What is the biggest unexpected surprise after losing weight?



  • naterciarodrigues58
    naterciarodrigues58 Posts: 105 Member
    Only half way through my goal but... I feel my collarbones... whaaaaat? It's just weird to feel them!
  • kaydeedoubleu1
    kaydeedoubleu1 Posts: 567 Member
    I noticed that since losing weight and toning up, its harder to shave my legs, particularly my calves because of the ripples, giving me lots of shaving cuts. and also not having to buy clothes from the plus size section makes me feel like im not abnormal and obese anymore. and seeing a sun spot on my navel line that i hadnt seen for years due to stomach overhang. the list could go on...
  • ThatOperaGirl
    ThatOperaGirl Posts: 138 Member
    I was in Italy during northern hemisphere winter and am now back in Australia for southern hemisphere winter, but with 30lbs gone ... and I'm SO much colder here in Australian winter, even though it's actually *much* warmer here than it was six months ago in Italy. I compared the weather reports and everything because although I'd heard that feeling colder could happen with weight loss, I couldn't believe that it would affect me this much! Good thing I love layering up with scarves and jackets :smile:
  • Peni_Davidson
    Peni_Davidson Posts: 54 Member
    Although I am only nearly halfway through There have been a few surprises some good, one bad. I tried on a suit for work which I thought was a certain size, feeling chuffed that it fit. Only to discover it was actually a size smaller than I thought, made me feel even better.
    I know longer feel out of breath when I walk and have discovered that I actually like walking.
    On a down side, I I have found a lump in my breast, but on a positive note, if I hadn't lost the weight I might never have found it, or found it too late.
    But when all is said and done, losing weight has given me a positive outlook. It has made me determined to keep focused, carry on and what will be will be. It's no use worrying over things I have no control over.
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    I know this will probably sound ridiculous, but after losing all this weight off my tummy, my dinkle seemed bigger :)

    Wasn't expecting that!
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    LOL well done!
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    @olly - Now that's definitely a bonus!
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    Biggest surprise for me? My clothes all fit..until they were too big, and then was surprising, so I bought more...and then those were too big too, and that was surprising. Also, the first time I had to say, I'm sorry this 9/10 is too big, can I get this in a 7/8. That was surprising. Another surprising thing...What the he11 are people staring at? boogers? Something on my dress? Is there something wrong with me? No? Oh, I guess they are just staring at me. Huh.
  • blibby33
    blibby33 Posts: 53
    bump for reading later
  • jkay123
    jkay123 Posts: 15 Member
    Peni, sorry that you found the lump, but you're right, better to find it now and get it taken care of. (hug)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Peni - I had breast cancer 6 years ago. Found it when I lost some weight that time. Great to have found it early. I am clear now.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm down 54 pounds or so, and still don't see a lot of difference. I am wearing clothes from last summer that had been too tight but now they fit. I thought it would make more difference, but it was really only a third of the total I need to lose. My husband says he can see the difference, but he's really sweet and supportive, so I can't tell if its really true. I have noticed that the skin on my upper arms is a lot looser and makes my elbows disappear.

    A couple of little good things I've noticed...
    I can reach my feet to trim toenails and tie my shoes.
    I can reach the emergency brake release under the dash of my car.

    Both those things used to give me what I called "fat cramps". Where it felt like my fat rolled over on itself. I haven't had that feeling in a while now, and don't miss it one bit.

    Oh, and this morning I climbed a tall flight of stairs TWICE without being out of breath.
  • dsims_nc
    dsims_nc Posts: 5 Member
    If I lie on my left side I can feel my heart beating (I don't really like it!)
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    The extra skin is a negative. The fact that I'm struggling to stay motivated is a negative...

    - I have a waistline again
    - My legs look good in a dress/skirt
    - I can wear said dress skirt w/out spanx
    - my face is slim enough to wear short hair again.
    - I've lost 50 or so lbs, 4 pants sizes, and 3 shirt sizes.
    - I can walk 3 miles w/out pain in about 45 minutes.
    - I can see and feel my collarbones
    - I can put my hands around my neck, wrists, and ankles.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Dunno about unexpected but things that i thought were a lost cause at the end of last year
    Several things Half way through my journey in around 5 months
    1) and major one, 20Kgs in less then 5 months, ive done weight loss b4 and it took years, this time it's alot easier for the most part the previous times i had to cut out all red meat, in addition to eaten strictly veggie and fruit 3 days a week and i was alot more exercise including Karate related activities 10 hours a week + endless bushwalks and walking in general and i still only lost a fraction in several years that i've lost this time in just 5 months.

    - I fit into jeans 10cm's smaller then i started.
    - i have much more stamina
    - i my tummy has shrunken in considerably
    - sleeping better (ensomniac and sleep apnea b4)
    - blood pressure is in safe limits, b4 i started losing i was any day away from a disaster
    - people complimenting on obvious body change that i don't see.
    - willpower to just give up junk food, ice coffee, soda and cordial cold turkey and haven't been tempted once
  • seniorbug2003
    seniorbug2003 Posts: 67 Member
    Realizing that eating 2000 calories a day is really enough food and finding days that I am actually eating less than that. For me that is a big improvement. Also realizing that healthy food actually taste good and chocolate no longer has the appeal it once did.
  • ericnealdavis
    ericnealdavis Posts: 66 Member
    A lot of these are repeats of others but I figured I'd throw in too!

    I get cold now, something that NEVER happened to me before. The most annoying thing about that is my nose gets cold and it bugs the hell out of me.

    I don't sweat like a hog anymore and the heat doesn't bother me (which is good since I live in Florida).

    My wedding band doesn't fit. I have stored it and will get it resized when I reach my goal weight.

    My butt hurts when I sit on hard chairs.

    I have way more energy and I don't get sleepy in the afternoon anymore.

    If I don't exercise I have a hard time getting to sleep and I feel antsy all day.

    But when I do sleep, I sleep better.

    I can feel my ribs and I'm obsessed with the bump of my xiphoid process (I can never ever remember feeling it before).

    I'm obsessed with food and my calorie intake and I can't really enjoy a "cheat" day for worrying about how I'm sabotaging my weight loss.

    And finally, I expected to go down in clothes sizes but what I wasn't expecting was that my waist would end up being higher on my body. So, i bought new jeans with the correct waist size for me only to find out that I now need pants with a longer inseam!
  • pendii
    pendii Posts: 26 Member
    This summer I am 54 pounds lighter than I was last summer. I have been really surprised at how much less the heat bothers me. In the past I always felt like I was melting outside. Now the heat's not so bad. I mean... I still sunburn. haha. But I don't feel like I'm suffocating. Also I have soooo much more energy. Things like climbing stairs and hiking mountains are becoming easy.

    I have approached my weight loss as a life style change. I really have changed the way I eat and improved my exercise habits. I think one of the big surprises I have had is that a year later, the foods I crave have completely changed. Super sweet stuff rarely sounds good to me. Instead of brownies, I crave things like kale salad or blackberries.

    It might be a negative, it might be positive, not sure - my own perception of what healthy looks like has changed. Before this weight loss, my lowest weight in adulthood was when I got married 7 years ago. And at that time I was about 15-20 pounds overweight. After gaining 50+ over the years, I would always think I would be so happy just to be at my wedding weight my whole life. I am currently a few pounds under my wedding weight now, and I don't think I could be happy here. I am still about 13-14 pounds above the highest healthy weight for my height... not that BMIs are all that reliable. But I do think I can/should lose at least another 20-25 pounds. I don't want to be scary skinny. I just want to be safely inside that healthy weight range. And I wanna get there the healthy way. I guess once you see what is possible, you gain hope and determination to reach goals that you used to think were off limits for you.
  • wlaura88
    wlaura88 Posts: 69 Member
    I didn't realize how big I really looked until I saw how shocked people looked who hadn't seen me in a while. Also, I am starting to annoy my boyfriend and family because I constantly talk about food lol.

    OMG YES. I'm always obsessing over food. D:

    I too am guilty of this! I am obsessed with food.

    What's worse is that I'm becoming obnoxious at home. I am on a modified South Beach diet, so when I see people eating sugar and carbs I can be a little... preachy.

    I am noticing increased energy, ease of movement, and that I can really RUN again. But my absolute favorite thing to notice is when I put on a pair of "new" pants that have never been worn, only to realize I bought them two years ago and couldn't fit into them then. That is when it's all worth it!

    Yes I can get a little preachy too, especially when my mom says she wishes she could lose weight too because she doesn't want to do the work, just whine about it.
  • For me, being a previous anorexic, it is a huge, huge positive that I am finally realising that I CAN lose weight healthily, and that I can eat 2000 calories without putting on the pounds, sometimes even less, but within moderation! It's wonderful seeing the results over time, and being HAPPY with my body image now :)
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