Skinless, boneless chicken boobs: Yuck !



  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    If they have no sin on them, I bake them in the oven wrapped in bacon. Only way to make them palatable, IMO.

    Tried a curry today though. Not half bad.
  • If they are not prepared right then they are very bland and boring.
    It's fun to cut them in chunks or strips. Use egg and panko as a crust and bake. Easy chicken nuggets/tenders.
    If you rub a little fat free or light mayo on them before you bake they won't come out as dry.
    Good for healthy, homemade fried rice.
    Good to make chicken tacos with. You can also boil the chicken (weird I know) and shred with bbq sauce or enchilada sauce.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Why does everyone make food taste different than it really tastes. I really don't get it. Sorry, I don't belong in this thread obviously.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Honestly I really like them. I put them in a skillet with a little olive oil in it and put spices on them. I don't typically eat them by themselves but I like cutting them up and putting them in a salad, over rice, in a stir fry, or in my pasta. I agree that if you just cook them without putting any seasoning on them that they won't taste good, but if you throw some spices and seasonings on them I don't think they're half bad. Some of my favorite options are garlic & onion powder with italian seasoning and red pepper flakes, McCormick's mediterranean herb, and Mrs. Dash's southwest chipotle.
  • Huh. That's all I ever eat. Never had a problem with them. Will even throw them in the oven with just some salt & pepper to throw on my salads.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I also lack the genius to make boneless/skinless chicken breast edible.
    Okay. Maybe I need to try harder.
    No, just make that rosemary chicken you mentioned earlier.
    But why should I have to doctor it up like that?
    You don't have to!
    What is the difference when the bone and skin are missing?
    No fat or marrow, I think.
    And, is it really worth it if I have to do that much work?
    Well, I don't think so.
    Wouldn't even a really cheap piece of beef be better -- even if I had to chew each bite a thousand times to get it down?
    Yes! And, it will probably respond a little better to any marinade, especially if you shave it into tiny slivers for a nice stirfry.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I think the problem is that you are buying cheap ones on sale. They'll have been mass produced and may have added water or other stuff.

    Try an organic free range chicken, or a corn fed one. THAT is what chicken tastes like.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I think the problem is that you are buying cheap ones on sale. They'll have been mass produced and may have added water or other stuff.

    Try an organic free range chicken, or a corn fed one. THAT is what chicken tastes like.

    Oh gosh no, the cheap chickens NEED fat, skin and bone to be in any way puttable in my mouth (usually, to my regret, and a bit of nausea). I spent $15 on a pair of organic breasts last week and somehow made them also not yummy.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i love skinless bonelss chicken. you can do heaps with it!!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Okay. Skinless, boneless, chicken breasts. Tell me how you really feel about them, please.
    My grocery store has them on sale all the time, and I am a sucker for a sale (I'm cheap), so I fall for it every time. Then I curse myself.
    I think they are terrible. Baked, boiled, stir-fried, whatever. They have no taste. I like chicken, and I can take a breast with the bone and the skin on, and pop it in the oven at 375, and it comes out delicious. I can cook a whole chicken and the breast is moist and scrumptious.
    I do the same with the skinless-boneless ones, and I get tasteless rubber.
    I make a lot of chicken pot pie for my family, and it is great when I use a whole chicken. But it is bland and boring when I make it using just a few boneless breasts.
    Sure, I could marinate these rubber boobs. But, I really do not believe that marinade actually gets in to chicken meat -- maybe if it has enzymes, and you leave the chicken in the marinade for days.
    And, what do they do with all the rest of all those chickens? Dog food? Chicken McNuggets?

    Agreed, the exception is a corn fed chicken breast, otherwise I purchase whole chickens or bone in legs. And chicken breasts aren't even that nutritious
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I love chicken breast. I eat it every single day, at least once. Generally I just melt a bit of coconut oil in a pan, thorw the chicken in and sprinkle on some seasoning salt. If my pan didn't make everything stick so bad I wouldn't even use the oil. The I eat it as is, or on salads, or put in the fridge to grab and eat later.

    I use chicken breast all the time. I rarely use chicken thighs or legs, but we do roast whole chickens quite often....then I take off the skin and eat the plain breast.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If I'm going to roast them in the oven I definitely prefer bone in, skin on breast. And I can't imagine boiling chicken except maybe to shred up into a casserole or sauce. But I like boneless skinless breast pan seared in a skillet.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    There is a salad dressing called Chavettas. My home town always did chavetta's bbq, with the whole chicken of course (SOOOO GOOD). I've altered it by using the skinless breast and buying the italian style dressing (which is lower calorie than the bbq sauce) throw it in the morning to marinate then grill it for dinner. So crispy and flavorful!
  • robhigareda
    robhigareda Posts: 47 Member
    Boneless skinless chicken breasts are all I really eat during the day, I put them in a slow cooker for 8-10hrs and then season them with onion and potentially some cajun seasoning. But the really the part that gives them the flavor is the Siracha I pour on it before eating.

    As long as you have Siracha, almost anything is edible.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    I'm with you. Ever since I got pregnant with my first child, I've had this aversion to chicken, breasts especially. I can stomach it now, but it's not my favorite.

    Two things: make sure you're not overcooking them. And, try boneless, skinless thighs. Much better flavor and texture IMO.