, technical work, setting up and the actual WOD. If you are logging 12 calories a minute, that was suggested for the WOD itself. There's a big difference between loggin 12 calories a minute for a 10 minute WOD and logging 12 calories a minute for even 30 minutes of your hour long CrossFit session.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Damn Dav, I followed you here and it's an old thread.

  • paleonista
    paleonista Posts: 5 Member
    I"m not sure who you are exaclty referring to when you say CF is known for pushing people to extremes because if you ask anyone who has actually participated in CrossFit for at least a month they will tell you it's the best workout of their life. You get what you pay for...people who go to planet fitness and waste an hour and half on a treadmill never see any body changes. Without someone pushing you very few individuals will work hard enough to see body composition changes in my opinion
  • paleonista
    paleonista Posts: 5 Member
    Good answer!..people get "keyboard balls" on the internet and post stupidity no one wants to read. She wanted a way to post her wods not a beatdown by some stranger on whether her workout of choice was appropriate. FYI I own TWO CrossFit boxes and business is BOOMING! Must be a reason why!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    looks like we got another newbie that doesn't know how to use the quote button...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Good answer!..people get "keyboard balls" on the internet and post stupidity no one wants to read. She wanted a way to post her wods not a beatdown by some stranger on whether her workout of choice was appropriate. FYI I own TWO CrossFit boxes and business is BOOMING! Must be a reason why!

    how can business be BOOMING when you keep injuring all of your clientele? everyone knows that all CF coaches do is push the members too hard and force them to do way too much weight and make them go so fast that the have to get hurt. it's like a competition among coaches to see who can hurt the most people. everybody here on the boards knows that. they say so in EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Good answer!..people get "keyboard balls" on the internet and post stupidity no one wants to read. She wanted a way to post her wods not a beatdown by some stranger on whether her workout of choice was appropriate. FYI I own TWO CrossFit boxes and business is BOOMING! Must be a reason why!

    how can business be BOOMING when you keep injuring all of your clientele? everyone knows that all CF coaches do is push the members too hard and force them to do way too much weight and make them go so fast that the have to get hurt. it's like a competition among coaches to see who can hurt the most people. everybody here on the boards knows that. they say so in EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD.

    i think the assumption is if there are many boxes being opened then surely business is booming. but this isnt the case.

    i think crossfit is kind of like starbucks now: they are less concerned about how each individual box performs revenue wise and more concerned with making it a household name. so it's not necessarily true that there are more people signing up for boxes, just that those people are now being spread out.

    for instance a box near me essentially split and now there are 3 boxes. i've been to all 3. the original one was crowded and now with 3, each one has a less people but it's pretty much the same people.

    a true indication of how much crossfit is "booming" is tracking how many people sign up for cross ramp and how many of those people continue on and actually join..

    that's enough business analysis im willing to do for free :laugh:
  • lynneklr
    lynneklr Posts: 3 Member
    Haha yup!!

    I too would just like a straight answer. :)
  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    Never mind. Just realized this is a zombie thread.
  • modestalchemist
    modestalchemist Posts: 8 Member
    University of Wisconsin just did a study. You burn an average of 12 calories per minute with crossfit. They only studied wods that lasted up to 20 minutes.
  • kitmao
    kitmao Posts: 4 Member
    And yet, where are these statistics? I keep hearing how horribly dangerous it is and how you'll get hurt, yet running remains the highest injury exercise there is. I wish people who haven't done Crossfit would not commit on threads about Crossfit.
  • kitmao
    kitmao Posts: 4 Member
    Good answer!..people get "keyboard balls" on the internet and post stupidity no one wants to read. She wanted a way to post her wods not a beatdown by some stranger on whether her workout of choice was appropriate. FYI I own TWO CrossFit boxes and business is BOOMING! Must be a reason why!

    how can business be BOOMING when you keep injuring all of your clientele? everyone knows that all CF coaches do is push the members too hard and force them to do way too much weight and make them go so fast that the have to get hurt. it's like a competition among coaches to see who can hurt the most people. everybody here on the boards knows that. they say so in EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD.

    i think the assumption is if there are many boxes being opened then surely business is booming. but this isnt the case.

    i think crossfit is kind of like starbucks now: they are less concerned about how each individual box performs revenue wise and more concerned with making it a household name. so it's not necessarily true that there are more people signing up for boxes, just that those people are now being spread out.

    for instance a box near me essentially split and now there are 3 boxes. i've been to all 3. the original one was crowded and now with 3, each one has a less people but it's pretty much the same people.

    a true indication of how much crossfit is "booming" is tracking how many people sign up for cross ramp and how many of those people continue on and actually join..

    that's enough business analysis im willing to do for free :laugh:

    Several of the boxes in my area have waiting lists for new clients. That doesn't sound like business is hurting. I joined my box several months back and they have been adding new clients to the point where they have to add classes and stop people from participating when classes get too full.

    BTW, our head trainer is also a personal trainer and helped me overcome a knee issue that both a doctor and a physical therapist never figured out. I lived with this problem for years, and now it is gone. I get tired of all the hate that goes toward Crossfit. If you don't want to do it, then don't do it. Find something else to do that you love, so long as you move! But, why hate on the people who do it and love it?
  • I'm with you...I've had a hip injury due to incorrect positioning during exercise and having a baby. I've joined a CF gym and since I've been corrected my hip injury has gotten better over the months and no more pain. There are a lot of people out there that think they know what their doing but they do not. Those are the people giving CF a bad reputation. Oh yes my endurance has also improved due to the motivation and the correct training I have done.
  • Aviation21
    Aviation21 Posts: 154 Member
    At first I listed ONE Cal burned and recently changed it to 600 Cals burned. It is probably more like 800 Cals burned but that's not that important to me.

    I think it all comes down to how you are measuring success.

    I started focusing on eating better (I have been doing what I call 97% Paleo) and using the mirror to measure improvements.

    Luckily the scale has been a lot kinder to me since I started doing CrossFit; however it's the combination of eating better and exercise that makes me feel really good!

    BTW, I do not think there is one post, video on the Internet where people are Not Hating on CrossFit... strangest thing I have ever seen!

    This is the best explanation I have read about CrossFit and of course this is also followed by a few hate messages... check it out!

    I also like this nerdfitness site, if you were wondering what is a Paleo diet there is a good read here too!
  • rbagby
    rbagby Posts: 3
    I just recently joined a Crossfit gym near my home and have really been enjoying it. Yes, it is intense, but I take it at my own pace and the trainers have made changes to the workouts since I'm a beginner. But like they say, "different folks, different strokes".
  • JulieBowe
    JulieBowe Posts: 12 Member
    You know people... she only questioned how to record calories. Don't judge... I'm not judging you! I've worked with a personal trainer and personally she pushed me harder than my Crossfit trainers and She ended up costing a a lot more in the end. If I would have used her as often as I go to Crossfit, I could pay a house note. Every time I go to my box, I have a personal trainer that cares about me and what I'm doing. You get to know the folks you work out with and the encouragement they give you is unreal. I would have given up at first if it would not have been for the friends I made there. I'm 52 years old and have never enjoyed something so much. I don't think Crossfit is for everyone, but it is NO ONE's place to judge. My point is... find what works for you and do it.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    JulieBowe wrote: »
    You know people... she only questioned how to record calories. Don't judge... I'm not judging you! I've worked with a personal trainer and personally she pushed me harder than my Crossfit trainers and She ended up costing a a lot more in the end. If I would have used her as often as I go to Crossfit, I could pay a house note. Every time I go to my box, I have a personal trainer that cares about me and what I'm doing. You get to know the folks you work out with and the encouragement they give you is unreal. I would have given up at first if it would not have been for the friends I made there. I'm 52 years old and have never enjoyed something so much. I don't think Crossfit is for everyone, but it is NO ONE's place to judge. My point is... find what works for you and do it.

    Why are you digging up a 2 year old thread to post that you are offended by the replies?

  • meric_1
    meric_1 Posts: 2 Member
    Health Gal you are grossly misinformed and should really get your facts straight before commenting on something that you really don't know about.
    I have been a Crossfitter for 3 years and am 54 yrs old. The coaches at my box always put safety and proper form AND scaling options first. There is always good and bad options in ANY sport.
    I have to say I am really tired of the uninformed bashing that CF gets. I saw a marathon runner puke and then faint, banging himself up pretty bad but you don't see posts on how dangerous running is do you?
    Let's use intelligent common sense please.