Flirting ..disrepectful or not at all?



  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Lets just say, flirting makes me feel confident. I was a big flirt on her before I met my boyfriend and I was driven to losing weight, felt good about myself and how I was looking.

    I think this says a lot of what I feel. I am a flirty/friendly person by nature. When you feel yucky, you don't have the confidence to be flirty/friendly. Now that I have dropped some of the weight ( I still have 50-60lbs to go to be at a healthy BMI), I feel like I carry myself I have the confidence to laugh and joke.

    No matter HOW happily married someone is, I think it makes them feel attractive when someone from the opposite sex flirts with them a little. If you were butt ugly, you wouldn't get the same kind of attention!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I am friendly and joyful. I smile a lot, make eye contact, engage in fun conversation. It can seem like flirting. I behave the same with men and women. I don't go out of my way to flirt. I've been with my husband for 14 years, so I am not accustomed to interacting with men as potential dating partners. Sometimes men think I am rejecting them because I don't respond to subtle flirting. It's just that when I go out into the world, it's a world full of friends, not dating partners. I think flirting is good, just as long as no one is getting the wrong idea (leading people on, toying with people's heart strings). I get a lot of admirers, so I try to be clear (so no one gets hurt or attached).
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Lets just say, flirting makes me feel confident. I was a big flirt on her before I met my boyfriend and I was driven to losing weight, felt good about myself and how I was looking.

    I think this says a lot of what I feel. I am a flirty/friendly person by nature. When you feel yucky, you don't have the confidence to be flirty/friendly. Now that I have dropped some of the weight ( I still have 50-60lbs to go to be at a healthy BMI), I feel like I carry myself I have the confidence to laugh and joke.

    No matter HOW happily married someone is, I think it makes them feel attractive when someone from the opposite sex flirts with them a little. If you were butt ugly, you wouldn't get the same kind of attention!

    Yep, exactly. And my boyfriend should appreciate it. IF I get told I look good or get that kind of confidence boost, he will surely reap the benefit of it! :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    OP - didn't you have the racial post on dating?

    Could be why your still single

    Yes I did asked a quedtion about inter racial dating? And so what! That was yesterdays post!
    And no I'm not single. Very happily married and I love to flirt! Not insecure and neither is my husband.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    Not ok with me if my boyfriend flirted with another girl or kept looking at her. Sorry, but no.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Lets just say, flirting makes me feel confident. I was a big flirt on her before I met my boyfriend and I was driven to losing weight, felt good about myself and how I was looking.

    No matter HOW happily married someone is, I think it makes them feel attractive when someone from the opposite sex flirts with them a little. If you were butt ugly, you wouldn't get the same kind of attention!

    I love the attention..Lol
    I love when females flirt with my spouse, its cute and spices up alone time..hehehe :blushing: :bigsmile:
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Great question. I say, innocent flirting with no strings attached is okay.

    Thanks..I agree
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Lets just say, flirting makes me feel confident. I was a big flirt on her before I met my boyfriend and I was driven to losing weight, felt good about myself and how I was looking.

    I think this says a lot of what I feel. I am a flirty/friendly person by nature. When you feel yucky, you don't have the confidence to be flirty/friendly. Now that I have dropped some of the weight ( I still have 50-60lbs to go to be at a healthy BMI), I feel like I carry myself I have the confidence to laugh and joke.

    No matter HOW happily married someone is, I think it makes them feel attractive when someone from the opposite sex flirts with them a little. If you were butt ugly, you wouldn't get the same kind of attention!

    Yep, exactly. And my boyfriend should appreciate it. IF I get told I look good or get that kind of confidence boost, he will surely reap the benefit of it! :wink: :wink: :wink:

    EXACTLY! When I think I have caught someone trying to be sneaky and check out my squat ( because they WANT to check it out), it makes me feel good. That translates into a desire to "play" that night , once the kids go to bed :blushing:
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Depends. If the body language is indicitive of 'donotwant' they should seriously back off and I do think it's disrespectful to a) badmouth the person they were trying to flirt with and b) keep on trying. That's when it starts verging into sexual harrassment.
    Likewise if a person is obviously attached to someone else.

    However if the person being flirted with doesn't mind (which should be obvious via body language) then I wouldn't say it's disrespectful in the least...again provided they're not attached.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Not at all if it is between consenting adults.

    Flirting is nothing more than giving someone your full attention for a few minutes or seconds and approving of them. Certainly makes the day go quicker and things go more smoothly.

    You are in a relationship, not blind, deaf and dumb! People who get jealous over harmless stuff like that just look insecure and like they don't trust their partner.
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    Some people are natural flirts. I flirt with girls more than boys though. Weird?

    I agree with Modifiedmama

    Im a natural born flirt, the games on here are designed to have a bit of fun and hell yeah Im gonna flirt along with the rest of them.

    Im not acting on those thoughts etc and I do know when to draw the line

    I guess if you know that line then its all good.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I don't get this. If you look that's one thing, but if you actively flirt I assume you're interested and single (that or you're cheating scum). Beh. Don't waste my time if you're taken. I hate that!

    I don't know if your significant other thinks you're disrespecting her when you do that, but for sure you're disrespecting me!

    I think you're confusing "flirting" and "hitting on". There's a difference.

    There is? Okay yeah, I missed that subtle distinction I guess.

    I'm not sure its even that subtle. There seem to be a few women here that huddle in corners like scared alley cats and respond with venom to any guy daring to speak to them. At least I see them posting on threads. If you think that a guy speaking to you or even complimenting you automatically means that he's hitting on you, then you may be one these women.

    One compliment, or one once in awhile from someone I might spend a lot of time with at work for example is not what I consider flirting, no. Exchanging pleasantries isn't what I consider flirting, no.

    Regular comments on my appearance, asking about my plans for the weekend and saying things like 'well we could go get a room ha ha just kidding', asking about the details of my sex life or preferences, or commenting that my boyfriend is a lucky man or why don't I have a boyfriend because I'm so awesome sauce and then continuing to make comments like that is what I consider flirting and a man who is taken and flirting will quickly annoy the crap out of me.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    My husband doesn't mind me flirting though I do not flirt in front of him but I am a waitress in a place that is almost a night club scene on most the nights I work, so I get flirted with a lot, I flirt back, may not mean half the crap I say to the guys but I flirt and you better believe I do it for the money lol.

    its always about the money! =)

    Most the time, some times I'll flirt with the regulars and not even realize I'm flirting till one of the bartenders points it out lol. I'm a natural flirt though, I flirt and don't realize it, and my husband ask's me sometimes if I realize I just flirted with some guy, but no I don't do it to do it, normally if I flirt I don't realize it, but when I know I'm flirting, trust me I am probably flirting hard. It's always about the money when they are at my table lol, my objective is to get you drunk and get about as much as your ticket is lol. I've done that a few times, I had a guy temp me the exact price of his ticket.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I think there is a lot of confusion here between "flirting" and"hitting on' and /or "letching".

    Some people seem to think looking at/talking to members of the opposite sex is somehow flirting too.

    I suggest that if you are offended by your partner looking at/talking to members of the opposite sex you go and live in a box on a deserted island/large forest/mountain range etc....
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Married.. not dead :wink:

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    General rule of thumb is, if you would be bothered by your partner doing something then you shouldn't be doing it.

    I don't flirt. I wouldn't want my fiance to flirt.

    I don't judge people in relationships who do though, to each their own.

    I agree, and by the way VaVaVa Voooom!
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    My momma taught me that it's like any other muscle - use it or lose it. There is great power in being appropriately social on that level.
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    I flirt all the time, unless I *KNOW* that someone is taken. Its innocent and for the most part is returned and makes me feel good about myself.
    Although there is a way to disrespectfully flirt..... But I think each person has to set that limit for themselves. When a person starts calling me "babe, hun, sweetie" or any other "pet name" I get offended.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I don.t. Not often. I think my husband actually encourages it though. He hopes the more I practice flirting online the more I will flirt with him. Weird.
    And I flirt with him more than he does with me, anyway. Until I get tired of be the only one flirting, the I take a break....LOL

    But no one really flirts with me online. And I may reciprocate, but noway I would start it.

    Actually, not sure I would reciprocate. Seems weird.
  • Flirting helps tension between 2 people sometimes. If you're out to find someone to "hit" on then obviously its WRONG ( when in a relationship) But...people like to smile and laugh and have a good time. Why bring someone down if its harmless?