3 meals or snacking throughout day?



  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    I really like the 5-6 meals a day concept... Keeps me from going hard on any particular meal..
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    I have 3 meals and typically 2 snacks. It doesn't really matter one way or the other. If you find snacking all day puts you over your calories, don't do it. If you find you are starving before your next meal and, therefore, tend to over eat at meals times, then fit in some snacks. So long as the calorie count is the same, do it which ever way works for you.
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    Neither is better for you, eat whenever you want. It makes 0 difference except for possibly psychological preferences, or if you have a very specific dietary requirement