

  • mommyof3j
    mommyof3j Posts: 26 Member
    Honestly I think you just need a little more time. You don't seem quite ready to lose the weight yet. When you are, nothing anyone says will matter, temptation will still be there but will be overridden by disgust, gumption, or determination. You will not feel like you need support from family or anyone else. Old habits will be something that you see as hurdles and obstacles to be overcome, not so much a part of you. Keep your eye on your goal, keep it to yourself and one day it will just click and you will be on your way and NO one and nothing will be able to stop you.:flowerforyou:

    Right on, so true. You have to want it bad enough, it starts and ends with you sweetie. If you really want to loose you have to put yourself first and forget everything else matters. Set small goals and take baby steps.
  • "don't you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine" ... they do like to drag you down, I never figured out why, but they do. Ignore them all!
  • I looked at your pictures, and you are very pretty! Even at a higher weight, so imagine what you will look like at a lower weight :) I am trying to lose 100 lbs so I feel your pain. I am 247 trying to get down to 150. My motivation is joining the military, honestly. I want to be fit for my kids and my fiance. He loves me as I am, loves the "curves" (hehehe) but.......he understands I need to be healthy internally. I want to lose weight for myself, and so my brother can stop thinking of me as the 'fat, lazy sister", and so my family can quit asking things like, "Have you gained/lost weight?" I want to be more than a number to them. I want to feel loved for me, not judged by my weight.......anyway hun..good luck !
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    we all feel you pain and we are here to help. Add me. I would like to help support you.
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    So much of weight loss is mental. If your head isn't ready or not into it, your body won't be either, no matter who you surround yourself with. I hope this site can give you the support that you need but your head has to really be into it for you to do anything permanent.
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I am trying to lose a little over 80 pounds.. I have lost all of my drive to accomplish this goal. I have no one to workout with and I have no support in my family.. they keep telling me that ill end up giving up and I wont make it till the end. How do you beat temptation? I am trying to eat healthier... buttttt I keep falling into my old habits.. I never knew how hard it was... ughhhhh.. need some help

    It takes more than a day to change bad habits i would try to meet people with similar goals as you take a few classes at your local gym and build that support network for yourself and of course MFP is a great tool if you surround yourself with the right people. Dont stress so much about the old habits they are habits because you were doing that for such a long time and it will take time to form those new habits.
    Your not going to lose the weight over night so start small like changing one meal a day to a healthier choice, increase your water, cut out pop... 10lbs goals at a time... little steps will slowly change your habits. Your not going to rewrite your history in a week. And keep in mind the image of all those peoples jaws dropping when you walk in 80lbs lighter, people always try to bring others down to their level because change is contageous no one may want to change but when you get to your goal you may encourgage them to change as well.

    Keep your chin up hun i promise it does get easier! :flowerforyou:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    You said you have noone to workout with.... Go to to find classes in your area! I love my group, we're like one big family, we support each other, and encourage each other. And I love it, because I'm at home with my kids all day, and it gives me an opportunity to be around other adults!!! It's a nice little break for Mommies!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I think the most important thing is don't give up. Keep working at it. If you have a setback/fall off the wagon, put it behind you as soon as you can. A few setbacks won't destroy all your good efforts, only giving up will do that.

    Come here as often as you need. Sometimes when the trail mix in the kitchen is calling to me, I open MFP and read success stories and/or try to help somebody like you.

    We can do this!
  • tristalamothe
    tristalamothe Posts: 39 Member
    First things first, you're only human! Give yourself a break; we all have bad days, and will continue to have bad days forever.

    It's really unfortunate that your family isn't supportive. I have a few people in my life whose actions were the same. It's hard to zone them out, I understand that from experience, so just try and let it go in one ear, and out the other.

    Some helpful things that have personally helped me thus far:
    - plan plan plan! Plan your meals in advanced, especially during the week. The urge to go buy fast food is lessened when you have meals already prepared.
    - eat lots! And what I mean, is lots of little meals. I have Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, After Gym Snack. Keeps your metabolism up!
    - water; whether it's just regular water, water with fresh sliced lemon and/or lime, or ice chips. Sometimes as a treat, I'll use Crystal Lite or MIO, but try to limit that to weekends. Tea is great too. Keeps your system constantly flushing out toxins.
    - be COMPLETELY honest. For the longest time, I hid my diary on MFP, but once going public and tracking everything (from that one piece of cheese I had while cutting up veggies, or drop of honey in my tea, etc), it really made me motivated to want to do better. Not embarrass myself.
    - fitness; plan a fitness routine, and keep at it. No matter how much you hurt, just do it and continue to go. It's nice now that the staff and regulars know me by name. They're like my second family.
    - consistency; stay at it. You didn't gain the weigh overnight, and you won't lose it overnight either.
    - and lastly, and most importantly; My Fitness Pal Community. If nobody is willing to support you in your life, you can find MANY people.. strangers from around the world, who want the very best for you (myself included).

    You can do this, beautiful. Slow but sure. Feel free to send me a friend request!

  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Just remember you don't have to change everything overnight! If it is too drastic of a change it will be harder to avoid all the temptations. Strive to improve, not for perfection. Probably most important is don't quit just because you do give into a temptation - that is not failure! You do not fail until you quit trying!
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    For me it wasn't just having a weight goal, but something in addition to that. I can't work out just for the sake of working out and watching weight come off. In my case my goal initially is to be fit enough to compete in triathlons. Once I've achieved that it will be for longer distance triathlons, and then to have competitive times.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    I'm sorry your family is mean.

    I weigh everything i eat. I bring my scale with me when i go out to eat or to a friend's. Also during the week, I have every meal and snack planned and a designated time to eat. Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner Snack. It's all about 3 hours apart. I know that is hard to do, but It keeps me happy. Also don't deprive yourself things. Chocolate in your trail-mix, a little jam on your PBJ. Buy good, quality ingredients. So go for the fancy smancy jam in the little jar instead of the big cheapo bargain brand. You'll be eating less of it anyway right? The big jar might go bad, and the little jar will be savored. This is just an example, but you get the idea.

    My favorite naughty snack? Really good cheddar, a good cracker, and some quince. Yummo! I feel so decadent eating that, and I limit myself to 6 crackers and 1 oz cheese, and 2 teaspoons of preserves. I have a cup of hot tea and I pretend I'm in Victorian England. Silly yes, but I enjoy it more.

    I also drink Tea all day long. Black tea, herbal tea, whatever I got. I don't like just drinking water, I want something with flavor. I can drink tea black, unlike coffee which needs a ton of creamer to be palatable for me. Water is for when i first wake up, right before bed after I've brushed my teeth, and the gym.

    On the weekends I have a hard time because I'm with people. I try really hard to limit what I eat during the day so I can enjoy whatever we eat out. Also I try to exercise on those days in particular because then I have a few extra callories to play with.

    Hope this helps.
    I have started doing this too!

    Also, instead of trying to force myself to eat things I hate because they are healthy I've started making a list of items that are good for me and that I love and have been experimenting with different recipes to truly enjoy them. It has made sticking to my calories/protein/etc...much easier.
  • SipsMom
    SipsMom Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with so many of the posts that others have made.
    First you have to want it and it needs to be a life style change in your eating habits. It can not be about losing 80 pounds.

    Start with saying that you want to be healthy and eat healthy. That doesn't mean you starve yourself or eat nothing but vegetables. Portion control is huge!! Eating many small meals(4-8) instead of trying to cram in three meals will do you so much more.

    Use the calorie counter and goal settings here! They do work. However instead of plugging in a goal of 80 pounds start with 10. When you see the 10 going then you can adjust from there. Success comes from small steps.

    Most importantly get moving. Even walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes is something. Going to the gym is not fun if you are doing it alone. I will attest to that. If you have friends or family that work out or Zumba try to go with them. However, keep in mind that there will be others at the gym who feel the same way and may want someone to work out with. Start by chatting with people around you. You never know what could happen.

    Week one keep track of everything you eat for one week without changing anything. The amount of calories and the nutrition or lack of nutrition and fat info will amaze you! You will want to give it all you got after seeing those numbers!

    Week two try to eliminate all the fast and fried foods.

    Week three make healthier choices. If you love popcorn and have to have it try a low calorie healthier option. If you love nacho chips look for whole grain or multi grain options. Instead of using regular hamburg use a lean 92%. Then slowly you can transition to 1/2 hamburg and 1/2 ground turkey. (I will never use all ground turkey, I can't stand the taste. But that is my opinion.)

    Week four drink more water. Try to keep a water bottle with you at all times! If you are a soda drinker and can eliminate soda you will notice a big difference in two weeks just from stopping the soda. Don't go cold turkey wean yourself slowly over those two weeks and try to avoid it after that.

    Take it slow and you will see results. If you try to do it all at once you will feel deprived and are more likely to go back to your old habits. Start slow and see how you start feeling with small steps!

    Good Luck!
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    (1) Find something you LOVE to do – something that doesn’t feel like “work” – if you love zumba, go for it, if you love lifting, do it. You get the point, find activities you look forward to, and are willing to put 110% effort into.

    (2) It stinks when people are rude and unsupportive – but at the end of the day this is about YOU, not them. It is nice to have support, but YOU need to want it to make it work long term. Think about why you want to lose the weight – make a plan, and hold yourself accountable. Don't worry about everyone else.

    (3) If you have a bad day – move on – pick yourself up and make better choices. Don’t let one day turn into weeks.

    This is your life, have fun, and keep pushing to make tomorrow better than today. Just my thoughts – hopefully you find something helpful in them.

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    I've lost 6 pounds too since starting my journey late December. I'm trying to celebrate the "smaller" milestones. Hey, pick up five pounds (weights, kids, detergent, cat litter) to remind yourself what it really feels like. That's helping me along the way. And as far as your lack of support from family (me too) - - don't get mad, get even. I liked the advice of keeping your health/fitness goals to yourself until after you've achieved them/hit a milestone. Then you can simply let them know how they're wrong, you're making steady progress - HA!