What's more important to you?



  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Right now? The number on the scale. This stems from the fact that I'm so overweight right now.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    what's wrong with wanting both? it's possible to have both.

    i'm still trying to figure out what's going with me because i'm not an exercise noob by any means so i know i'm not "building muscle" or any of the other ridiculous claim people want to use to explain why the scale isn't moving

    my weight loss over the past year has fluctuated and i was up to 32 pounds loss. now i'm at 15 pounds lost because i've gained 17 pounds yet i'm still comfortably wearing the same size jeans now at 15 pounds loss as I was with 32 pounds loss. :cry: and no.. i didnt gain 17 pounds of muscle :laugh:

    i'm still at a weight that regardless of what i look like, will some day not be good for my joints. so yeah, for me the number of the scale is just as important as my body composition
  • ckehoe89
    ckehoe89 Posts: 144 Member
    It has taken me a long time to realize the importance of feeling good versus looking perfect. I think the media has a lot to do with how I felt about myself and the goals I had. After losing some weight (but not as much as I would have liked) I still didn't feel good. But after much contemplation, I have learned to love myself for who I am. And instead of focusing everything on how many calories I am burning when I get on the treadmill, I am focusing on how what I am doing is prolonging my life and creating a healthy and happy life. Now I know we all have weight loss concerns, and that's important too, but instead of thinking of what we are doing as weight loss and diets, we should think of it as a positive healthy lifestyle change,
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Numbers seem to be the ultimate validation for a lot of people. there's something so non-negotiable about them. It's so strange..when I was 170 lbs, people said i looked patsy and very ill, as I had gone to 170 from 265 lbs.

    I weigh 165 now and look healthier, but people thought I looked 'thinner' when I was 5 lbs heavier.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    This is something I have to work on.I workout walking and running in intervals as well as weights.I've gone from a 16 to a 4 in the last three years.I'm 5'1 and weigh 130.My friend,same age and height is now also a size 4 but never works out and just lost 15 pounds using herbalife for a weight of 115.I find myself envying her weight even though I know I weigh more because I workout.I know it's not a competition but I would like to stop obsessing with the number and be happy with where I am.This is the smallest I've been in my adult life so I really would like to stop looking at that number 3 times a day.