Treadmill or elliptical?



  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    Depends on your goals. Are you wanting to start running? If yes, I would go with the treadmill and bike. If running isn't a goal, go with the elliptical.
    I personally HATE the treadmill and elliptical. I LOVE LOVE LOVE running outside, on the streets or in the woods. Even when it's cold out.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    You burn a lot more calories on the treadmill. I thinks you only burn 2/3 the calories on the elliptical that you would if you were running. If you Google weightlifting routines for women there are many out there that can help. I'm a firm believer in running 3 days a week or more and lifting 3 days a week. Check out other forums on being new to running for advice in that area. I like to use the elliptical on rest days or days Is sore. Good luck.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I looooove the elliptical. It gets my heart pumping and burns so many calories. I also like that I use my arms and legs, so it's sort of a total body thing rather than just walking (I don't pump my arms when I walk). Also, it's much better on my joints, which hurt from years of being heavy.

    I do use the treadmill as a warm-up and cool-down, though. I set the incline to 1% to mimic outdoor walking (otherwise, the treadmill is doing a lot of the work for you) and walk for about ten minutes at 3 mph both times. During the cool-down, I gradually ease my way from 3 mph to 2 mph then 1.5 mph before stopping. If you aren't as heavy as me, you can probably do 4 mph.
  • What kind of weight training specifically?

    If you're like me, I was completely clueless when first going to the gym. I wanted to "lift weights" but didn't have a clue where to begin. I ended up purchasing a personal trainer to teach me what to do and how to use the machines/weights properly. It costs a bit, but it was definitely worth it in the end. Now I feel confident lifting weights/using the machines in a gym without a trainer.
  • asizesix
    asizesix Posts: 131 Member
    definitely recommend switching between the two at the gym. i always use two cardio machines when i'm at the gym bc they use different movements and use the muscles slightly differently. last night i did the bike for 20 mins and then the elliptical for 30 mins, tonight i'm going to run on the treadmill and then do the stair master. I find it works my muscles much better than if i was doing the elliptical for 60 whole minutes straight.

    after cardio i always do strength training for about 30 mins - usually just do the circuit of lifting machines but also make sure i do my squats and lunges.

    can i just mention for a moment how much i LOVE squats and lunges. after only a few workouts i noticed my glutes were much perkier and definitely do those!! (no matter how difficult they get!)
  • 71Rach
    71Rach Posts: 4 Member
    I would start with the elliptical it great if you have knee problems and you do use your arm more on a elliptical. As for weight training recommendation is 2 to 3 times a week. On noncosecutive days. I would do total body weight training session. I like doing circuit training weight workouts. Circuit training workouts are time or rep workouts.

    1-3 sets -- body weight
    1) Squats (16 reps)
    2) Push ups (10 reps)
    3) Crunches (20 reps
    **I will do 1, 2, 3 and repeat 2 more times.

    1-3 sets - hand weights
    1) Biceps Curls ( 12 reps) ( 5 - 10 lbs)
    2) Stationary Lunges ( 12 reps each leg)
    3) Triceps Dips (10 reps)
    **I do the same as before.

    Or you can go to a gym and they may have a circuit training stations.