Binge Eating Disorder

I had no idea that binge eating was an "eating disorder". After eating an entire bag of Ghirardelli squares I decided to do a little research. I feel helpless when I binge eat, always feeling justified or disconnected, not feeling like anything is wrong until after when depression hits. I get angry with myself and feel very depressed after I binge.

"Binge eating tops the list of eating disorders affecting Americans, with the first-ever national survey on eating disorders finding it much more prevalent than either anorexia or bulimia."
~ HealthDay News

Anorexia? Bulimia? Really? I knew I had a problem but...well I guess I've just started to realize how much of a problem it is.

"Every binge is different, just as every craving is different and every binge eater is different, but the scenario is most often the same: binge-eaters like to be alone with their behavior, often turning to late-night, early morning or even what I call "backseat" binges to ensure that no one sees their so-called "shameful" activities. Maybe the kids are asleep, the parents are out of town, the spouse is still at work, or the roommate just left for that big business trip or is still taking her semester exam. "

Yep, that's me. I love to stuff my face. I love that feeling of a full mouth. I hide from my kids. I hide from my husband or even have him participate by scooping him a huge bowl of ice cream too. His binge eating is worse than mine so...gosh. All too often I get up on my high horse (when I'm doing well with my food intake) and scoff at him, "sheesh! his weight is out of control...he needs to eat healthier...gross, is he really going to eat ALL of that?..." Judging him makes me feel embarrassing to admit that. Yes, I have a problem...

What? I guess I'm pretty common. There's a whole organization to help with this eating disorder.

Thanks for letting me say that out loud. I guess admitting there's a problem is the first step to overcoming my "eating disorder".


  • Tdaughtersmom
    Tdaughtersmom Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the references. I kinda knew I had some sort of problem, but didn't know it was an actual 'disorder' . I do feel very shameful about it.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I never binged before MFP, I don't know what my solution is - quit using MFP altogether? I love the forums, but the calorie counting has made me crazy. I feel like I need to try to just keep exercising and eat when I'm hungry, including sweets when I want, but within reason. I hate that I've turned into this, I've quit smoking cold turkey, just willpower, I feel like at some point I'm going to have to just man up and willpower myself over the binges too. Tomorrow right, haha, I used that excuse for years when trying to quit smoking.... Oh man I can't deal with binging and the following guilt for that long..... I suck.
  • You can try and take a break from MFP if you think that'll solve your binge eating. If it doesn't, come back. :-) Good luck!
  • If your wondering if you have an "eating disorder" take this test.
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